Leopard Seal Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. Leopard Seal Reading Answers has a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. In the question set you have to answer the question about which paragraph contains the following information. In the next questions given you have to fill the blanks with the correct option in no more than two words. In the last question set you have to choose the correct answer in no more than two words or a number from the given passage.
The IELTS Reading section is an essential part of the test that evaluates a candidate's comprehension and analysis of various passage types. You will work through a number of IELTS reading practice problems in this section that resemble actual test situations. These questions are designed to help you improve your ability to recognize essential concepts, extract particular facts, and make inferences. Practicing these IELTS reading problems can help you get comfortable with the structure and increase your confidence for the exam, regardless of whether you are studying for the Academic or General Training module.
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A. Named for its spotted coat, ferocity, and superficial resemblance to the spotted 'big cat," the leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) is one of five species of “true" or phocid seals that live in Antarctica. Its status as an apex predator of the continent can be compared to that of
the tiger in Asia, the lion in Africa and the grizzly bear in North America. Leopard seals are found in circumpolar Antarctica, but there have been sightings as far north as the southern coasts of Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa. Population estimates
put their number at 220,000 to 440,000 individuals.
B. Leopard seals are the largest of the -true' (having no external ear flaps) Antarctic seals, and can grow to over II feet (3.3 meters) in length, With exceptionally large individuals weighing up to 1,300 pounds (590 kg). They are identified by their huge reptilian-like head, large toothy mouth, long neck, arched back and long powerful flippers with webbed digits (fingers and toes). The fur on the back is dark grey, the stomach light grey, and the throat area is white with characteristic black spots. Leopard seals can be confused with Weddell seals, which can also be spotted. Females are slightly larger than males.
C. With the exception of Antarctic fur seals which are ‘eared' seals, the leopard seal is a true seal like all other Antarctic seals. Even without external ear flaps they do have an ear canal with an external opening on both sides of their head. They can hear as well as humans when outside of the water and even better when underwater. Although it was long believed seals use sonar for navigation and locating food in conditions of low visibility, scientists now believe they use their movement-sensitive whiskers to navigate and to locate much of their prey by following hydrodynamic turbulence trailing from fish, squid, penguins and other seals in dark or murky water.
D. During the Antarctic summer (November—April), leopard seals hunt among the pack ice surrounding the Antarctic continent, spending almost all of their time (except for breeding) in the water. In the winter (May-October) they range northward to the sub Antarctic islands.
E. Solitary by nature, leopard seals come on land (ice) only during the breeding season and then only in pairs or small groups. Pupping generally takes place during November and December. Females dig a hole in the fast ice where they will give birth to a single pup after
a 9 to II-month gestation period (implantation can be delayed by up to two months). The pups weigh about 66 pounds (30 kg) at birth and nurse for about one month. The female protects the pups until they can take care of themselves; males do not participate in parental care. Male leopard seals reach sexual maturity between ages 6 and 7, females between 3 and 7 years of age. Mating generally takes place after the pupping season in February when the females are in estrus. Mating takes place in the water.
F. Leopard seals' acute hearing, sight and smell, coupled with their streamlined bodies that move with agility and speed, have established them as one of the top predators of the Antarctic. While krill are an important food for leopard seals, their diet also includes a significant
number of warm-blooded animals, including other seals. The leopard seal's jaw is adapted to a varied diet. Lobes on the sides of the mouth filter krill and their mouths have a remarkable looseness—opening to more than 160 degrees—that enables them to feed on large marine mammals. Their long, sharp teeth are well adapted for cutting and tearing prey. Being a highly-evolved predator, leopard seals eat krill (estimated at 45% of their diet), other seals (30%), penguins (10%), and fish and cephalopods (10%). In summer, leopard seals patrol penguin rookeries, waiting underwater near an ice shelf and snaring the birds just as they enter the water after jumping off the ice. They have also been seen coming up beneath seabirds resting on the water surface and snatching them in their jaws.
G. Unlike other seal species that swim by moving their hind limbs from side to side, leopard seals are graceful swimmers, using long, powerful, simultaneous strokes with their forelimbs. When underwater, their nose closes automatically and doesn't reopen until they surface. They can remain underwater for 15-30 minutes, even sleeping under the water and resurfacing for air without waking. As shallow -water hunters, they do not dive deep. On the ice leopard seals are generally quiet. Underwater they produce trills, grunts, low frequency moans and growling noises.
H. Leopard seals may live for 26 years or longer. Their only known natural predators are the orca whale and some large sharks. Leopard seals exhibit a ferocious nature with their prey. but they rarely interact with humans—although visitors to Antarctica are generally warned to keep their distance.
Questions 1-5
Reading Passage I has eight sections, A-H.
Which section contains the following information?
Write the correct letter, A-H.
1. a change in scientific beliefs about the sense that leopard seals use for underwater navigation
Answer: C
Supporting statement: scientists now believe they use their movement-sensitive whiskers to navigate and to locate much of their prey
Keywords: movement-sensitive, navigate
Keyword Location: Para C, Lines 5-6
Explanation: According to the text scientists now think that seals use their movement-sensitive whiskers to navigate and locate much of their prey by following hydrodynamic turbulence trailing from fish, squid, penguins, and other seals in dark or murky water, despite the long-held belief that seals use sonar for navigation and food location in low visibility situations.
2. Leopard seal's contrasting characteristics in and out of the sea.
Answer: G
Supporting statement:When underwater, their nose closes automatically and doesn't reopen until they surface.
Keywords: underwater, surface
Keyword Location: Para G, Line 3
Explanation: According to the text Leopard seal's nose naturally closes while underwater and doesn't open again until they come to the surface. They can sleep underwater and come to the surface for air without waking up, and they can stay underwater for 15 to 30 minutes.
3. A reference of body parts that evolve to be able to consume various foods
Answer: F
Supporting statement: The leopard seal's jaw is adapted to a varied diet.
Keywords: jaw, adapted
Keyword Location: Para F, Line 4
Explanation: The text clearly states that the jaw of a leopard seal has evolved to accommodate a variety of foods. Their jaws are remarkably loose, expanding to almost 160 degrees, which allows them to prey on huge marine mammals. Lobes on the sides of the mouth filter krill. They can effectively cut and tear prey with their long, pointed teeth.
4. The time and place of leopard seals' reproduction.
Answer: E
Supporting statement: Pupping generally takes place during November and December. Females dig a hole in the fast ice where they will give birth to a single pup after a 9 to II-month gestation period.
Keywords: November and December, hole
Keyword Location: Para E, Lines 2-3
Explanation: According to the text, Leopard seals only visit surface (ice) in pairs or small groups during the breeding season. Typically, pupping occurs in November and December. After nine to two months of gestation (implantation can be delayed by up to two months), females excavate a hole in the fast ice in which they will give birth to a single pup.
5. A reference of the only natural enemies that can threaten leopard seals
Answer: H
Supporting statement: Their only known natural predators are the orca whale and some large sharks.
Keywords: natural predators, orca whale
Keyword Location: Para H, Lines 1-2
Explanation: According to the text The orca whale and a few huge sharks are the only known natural predators of these animals.
Question 6-11
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each.
Leopard seals' status in6……………… is similar to that of other predators like tigers or lions.
Supporting statement: Its status as an apex predator of the continent can be compared to that of the tiger in Asia, the lion in Africa and the grizzly bear in North America.
Keywords: apex predator, compared
Keyword Location: Para A, Line 3
Explanation: The text mentions that the leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) is comparable to tigers in Asia, lions in Africa, and grizzly bears in North America in its position as the continent's top predator.
These mammals do not have external ear flaps and although their body shape is identifiable, they closely resemble 7………..(both are spotted).
Supporting statement: Leopard seals can be confused with Weddell seals,
Keywords: confused, seals
Keyword Location: Para B, Line 6
Explanation: Due to their external ear flaps and close resemblance to the Weddell seals the Leopard seals are greatly confused to be the same.
Leopard seals have relatively good hearing but scientists today believe they use their8……….
for navigation and hunting
Supporting statement: scientists now believe they use their movement-sensitive whiskers to navigate and to locate much of their prey by following
Keywords: scientists, locate
Keyword Location: Para C, Lines 5-6
Explanation: According to the text scientists now think that seals use their movement-sensitive whiskers to navigate and locate much of their prey
(by tracking 9………….. from their prey), rather than sonar. Leopard seals can be seen as a solitude animal.
Supporting statement: navigate and to locate much of their prey by following hydrodynamic turbulence trailing from fish, squid, penguins and other seals
Keywords :prey, hydrodynamic
Keyword Location: Para C, Lines 6-7
Explanation: According to the text they use hydrodynamic turbulence trailing from their prey to locate them.
They give birth on ice in a I0…………. made by the female, and only female leopard seals take care of the pups.
Answer: HOLE
Supporting statement: Females dig a hole in the fast ice where they will give birth to a single pup
Keywords: dig, hole
Keyword Location: Para E, Line 3
Explanation: The text states that to give birth to a single pup a female digs a hole on the ice.
While some seals use their hind legs to swim, leopard seals move underwater with their strong11…………..
Supporting statement: simultaneous strokes with their forelimbs. When underwater,
Keywords: strokes, forelimbs
Keyword Location: Para G, Line 2
Explanation: Leopard seals are elegant swimmers who use long, strong, synchronous strokes with their forelimbs, in contrast to other seal species who move their hind limbs from side to side.
Questions 12-13
A NUMBER for each answer.
12. What do leopard seals have on both sides of their head?
Supporting statement: Even without external ear flaps they do have an ear canal with an external opening on both sides of their head.
Keywords: ear flaps, ear canal
Keyword Location: Para C, Lines 2-3
Explanation: Despite the lack of external ear flaps, they have an ear canal with an external opening on each side of their head. Outside of the water, they can hear just as well as people, and underwater, they can hear even better.
13. When would leopard seals migrate to the north of the continent?
Answer: WINTER
Supporting statement: In the winter (May-October) they range northward to the sub Antarctic islands
Keywords: winter, northward
Keyword Location: Para D, Line 3
Explanation: According to the text the seals move north to the sub Antarctic islands in the winter.
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