The Bermuda Triangle Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Mar 6, 2025

The Bermuda Triangle Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. The Bermuda Triangle Reading Answers has a total of 6 IELTS questions in total. In the first question set you have to state whether the statement is true, false or not given. In the next question set given you have to fill the blanks with the correct option in no more than two words.

The IELTS Reading section is an essential part of the test that evaluates a candidate's comprehension and analysis of various passage types. You will work through a number of IELTS reading practice problems in this section that resemble actual test situations. These questions are designed to help you improve your ability to recognize essential concepts, extract particular facts, and make inferences. Practicing these IELTS reading problems can help you get comfortable with the structure and increase your confidence for the exam, regardless of whether you are studying for the Academic or General Training module.

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Section 1


The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami. Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron ofUS. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages. But although myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle, none of them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in Other well-travelled sections of the ocean. In fact, people navigate the area every day without incident.

The area referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, or Devil's Triangle, covers about 500,000 square miles of ocean off the South-Eastern tip of Florida. When Christopher Columbus sailed through the area on his first voyage to the New World, he reported that a great flame of fire (probably a meteor) crashed into the sea one night and that a strange light appeared in the distance a few weeks later. He also wrote about erratic compass readings, perhaps because at that time a sliver of the Bermuda Triangle was one of the few places on Earth where true north and magnetic north lined up. William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest,- which some scholars

claim was based on a real-life Bermuda shipwreck, may have enhanced the area's aura of mystery. Nonetheless, reports of unexplained disappearances did not really capture the public's attention until the 20th century. An especially infamous tragedy occurred in March 1918 when the USS Cyclops, a 542-foot-long Navy cargo ship with over 300 men and 10,000 tons of manganese ore onboard, sank somewhere between Barbados and the Chesapeake Bay. The Cyclops never sent out an SOS distress call despite being equipped to do so, and an extensive search found no wreckage. "Only God and the sea know what happened to the great ship" US. President Woodrow Wilson later said. In 1941 two of the Cyclops' sister ships similarly vanished without a trace along nearly the same route.

A pattern allegedly began forming in which vessels traversing the Bermuda Triangle would either disappear or be found abandoned. Then, in December 1945, five Navy bombers carrying 14 men took off from a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, airfield in order to conduct practice bombing runs over some nearby shoals. But With his compasses apparently malfunctioning, the leader of the mission, known as Flight 19, got severely lost. All five planes flew aimlessly until they ran low on fuel and were forced to ditch at sea.

That same day, a rescue plane and its 13-man crew also disappeared. After a massive weeks-long search failed to tum up any evidence, the official Navy report declared that it was -as if they had flown to Mars: By the time author Vincent Gaddis coined the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" in a 1964 magazine article, additional mysterious accidents had occurred in the area, including three passenger planes that went down despite having just sent “all's well" messages. Charles Berlitz, whose grandfather founded the Berlitz language schools, stoked the legend even further in 1974 with a sensational bestseller about the legend. Since then, scores of fellow paranormal writers have blamed the triangle's supposed lethalness on everything from aliens, Atlantis and sea monsters to time warps and reverse gravity fields, whereas more scientifically minded theorists have pointed to magnetic anomalies, waterspouts or huge eruptions of methane gas from the ocean floor.

In all probability, however, there is no single theory that solves the mystery. As one skeptic put it, trying to find a common cause for every Bermuda Triangle disappearance is no more logical than trying to find a common cause for every automobile accident in Arizona. Moreover, although storms, reefs and the Gulf Stream can cause navigational challenges there, maritime insurance leader Lloyd's ofLondon does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an especially hazardous place. Neither does the US. Coast Guard, which says: In a review of many aircraft and vessel losses in the area over the years, there has been nothing discovered that would indicate that casualties were the result of anything other than physical causes. No extraordinary factors have ever been identified”

Questions 1-8

Do the following statements agree with the information in the text?

In boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the text

FALSE if the statement does not agree with the text

NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the text

I. Aircraft and ships mysteriously vanished when travelling through the Bermuda Triangle.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement: Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared.

Keywords: dozens, disappeared.

Keyword Location: Para 1, Line 2

Explanation: According to the text dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared not only in Bermuda but also Puerto Rico.

2. There were many fictional explanations for the Bermuda Triangle.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: But although myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle,

Keywords: myriad fanciful, regarding

Keyword Location: Para 1, Line 6

Explanation: The text states that many fictional theories have been proposed regarding the incidents of disappearance of accidents in the Bermuda Triangle.

3. Many theories prove that mysterious incidents happened more often in the Bermuda Triangle than in other parts of the ocean.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement:none of them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in other well-travelled sections of the ocean

Keywords: mysterious disappearances, well-travelled

Keyword Location: Para 1, Lines 7-8

Explanation: The text mentions that no theory has been able to prove that many mysterious disappearances occur more frequently in the Bermuda Triangle in comparison to the other well-travelled sections of the ocean.

4. Many people still traveled through the Bermuda Triangle because they were not familiar with

the tales regarding mysterious accidents that had happened in the area.


Explanation: The text contains no information regarding people travelling through the Bermuda Triangle because they were not aware about the tales regarding mysterious accidents that had happened in the area.

5. Christopher Columbus was the first one to Visit the Bermuda Triangle.


Explanation: The text contains no information about Christopher Columbus being the first one to Visit the Bermuda Triangle although it has mention of him travelling through the place as a part of his first time travelling the world.

6. One of William Shakespeare's plays was based on an actual event that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement:William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest,- which some scholars

claim was based on a real-life Bermuda shipwreck

Keywords: William Shakespeare's, real-life

Keyword Location: Para 2, Lines 7-8

Explanation: According to the scholars the "The Tempest, a play written by William Shakespeare might be written based on a real-life Bermuda shipwreck

7. Only after the unexplained disappearance of a Navy ship did the Bermuda Triangle become

the center of the public's attention.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: An especially infamous tragedy occurred in March 1918 when the USS Cyclops, a 542-foot-long Navy cargo ship with over 300 men and 10,000 tons of

Keywords: especially infamous, Navy cargo ship

Keyword Location: Para 2, Lines 10-11

Explanation: The text states that the Bermuda Triangle become the center of the public's attention only after the infamous tragedy which occurred in March 1918 when the USS Cyclops, a 542-foot-long Navy cargo ship with over 300 men and 10,000 tons of manganese ore onboard, sank somewhere between Barbados and the Chesapeake Bay without sending out any SOS distress call despite being equipped to do so.

8. After a distress signal was sent from Cyclops. an extensive search was conducted yet

found no trace of the vessel.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement:The Cyclops never sent out an SOS distress call despite being equipped to do so, and an extensive search found no wreckage.

Keywords: Cyclops, SOS

Keyword Location: Para 2, Line 12

Explanation: According to the text no SOS distress call was made even after having the equipment to do so and also the extensive search to find the ship was futile.

Questions 9-13

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each.

9. The leader of Flight 19 and the whole squad got lost because his ……………..did not

work properly.


Supporting statement:But With his compasses apparently malfunctioning, the leader of the mission, known as Flight 19,

Keywords: compasses, Flight 19

Keyword Location: Para 3, Lines 4-5

Explanation: According to the text A group of 14 men in five Navy bombers took out from an airstrip in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in December 1945 to practice bombings over some local shoals. But Flight 19, the mission's leader, became seriously lost after his compasses mysteriously failed. Before running out of fuel and having to ditch at sea, all five aircraft flew in a state of confusion.

10. Before the phrase 'Bermuda Triangle" appeared in a magazine, unexplained……………

had been reported in this water.


Supporting statement:Bermuda Triangle" in a 1964 magazine article, additional mysterious accidents had occurred in the area

Keywords: 1964 magazine, mysterious accidents

Keyword Location: Para 4, Line 4

Explanation: The text mentions that three passenger planes that went down after sending "all's well" communication were among the other unexplained accidents in the region by the time author Vincent Gaddis first used the term "Bermuda Triangle" in a 1964 magazine article.

11. Charles Berlitz published a thrilling…………….. about the Bermuda Triangle.


Supporting statement: stoked the legend even further in 1974 with a sensational bestseller about the legend.

Keywords: 1974, sensational bestseller

Keyword Location: Para 4, Lines 6-7

Explanation: The text states that In 1974, Charles Berlitz, whose grandfather established the Berlitz language schools, added fuel to the rumor surrounding the Bermuda Triangle with writing a sensational bestseller about it.

12 & 13. The US Coast Guard says there is hardly any evidence indicative of………………

being the result of………..


Supporting statement: there has been nothing discovered that would indicate that casualties were the result of anything other than physical causes

Keywords: indicate, physical causes

Keyword Location: Para 5, Lines 7-8

Explanation: According to the US Coast Guard, nothing has been found in an examination of numerous aircraft and vessel losses in the region over the years that would suggest that those fatalities were caused by anything other than physical causes.


Supporting statement: No extraordinary factors have ever been identified”

Keywords: extraordinary factors, identified

Keyword Location: Para 5, Lines 8-9

Explanation: According to the US Coast Guard research done on the area there has been no extraordinary factor identified by them despite the mishaps that happen in the area.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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