Playing Soccer is a generic topic for IELTS Reading Answers. Playing Soccer Reading Answers comprise a total of 13 IELTS questions. For the given set of questions (Questions No. 14-19), you must read the passage properly and choose the correct heading from the list of headings given. After that, for the other questions (Questions No. 20-23), you have to pick any two reasons mentioned in the passage. And finally, for the remaining set of questions (Questions No. 24-26), you have to fill the statements with the correct words from the passage (in ONE WORD only).
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There are many differences between playing soccer in the street and joining a youth team in an organized league in the USA.
A. Street soccer, as its name implies, is an informal variation of the sport, often played on the street, particularly in urban areas. There are many reasons for the widespread popularity of street soccer. Unlike youth soccer, its more formally organized counterpart, no large space is needed, and goal posts, corner markers, and marked lines, associated with the formal game, are typically absent, as are game officials or referees. Another attraction of street soccer is that it is played frequently and competitively, but does not necessarily require standard 11-a-side teams or fixed playing positions. Unlike in youth soccer, inexperienced street soccer players rarely learn from repetitive technical and tactical drills. Instead, they learn from their poor performance in competition, unconscious of the skills they are nonetheless developing, and without older adults or coaches present. Players learn without effort through playing the game and soon attain an almost natural feeling for the sport.
B. However, there are lots of cities in the world today where conditions are such that street soccer is no longer possible. Congested traffic now dominates where games were once played. Parks and open fields are used as hangouts for older teenagers with other interests. Add to this the requirement in many localities for official permits to use public spaces and the managed schedules that many young people have today, and spontaneous play of any kind is hard to imagine.
C. Despite all these obstacles, which are probably solvable in most instances, there is another sociological explanation of why in many places street soccer doesn't enjoy the same popularity it once did. In his book How Soccer Explains the World, US writer Franklin Foer observes: But for all the talk of freedom, the 1960s parenting style had a far less relaxed side too. Like the 1960s consumer movement which brought seat belts and airbags to cars, the (youth) soccer movement felt like it could create a set of... regulations that would protect both the child's body and mind from damage. Soccer leagues like the one I played in as a child handed out 'participation' prizes to every player, no matter how few games his (or her) team won. Whereas most of the world accepts the practice of using your head to hit the ball as an essential element of the game, some (youth) soccer parents have worried about the potential for injury to the brain. An entire industry grew up to manufacture protective headgear. Even though very little medical evidence supports this fear, some youth leagues prohibited heading the ball altogether.
D. A growing body of people don't believe street soccer involves a legitimate educational method. They argue that children need to be taught by experts. Youth soccer instruction now begins with four-year-olds, so that they will have an advantage as six-year-olds. This need to get ahead brings with it a fear of falling behind that only expert instruction can prevent. This type of instruction leaves no room for the trial-and-error approach of street soccer.
E. One of the basic ideas of street soccer is that young players are assigned a particular role by a better player and are expected to play for the good of the team. Such an assignment runs counter to the idea of youth soccer that every child needs to learn every position and will benefit from doing so. In street soccer, you fill the role that you are best suited to at a particular time. While this role assignment can change from game to game, the purpose is always the same: to get the best out of each individual at any given moment.
F. In tartlet soccer, children have to learn patience, to wait their turn, to realize that they are not entitled to make decisions, or even be listened to simply because they allow up. Positions of responsibility are earned through competition within the team. Younger players in street soccer must wait to attain those positions. In youth soccer, however, with its overly democratic values, youngsters are guaranteed their time in the spotlight. Whether it's their turn to be captain, to play a central position, or to take a crucial shot, youth soccer players come to believe that hard work and patience aren't really necessary.
G. Not only does every youth soccer player get a chance, it is assumed that each individual has played well. 'Everyone's a winner, no one's a loser' is a guiding principle of youth soccer. This ensures each individual goes away positive about themselves. No one can leave a game or practice feeling bad. But, if there are no losers, then why try at all? Since giving less than your best receives the same reward as giving your best, why go to any extra effort? In street soccer, every game results in a winner and a loser, and everyone knows who is who. Losing a game is a common experience, and players learn early on how to handle this. As a result, unlike most youth soccer players, they acquire resilience. A further difference between these two strands of soccer is that in street soccer, a formal record is not kept. You can lose one day and win the next. The results are only temporary and are forgotten within minutes of the end of the match. But in organized youth soccer, the position each person plays, and the results, are formally noted and maintained throughout a season.
Questions 14-19
Write the correct letter, A-G. Reading Passage 2 has seven sections, A-G. Which section contains the following information?
14. A contrast between the ways young players gain experience in playing different positions
Answer: Paragraph E
Supporting statement: “.........In street soccer, you fill the role that you are best suited to at a particular time. While this role assignment can change from game to game, the purpose is always the same: to get the best out of each individual at any given moment..........”
Keywords: Street, Soccer, Role, Assignment
Keyword Location: para 5, Line 4-7
Explanation: Paragraph E contrasts how young players gain experience in positions. In street football, players take up roles based on their strengths, whereas youth football encourages rotation across positions.
15. Examples of outside sports of greater emphasis on individual safety
Answer: Paragraph C
Supporting statement: “.........An entire industry grew up to manufacture protective headgear. Even though very little medical evidence supports this fear, some youth leagues prohibited heading the ball altogether...........”
Keywords: Industry, Manufacture, Headgear, Medical
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 12-15
Explanation: Paragraph C discusses the focus on personal safety in youth soccer, including the use of protective headgear and banning heading the ball, driven by parental concerns over potential injuries.
16. A description of methods of selection for leadership on soccer teams
Answer: Paragraph F
Supporting statement: “.........Positions of responsibility are earned through competition within the team. Younger players in street soccer must wait to attain those positions. In youth soccer, however, with its overly democratic values, youngsters are guaranteed their time in the spotlight...........”
Keywords: Soccer, Responsibility, Competition, Team
Keyword Location: para 6, Line 3-6
Explanation: Paragraph F discusses how, unlike youth football, where democratic values ensure everyone gets a turn, leadership roles in street football are earned through competition within the team, teaching patience and responsibility.
17. Details of urban changes that discourage street soccer
Answer: Paragraph B
Supporting statement: “.........Congested traffic now dominates where games were once played. Parks and open fields are used as hangouts for older teenagers with other interests...........”
Keywords: Congested, Traffic, Games, Parks
Keyword Location: para 2, Line 2-4
Explanation: Paragraph B describes the urban changes that make street football less viable, such as congested traffic, lack of available venues, and the need for official permits.
18. A mention of the lesson that failure teaches street soccer players
Answer: Paragraph G
Supporting statement: “.........Losing a game is a common experience, and players learn early on how to handle this. As a result, unlike most youth soccer players, they acquire resilience............”
Keywords: Common, Experience, Players, Handle
Keyword Location: para 7, Line 7-9
Explanation: Paragraph G clearly states that losing games is a normal experience, and players quickly learn to deal with it. As a result, unlike most youth football players, they acquire resilience. This directly addresses the lessons that failure teaches street soccer players.
19. An explanation of why youth soccer emphasizes the need for coaches
Answer: Paragraph D
Supporting statement: “.........A growing body of people don't believe street soccer involves a legitimate educational method. They argue that children need to be taught by experts.............”
Keywords: Growing, People, Believe, Educational
Keyword Location: para 4, Line 1-2
Explanation: Youth soccer emphasizes the need for coaches as children are believed to require expert instruction to gain advantages, as trial-and-error learning is considered inadequate in street soccer.
Questions 20 and 21
Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO of these reasons are mentioned by the writer of the text?
The list below gives some possible reasons for the popularity of street soccer.
A. Many famous soccer players got their start in street soccer.
B. Young people can begin playing street soccer at a very early age.
C. You do not need elaborate facilities to play street soccer.
D. Inexperienced street soccer players are not criticized for mistakes.
E. Street soccer teams can have varying numbers of players.
Answer: C (You do not need elaborate facilities to play street soccer)
Supporting statement: “.........Unlike youth soccer, its more formally organized counterpart, no large space is needed, and goal posts, corner markers, and marked lines, associated with the formal game, are typically absent, as are game officials or referees..............”
Keywords: Youth, Organized, Space, Goal
Keyword Location: para 1, Line 3-6
Explanation: Street soccer does not require large venues or formal equipment such as goalposts, corner markers, or referees, making it easier to organize and more accessible.
Answer: E (Street soccer teams can have varying numbers of players.)
Supporting statement: “............Another attraction of street soccer is that it is played frequently and competitively, but does not necessarily require standard 11-a-side teams or fixed playing positions............”
Keywords: Attraction, Frequently, Street, Teams
Keyword Location: para 1, Line 6-8
Explanation: Street soccer teams are flexible and do not require standard 11-a-side teams, making them adaptable to a variety of situations.
Questions 22 and 23
Choose TWO letters, A-E. The list below shows some possible results of the 1960s parenting style.
Which TWO of these results are mentioned by Franklin Foer in the excerpt from How Soccer Explains the World?
A. Participation in youth soccer became much more expensive.
B. Some youth soccer leagues adopted more restrictive rules of play.
C. Fewer young people joined youth soccer teams.
D. Youth soccer players were sometimes rewarded for simply playing in games.
E. Soccer equipment manufacturers directed advertising toward parents.
Answer: B (Some youth soccer leagues adopted more restrictive rules of play.)
Supporting statement: “............Even though very little medical evidence supports this fear, some youth leagues prohibited heading the ball altogether.............”
Keywords: Leagues, Youth, Prohibited, Evidence
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 13-15
Explanation: More restrictive rules, such as banning heading the ball, were adopted to address safety concerns.
Answer: D (Youth soccer players were sometimes rewarded for simply playing in games.)
Supporting statement: “............Soccer leagues like the one I played in as a child handed out 'participation' prizes to every player, no matter how few games his (or her) team won..............”
Keywords: Rewarded, Prizes, Player, Games
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 8-10
Explanation: Youth soccer players were rewarded for participating regardless of their team's performance, promoting an "everyone is a winner" mentality.
Questions 24-26
Choose ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
24. For youth soccer players, a key _____24______ is that they should always come away from the game with a positive attitude
Answer: Principle
Supporting statement: “............Everyone's a winner, no one's a loser is a guiding principle of youth soccer. This ensures each individual goes away positive about themselves...............”
Keywords: Principle, Winner, Loser, Guiding
Keyword Location: para 7, Line 2-3
Explanation: The main concept for young soccer players is the principle that everyone is a winner, ensuring a positive attitude.
25. In this respect, regardless of the effort the players make, they get some kind of ______25______ at the end of a game.
Answer: Reward
Supporting statement: “............Everyone's a winner, no one's a loser is a guiding principle of youth soccer. This ensures each individual goes away positive about themselves...............”
Keywords: Guiding, Individual, Positive, Reward
Keyword Location: para 7, Line 2-3
Explanation: In youth soccer, every player receives some type of reward regardless of their performance, creating a culture where effort does not necessarily correlate to results.
26. But the outcome of a match isn't remembered for long. In fact, no one ever keeps a _____26_____ of the results of games
Answer: Record
Supporting statement: “............A further difference between these two strands of soccer is that in street soccer, a formal record is not kept. ...............”
Keywords: Formal, Record, Difference, Strands
Keyword Location: para 7, Line 9-11
Explanation: The above passage states, "Formal records are not kept," indicating that no permanent documentation of the game's results is kept.
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