The Importance of Business Cards Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Mar 19, 2025

The Importance of Business Cards Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. The Importance of Business Cards Reading Answers has a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. In the question set given you have to state whether the statement is true, false or not given.In the next set, you have to fill the blank with the correct answer only with one word each.

The IELTS Reading section is an essential part of the test that evaluates a candidate's comprehension and analysis of various passage types. You will work through a number of IELTS reading practice problems in this section that resemble actual test situations. These questions are designed to help you improve your ability to recognize essential concepts, extract particular facts, and make inferences. Practicing these IELTS reading problems can help you get comfortable with the structure and increase your confidence for the exam, regardless of whether you are studying for the Academic or General Training module.

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Section 1


The exchanging of business cards is as Close to a universal ritual as you can find in the business world.

The ritual may be universal, but the details of business cards and how they are swapped vary across countries. Americans throw their cards casually across a table; the Japanese make the exchange of cards a formal ceremony. While there are cards that are discreet and understated. others are crammed full of details and titles. Some business people hand out 24-carat gold cards, and there are kindergarten children who have cards with not only their own contact details, but also with the job descriptions of their parents and even grandparents. This practice has become so common in parts of New York, for example, that the use of such cards is now prohibited by some of these institutions.

Cards have been around a long time in one form or another. The Chinese invented calling cards in the 15th century to give people notice that they intended to pay them a visit, but these were for social purposes only. Then, in the 17th century, European business people invented a new type of card to act as miniature advertisements, signalling the advent of the business card. In

today's world, business cards can cause people to have strong emotional reactions. According to one experienced company director, very few things can provoke more heated discussion at a board meeting than the composition of the company's business cards. Lots of companies try to promote themselves by altering the form of the card. Employees at one famous toy company give out little plastic figures with their contact details stamped on them. One fast food company has business cards which are shaped like a portion of French fries. A Canadian divorce lawyer once gave out cards that could be torn in two- for each of the spouses. For many business commentators, such gimmicky business cards prove that the use of a physical business card is nearly at an end. After all, why bother exchanging bits of thick paper at all when you can simply swap electronic versions by smartphone. However, one can just as well argue the opposite: that business cards are here to stay, and in a business world full of meetings and correspondence, it is more important than ever that your card is unique. Attempts to reinvent business cards for the digital age have not been successful. Even at the latest technology conferences, people still greet each other by handing out little rectangles made from paper rather than using a digital alternative.

To understand business cards, it is necessary to understand how business works. That business cards are thriving in a digital age is a forceful reminder that there is much about business that is timeless. According to Kate Jones, a business lecturer, there is one eternal and To understand business cards, it is necessary to understand how business works. That business cards are thriving in a digital age is a forceful reminder that there is much about business that is timeless. According to Kate Jones, a business lecturer, there is one eternal and inescapable issue. Her 2006 Study of more than 200 business executives in North America

found that trust was the key element for running a successful business. It is vital to be able to look someone in the eye and decide what sort of person they are. In this way. you can transform acquaintanceships into relationships. A good proportion of business life will always be about building social connections - having dinner or playing port with clients and colleagues - and while computers can deal with administrative tasks. It is still human beings that have to focus on the emotional.

The rapid advance of globalisation means that this relationship building process is becoming ever more demanding Managers have to put more effort in when dealing with international counterparts, especially when there is not a common language, which is so often the case these days. A recent UK survey showed that chief executives of global organisations now routinely

spend three out of every four weeks on international travel It is in these situations that business cards are doubly useful, as they are a quick way of establishing connections. Cards can also remind you that you have actually met someone in a face to face meeting rather than just searched for them on the internet. Looking through piles of different cards can enhance your

memory in ways that simply looking through uniform electronic lists would never do. Janet McIntyre is a leading expert on business cards in today's world. She maintains that as companies become more complex, cards are essential in determining the exact status of every contact you meet in multinational corporations. Janet also explains how exchanging business cards can be an effective way of initiating a conversation, because it gives people a ritual to follow when they first meet a new business contact. The business world is obsessed with the idea of creating and inventing new things that will change the way we do everything, and this does lead to progress. But there are lots of things that do not need to be changed and in Janet

McIntyre's view, tradition also has an equally valuable role to play. Therefore the practice of exchanging business cards is likely to continue in the business world.

Questions 1-5

Do the following statements agree with the information

given in Reading passage I? Write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. Children's business cards have been banned in some kindergartens.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: That the use of such cards is now prohibited by some of these institutions.

Keywords: prohibited, institutions

Keyword Location: Para 1, Line 8

Explanation: The passage states that Kindergarteners who have cards containing their parents' and even grandparents' job descriptions in addition to their personal contact information. In some areas of New York, for instance, this practice has become so widespread that several of these institutions now ban the usage of these cards.

2. It was the Chinese Who first began the practice of using business cards.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement: The Chinese invented calling cards in the 15th century to give people notice that they intended to pay them a visit,

Keywords: Chinese, 15th century

Keyword Location: Para 2, Lines 2-3

Explanation: According to the Chinese invented calling cards in the 15th century not business cards, the cards used by them were used to inform the other person about their visit.

3. Designing business cards can be a controversial process for some companies.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: very few things can provoke more heated discussion at a board meeting than the composition of the company's business cards.

Keywords: heated discussion, composition

Keyword Location: Para 2, Lines 6-7

Explanation: The text mentions that designing business cards provokes more arguments and chaos in a company.

4. A famous toy company has boosted their sales by using one type of unusual business card.


Explanation: The text states no information regarding anything related to a famous toy company boosting their sales by using one type of unusual business card.

5. Some business commentators predict a decline in the use of paper business cards.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: many business commentators, such gimmicky business cards prove that the use of a physical business card is nearly at an end.

Keywords: commentators, business

Keyword Location: Para 2, Lines 11-12

Explanation: According to the text many business commentators predict that the paper business card will see a decline due to the innovative business card design used nowadays.

Questions 6-13

Choose ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


• The most important aspect of business is having 6…………. in others.

Answer: TRUST

Supporting statement: Her 2006 Study of more than 200 business executives in North America

found that trust was the key element for running a successful business.

Keywords:200 business executives, successful business

Keyword Location: Para 3, Lines 7-8

Explanation: According to business expert Kate Jones, there is one unavoidable and timeless problem as a result of her research, which involved more than 200 North American business executives, trust is essential to operating a successful business.

• 7……… not have the ability to establish the good relationships essential to business.


Supporting statement: while computers can deal with administrative tasks. It is still human beings that have to focus on the emotional.

Keywords: computers, human beings

Keyword Location: Para 3, Line 12

Explanation: According to the text computers can only deal with administrative tasks it cannot establish a good relationship with others for the working of a smooth business.


• Managers must work harder when they don't share the same 8………..with their contacts.


Supporting statement: especially when there is not a common language,

Keywords: especially, language

Keyword Location: Para 3, Line 3

Explanation: Managers must work harder when interacting with foreign colleagues, particularly when there is a language barrier to ensure the operation of an efficient business.

• A UK survey indicates that 9......... takes up the largest part of a business leader's time.

Answer: TRAVEL

Supporting statement: A recent UK survey showed that chief executives of global organisations now routinely spend three out of every four weeks on international travel

Keywords: UK, travel

Keyword Location: Para 4, Lines 4-5

Explanation: The text states that the chief executives of multinational corporations now frequently spend three of every four weeks traveling abroad, according to a recent UK survey.

• A business person's 10………of a meeting can be improved by looking at business cards.

Answer: MEMORY

Supporting statement: Looking through piles of different cards can enhance your memory in ways that simply looking through uniform electronic lists would never do.

Keywords: memory, electronic

Keyword Location: Para 4, Lines 8-9

Explanation: According to the text your memory can be improved by looking over decks of different business cards in ways that just looking through identical electronic lists could never achieve.


• Business cards clearly show the 11…………of each person in a large company.

Answer: STATUS

Supporting statement: cards are essential in determining the exact status of every contact you meet in multinational corporations.

Keywords: status, corporations

Keyword Location: Para 4, Lines 11-12

Explanation: The text mentions that business cards are important in determining the appropriate status of each person you meet in a corporate setup.

• The ritual of swapping business cards is a good way of starting a12……… at the beginning of a business relationship


Supporting statement: Janet also explains how exchanging business cards can be an effective way of initiating a conversation,

Keywords: exchanging, conversation

Keyword Location: Para 4, Lines 12-13

Explanation: Since it provides a custom to follow when meeting a new business contact, Janet claims that swapping business cards can be a successful strategy for starting a conversation.

• Janet feels that in the business world, 13........ is just as important as innovation.


Supporting statement: Janet McIntyre's view, tradition also has an equally valuable role to play.

Keywords: Janet McIntyre's, tradition

Keyword Location: Para 4, Lines 16-17

Explanation: According to Janet McIntyre, tradition too has a significant role to play. As a result, business card exchange is probably going to remain a prevalent trend.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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