Good for You or Not Good for You? That is the Question Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. Good for You or Not Good for You? That is the Question Reading Answers has a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. In the question 1 to 5 you have to choose the correct heading for the paragraphs given. In the next question set, you have to tell whether the statement is true or false. In the last questions set, you have to choose the correct choice among given options
The IELTS Reading section is an essential part of the test that evaluates a candidate's comprehension and analysis of various passage types. You will work through a number of IELTS reading practice problems in this section that resemble actual test situations. These questions are designed to help you improve your ability to recognize essential concepts, extract particular facts, and make inferences. Practicing these IELTS reading problems can help you get comfortable with the structure and increase your confidence for the exam, regardless of whether you are studying for the Academic or General Training module.
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A. At no time in history has the world's population ever been so well-informed about nutrition and health. Consumers in the developed world are constantly bombarded with advertising messages which promote the health benefits of a wide range of food products. However, they are also exposed to the constant promotion of junk food as well. Fast food companies have become sensitive to the criticisms they face over the potential damage their food causes and have begun to vigorously defend the nutritional value of the meals they serve. With this constant flow of messages — often contradictory - how are today's consumers supposed to determine precisely what is healthy to eat?
B. According to nutritionist Susan McCaskill, many people today intend to eat healthily, but have become confused about how to do so. "It is not just that the traditional definitions Of a healthy diet have changed, though this is certainly significant. Many grew up being told that the more milk you drank, the healthier you would be. Then dairy foods became 'bad' in the eyes of many health professionals and many people sought alternatives to it. Now these alternatives are coming under the same sort of criticism.'
C. The alternative McCaskill is referring to is soya milk. A generation of consumers who were labelled allergic to cow's milk products embraced soya substitutes enthusiastically. In fact, the soya bean itself was promoted as a kind Of miracle food overall. Claims were made it had the potential to not only provide all the protein required for a healthy diet, but that it could prevent heart disease and cancer. Slogans such as "It's Soy Good for you..." began to appear in nutritional advice columns.
D. Now suddenly you can find messages on health-related websites claiming "It's not SOY good" and even "It's SOY bad for you.' A generation Of health-conscious eaters who previously abandoned milk products for soy are now worried and confused. The same Chemicals (known as isoflavones) in soya beans which were claimed to fight cancer and other diseases are now listed as the cause of some cancers, and are also implicated in hormonal problems and thyroid gland disorders. Dr David Steinman Of the Eastern Sydney University Medical School considers the praise of soya products in many alternative health circles to be without scientific foundation. 'Soya proponents suggest we look to the health statistics of Asian countries as proof of the benefits of soy. When we look closely at the countries where soya products are consumed regularly, it is clear that though they are widely used, they are also eaten in very moderate quantities. Many people seeking a healthy diet today are eating ten times that much soy, particularly through drinking vast amounts of soya milk and eating other non-traditional foods such as soya-based ice-cream."
E. Susan McCaskill considers the latest negative publicity about soy to be exaggerated, but she admits that it does raise some very relevant questions. "It still appears to me that soya beans have many notable nutritional benefits to offer, but the key thing here is moderation. What frequently happens now is that people go from eating much too much of one thing to eating too much of something else.'
F. Both McCaskill and Steinman concede that the recent soya controversy Is Just one example of how food fashions are confusing the health-conscious today. Red meat has often been blamed for high rates of heart disease and other health problems, then has been praised for Its high Iron content. Carbohydrate rich foods such as pasta, rice and potatoes have been promoted since the seventies as healthy staples of our diet, and then recently have received the blame for the growing numbers of people who are seriously overweight.
G. Dr Steinman echoes the words of McCaskill on one key point - moderation Is the most significant factor In any healthy diet, However, he fears that modern obsessions with perfect food habits can simply leave people so discouraged that they give up completely. 'If you rush to a new diet because you've been told your old one was bad, then find the new one has its own critics, what do you do next? I worry that many will simply stop thinking about healthy eating habits and head to the nearest fast food outlet."
H. It is certainly undeniable that the fast food industry is booming. Whether this is because of confused and discouraged eaters of health food is difficult to determine. What is clear, however, is that advertisers are working harder and harder to influence the world's eating habits, and that the needs of both health enthusiasts and fast food customers are now coming together: the fastest growing customer base in many major fast food chains is now people attracted by their new "healthy choices." The question remains: who will decide in the end precisely what a healthy choice is?
Questions 1-5
Reading Passage I has eight paragraphs, A—H.
Choose the correct heading for each paragraph
from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i—x.
i.A healthier option
ii.Asian countries know best
iii.Fast food companies go healthy
iv.A growing business
v. Importance of good eating habits
vi.Mixed messages
vii.A return to dairy products
viii.Healthy becomes unhealthy
ix.Allergies to dairy
x.Concern over negative
1. Paragraph C
Supporting statement:Claims were made it had the potential to not only provide all the protein required for a healthy diet
Keywords: provide, healthy
Keyword Location: Para C, Line 4
Explanation: According to the passage the soybean was marketed as a sort of miracle food. It was believed to have the ability to prevent cancer and heart disease in addition to offering all the protein needed for a balanced diet. People who were allergic to cow milk started using it as an alternative which was considered healthy.
2. Paragraph D
Answer: VIII
Supporting statement: "It's not SOY good" and even "It's SOY bad for you.'
Keywords: soy, bad
Keyword Location: Para D, Lines 1-2
Explanation: According to the passage, Once considered healthy soon became unhealthy. Health-conscious consumers who switched from milk to soy products are now concerned and baffled. The same chemicals found in soybeans, called isoflavones, that were once thought to prevent cancer and other illnesses are now linked to thyroid gland and hormone issues as well as some types of cancer.
3. Paragraph E
Answer: V
Supporting statement:"It still appears to me that soya beans have many notable nutritional benefits to offer, but the key thing here is moderation.
Keywords: benefits,moderation
Keyword Location: Para E, Line 3
Explanation: According to the passage the recent negative attention surrounding soy, according to Susan McCaskill, is overrated, although she acknowledges that it does bring up some important issues. Moderation is crucial, but she continues to believe that soybeans provide a lot of notable health benefits.
4. Paragraph G
Supporting statement: I worry that many will simply stop thinking about healthy eating habits and head to the nearest fast food outlet."
Keywords: stop, habits
Keyword Location: Para G, Lines 5-6
Explanation: According to the passage Dr. Steinman agrees with McCaskill on one thing that moderation is the most important component of any nutritious diet. He fears that people will simply stop thinking about healthy eating habits after getting discouraged and will go to eat at the nearest fast food outlet.
5. Paragraph H
Answer: III
Supporting statement: the fastest growing customer base in many major fast food chains is now people attracted by their new "healthy choices."
Keywords: fastest, healthy choices
Keyword Location: Para H, Lines 5-6
Explanation: According to the passage there is no denying that the fast Food industry is expanding, with the fastest-growing customer base in many major fast food chains being drawn in by their new "healthy choices."
Questions 6—10
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage I?
In boxes 6-7 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
6. Fast food companies admit that the food they serve is unhealthy.
Answer: FALSE
Supporting statement:have begun to vigorously defend the nutritional value of the meals they serve.
Keywords: vigorously, nutritional
Keyword Location: Para A, Line 6
Explanation: According to the passage, Companies that sell fast food have started to fiercely defend the nutritional content of their meals after becoming aware of the accusations they receive regarding the possible harm their food may cause.
7. Soy products have been proven to stop certain illnesses.
Answer: FALSE
Supporting statement:the praise of soya products in many alternative health circles to be without scientific foundation.
Keywords: praise, alternative
Keyword Location: Para D, Line 7
Explanation: According to the passage soy products are not scientifically proven to have any effect on any illness.
8. Some health-conscious people are overconsuming certain foods.
Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement:What frequently happens now is that people go from eating much too much of one thing to eating too much of something else.'
Keywords: eating, frequently
Keyword Location: Para E, Line 4
Explanation: The passage states that some health-conscious people sometimes start consuming a certain food type due to its nutritional benefits and suddenly shift to another food type very quickly.
9. One health expert worries that frustration might stop people maintaining a good diet.
Answer: TRUE
Supporting statement:I worry that many will simply stop thinking about healthy eating habits and head to the nearest fast food outlet."
Keywords: healthy, outlet
Keyword Location: Para G, Lines 5-6
Explanation: The passage mentions that Dr Steinman worries that people will stop maintaining a diet suddenly after getting dejected and will simply rush to the nearest fast food chain to eat some junk food.
I0. Fast food advertising will increasingly influence what people think is healthy.
Explanation: The passage does not contain any information regarding the increasing influence of fast food advertising on people making them believe it is healthy.
Questions 11-13
Choose the correct letter,
11.People are unsure about what is considered healthy because
A. dairy foods are now considered unhealthy.
B. the healthier replacements to unhealthy foods are being
C. Junk food is promoted as being healthy.
D. healthy foods are no longer available,
Answer: B
Supporting statement: how food fashions are confusing the health-conscious today.
Keywords: fashions, conscious
Keyword Location: Para F, Line 2
Explanation: The passage states that nowadays people are unsure and confused about the food they should eat as the once-considered unhealthy food is nowadays advertised as healthy and has many alternatives.
12.According to the article, soya can be considered healthy because
A. it has been found to be a miracle food.
B. it doesn't promote allergies as dairy products do.
C. healthy people in Asia eat it in average amounts.
D. it can prevent serious illnesses.
Answer: C
Supporting statement: Soya proponents suggest we look to the health statistics of Asian countries as proof of the benefits of soy.
Keywords: proponents, Asian
Keyword Location: Para D, Line 8
Explanation: Supporters of soya argue that the health data of Asian nations should be used as evidence of soy's advantages. It is evident from a detailed examination of the nations where soy products are commonly consumed that, despite their widespread use, If they are also consumed in modest amounts.
13.The main reason for the increase in fast food customers is
A. the option of healthier food.
B. effective advertising.
C. confusion about healthy food choices.
D. people giving up trying to eat healthy food.
Answer: A
Supporting statement:the fastest growing customer base in many major fast food chains is now people attracted by their new "healthy choices."
Keywords: customer, food chains
Keyword Location: Para H, Lines 5-6
Explanation: The passage states that the rapidly growing customer base of many prominent fast food chains is due to the healthy meal choice which is being provided to the customers.
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