Describe an Unusual Job Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Time You Were Friendly To Someone You Didnt like Cue C...Read More
Describe a Program or an App on Your Computer or Phone Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Company Where You Live that Employs a Lot of People Cu...Read More
Describe A Time When You Forgot Something Important Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Vacation You Would Recommend to Your Friend Cue Card...Read More
Describe an Educational TV Programme that you have Seen Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Serious Environmental Problem in Your Country Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Risk You Have Taken Which Had a Positive Result Cue Ca...Read More
A Memorable Event from your School Days Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Foreign Food You Would Like to Try Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Music Concert You have Seen Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Change That Will Improve Your Local Area Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Family Event You are Looking Forward To Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Successful Small Business That You Know Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Wedding Ceremony You Attended IELTS Cue Card...Read More
Describe a Bicycle Bike Car Tour IELTS Cue Card...Read More
Describe Something You Have Bought Recently Cue Card...Read More