Volunteers for Train Station Helpers is an IELTS Reading Answers which contains 13 questions and needs to be completed within 20 minutes. This reading answer also helps you to prepare for your IELTS exam. Volunteers for Train Station Helpers consist of questions like: Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage? Participants should go through the IELTS Reading passage to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions. Also, Volunteers for Train Station Helpers Reading Answers talks about a job profile, which is to volunteer as a train station helper. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.
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Many thanks for offering your valuable time to volunteer as a train station helper to help those in need of assistance.
REGISTRATION: Please remember to sign in and sign out every time you work a shift. This is essential owing to insurance law and emergency situations. The book is located in the staffroom on the 'office on duty' desk. Please remember to collect an official 'volunteer' badge from the orange box on the desk, and you are reminded to return it promptly after your shift. It is policy that this badge must be worn and visible at all times.
GUIDELINES ON SMOKING: Smoking is banned entirely at all locations in and around the train station except for two clearly designated smoking rooms where it is permitted to smoke. Please note that this includes both real cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
REFRESHMENTS POLICY: As an official volunteer you are entitled to a complimentary meal voucher for each full 5-hour shift that you work. This can only be redeemed in the official staff canteen that is easily found towards the rear of the West building. Complimentary hot drinks and cold water is constantly available too in the staff changing rooms.
AVAILABILITY FOR WORK: It is understood that you are offering up your own free time to volunteer as a helper and therefore you are flexible. If anything should change in your availability please contact the volunteer coordinator directly on the phone number given (text or call). Your work shifts will be prepared a week in advance, and will be both emailed to you and posted on the staff notice board schedule.
ADVICE ON PERSONAL WELFARE: Your safety is the upmost importance when working in a busy and bustling station filled with trains and passengers coming and going regularly in peak hours. You are strongly urged always to remain alert and vigilant because of this. In addition, any existing health concerns and conditions you have must be notified to the coordinator for legal reasons.
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: To be situated in pairs at designated help desks located at certain points around the station to assist passengers with general enquiries and information.
A CURRICULUM VITAE (CV for short and Latin for "the story of your life") is a detailed summary of your past experience. Its purpose is to set out your details in a precise, factual and interesting manner. It allows you to tell an employer what you can do and what skills you have, letting him or her know quickly and easily whether or not you have something to offer each other. First of all, we'll outline some crucial data that should always be included in your CV. Information that should be included:
PERSONAL DETAILS: These should include your full name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and any other details you wish to include, e.g. marital status, nationality.
EDUCATION, QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING: As well as schools and any exams passed, mention any part-time courses you have been on. Accurate dates are very important. You can also include here the information concerning grants or awards you may have obtained during your academic life. WORK EXPERIENCE (includes school work experience, part-time work, and voluntary work) Put these in order starting with the first or last job you had. Say where the job was, give the job title and say briefly what you did. If you had any gaps, eg. because of unemployment or bringing up a family, include them. Try to highlight the experience you have had and try to be positive.
SKILLS: This can be, for some people, a very important section because it tells the employer what you have learned from past experiences and what you can bring to the new job.
LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: In this section you should list the languages you know and how well you know them. As a guide, you can use the following scale in order to rate your knowledge of those languages: basic, average, fluent, native. Example: Spanish: native, English: fluent, French: basic.
INTERESTS/ HOBBIES: This area is important because it says a lot about the type of person you are. Try to include one where you mix with others.
REFEREES: Always ask a person's permission to use his/her name. You usually need to supply two names, preferably including one who has known you in a work setting. Give their job titles and full address and telephone number.
Questions 8-14
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this
8. You are required to record your attendance at the beginning of your shift only.
Answer: False
Supporting statement: "Please remember to sign in and sign out every time you work a shift."
Keywords: sign in, shift
Keyword Location: para 2, line 1
Explanation: The statement contradicts the text, which clearly states that attendance must be recorded both at the start and end of a shift.
9. The volunteer badges to be worn by the volunteers are bright orange.
Answer: Not Given
Explanation: The passage only mentions that badges are collected from the "orange box" but does not specify the badge color.
10. The volunteer badges are optional to wear when working in the station.
Answer: False
Supporting statement: "It is policy that this badge must be worn and visible at all times."
Keywords: worn, badge
Keyword Location: para 2, line 3
Explanation: The text explicitly states that wearing the badge is mandatory, not optional.
11. Work schedules prepared seven days prior to the working week can be checked via a weekly email.
Answer: True
Supporting statement: "Your work shifts will be prepared a week in advance, and will be both emailed to you and posted on the staff notice board schedule."
Keywords: week in advance, emailed
Keyword Location: para 5, line 3-4
Explanation: The statement aligns with the information, confirming schedules are emailed and posted a week in advance.
12. Current health issues should be passed on to the coordinator for reasons of good working practices.
Answer: False
Supporting statement: "Any existing health concerns and conditions you have must be notified to the coordinator for legal reasons."
Keywords: health concerns, coordinator
Keyword Location: para 6, line 3
Explanation: The text states legal requirements as the reason, not good working practices.
13. Volunteers shall be placed individually at specific locations in and around the station to offer help to passengers.
Answer: False
Supporting statement: "To be situated in pairs at designated help desks located at certain points around the station to assist passengers with general enquiries and information."
Keywords: help desks, assist passengers
Keyword Location: para 7, line 1
Explanation: The passage specifies that volunteers work in pairs, not individually.
14. Vigilance and alertness are essential characteristics for maintaining health and safety in the station for both staff and for passengers.
Answer: True
Supporting statement: "You are strongly urged always to remain alert and vigilant because of this."
Keywords: remain alert, vigilant
Keyword Location: para 6, line 2
Explanation: The statement aligns with the text, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and alertness for safety.
Questions 15-20
Do the following statements agree with the
information given in the reading passage?
In boxes 15 - 20 on your answer sheet write:
MUST DO - if the statement agrees with the information
MAY NOT DO - if the statement contradicts the information
MAY DO - if there is no information on this
15. The Inclusion of being married.
Answer: Must Do
Supporting statement: "These should include your full name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and any other details you wish to include, e.g. marital status, nationality."
Keywords: include, marital status
Keyword Location: Personal Details para 1, line 2
Explanation: The passage explicitly states that marital status is part of the information that may be included in the "Personal Details" section of a CV.
16. Contact information so you can be contacted.
Answer: Must Do
Supporting statement: "These should include your full name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and any other details you wish to include."
Keywords: include, telephone number
Keyword Location: Personal Details para 1, line 1-2
Explanation: The passage explicitly states that contact information such as telephone numbers and email addresses should be included.
17. Describing part-time courses completed.
Answer: Must Do
Supporting statement: "As well as schools and any exams passed, mention any part-time courses you have been on."
Keywords: mention, part-time courses
Keyword Location: Education, Qualification and Training para 1, line 2
Explanation: The passage clearly specifies that part-time courses should be mentioned in the education section of the CV.
18. Being vague with dates for courses and exams taken.
Answer: May Not Do
Supporting statement: "Accurate dates are very important."
Keywords: Accurate dates, important
Keyword Location: Education, Qualification and Training para 1, line 3
Explanation: The text explicitly states the importance of providing accurate dates, meaning being vague is not allowed.
19. Mentioning grants and awards given.
Answer: Must Do
Supporting statement: "You can also include here the information concerning grants or awards you may have obtained during your academic life."
Keywords: include, grants or awards
Keyword Location: Education, Qualification and Training para 1, line 4
Explanation: The text specifically mentions including grants or awards in the CV.
20. Order work experience from the very first to the most recent.
Answer: May Not Do
Supporting statement: "Put these in order starting with the first or last job you had."
Keywords: order, with the first or last
Keyword Location: Work Experience para 1, line 1
Explanation: The passage suggests listing work experience starting with the last (most recent) job, which contradicts ordering it from the very first.
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