Managing Performance Reading Answers is a generic topic for IELTS Reading Answers. Managing Performance Reading Answers, in total, consist of 6 IELTS questions. In the given set of questions (Questions No. 22-27), you have to pick the paragraph's correct letter that satisfies the information asked in the given statement after thoroughly reading the passage.
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A. The best businesses are always improving their operations to stay competitive in their sector. To be able to do this, employees and managers need to be performing to a high standard. High performance in business means increased productivity, engaged and committed employees, and retaining good employees. Poorly performing employees can hurt a business, for example, they might create unhappy customers or clients, decrease productivity, and create an unmotivated and underperforming workforce.
B. Underperformance, or poor performance, is when an employee isn't doing their job properly or is behaving unacceptably at work. It includes various unacceptable behaviors, and these behaviors should be recorded in the employee behavior policy.
C. It's important to understand the difference between underperformance and serious misconduct. The latter is when an employee causes serious and imminent risk to the health and safety of another person or to the reputation or profits of their employer's business, or deliberately behaves in a way that's inconsistent with continuing their employment. Examples of serious misconduct include theft, fraud, assault, and refusing to carry out work duties
D. The best way to manage underperformance is to make sure it doesn't happen in the first place. Communication Is the key. Steps that employers can take to help prevent underperformance include listing behavioral and outcome expectations in position descriptions, addressing any issues as soon as possible, having regular performance reviews to outline expectations from the beginning, and encouraging employees to talk to a manager or employer if they have any questions or concerns.
E. If an employee is underperforming, a private consultation can be arranged for the employee and employer to discuss the situation. It's a good idea for the employer to tell the employee what the discussion is about and ask them if they want to bring a support person along. Be clear about what the issues or concerns are, and listen to the other person. Make sure both parties have discussed and agreed on a solution together, including clear and reasonable steps for improvement, and document the meeting and outcomes. It's important to be clear about what could happen and what the employee's responsibilities are. This can also help prevent employees from feeling they're being picked on if an issue does come up.
F. After an employer has explained their concerns to an employee and provided them with strategies on how to improve performance, regular follow-up meetings should be held. They can be used as an opportunity to talk about progress and see if there's any further help or support the employee needs, such as formal or informal training. Where performance has improved, employers should make sure they appreciate this.
Questions 22-27
There is some advice on managing employee performance, A-F. Write the correct letter, A-F. Which section of the advice mentions the following information?
22. Clear notes should be kept of any meeting with an underperforming employee
Answer: Paragraph E
Supporting statement: “........Make sure both parties have discussed and agreed on a solution together, including clear and reasonable steps for improvement, and document the meeting and outcomes..........”
Keywords: Clear, Meeting, Parties, Solution
Keyword Location: para 5, Line 5-7
Explanation: Section E discusses arranging a private consultation with the employee and emphasizes documenting the meeting and outcomes. Keeping clear notes ensures transparency and prevents misunderstandings.
23. Behavior that threatens the physical well-being of a fellow employee is not underperformance.
Answer: Paragraph C
Supporting statement: “........The latter is when an employee causes serious and imminent risk to the health and safety of another person or to the reputation or profits of their employer's business, or deliberately behaves in a way that's inconsistent with continuing their employment..........”
Keywords: Employee, Serious, Health, Business
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 2-5
Explanation: Section C distinguishes poor performance from serious misconduct, which includes behavior that poses a serious threat to the health and safety of another person.
24. Performance management can help companies match their industry's competitors.
Answer: Paragraph A
Supporting statement: “........The best businesses are always improving their operations to stay competitive in their sector. To be able to do this, employees and managers need to be performing to a high standard..........”
Keywords: Businesses, Operations, Competitive, Employees
Keyword Location: para 1, Line 1-3
Explanation: Section A highlights the importance of improving business operations to remain competitive. It states that higher employee performance increases productivity, employee engagement, and talent retention, which benefits the company.
25. Better performance should be recognized.
Answer: Paragraph F
Supporting statement: “.........Where performance has improved, employers should make sure they appreciate this.”
Keywords: Performance, Employers, Appreciate, Improved
Keyword Location: para 6, Line 5-6
Explanation: Section F discusses the importance of follow-up meetings to assess progress and provide support. It also emphasizes recognizing and appreciating superior performance, ensuring that employees feel valued for their efforts.
26. Setting clear expectations at a meeting can help avoid accusations of victimization at a later date
Answer: Paragraph E
Supporting statement: “.........Make sure both parties have discussed and agreed on a solution together, including clear and reasonable steps for improvement, and document the meeting and outcomes. It's important to be clear about what could happen and what the employee's responsibilities are. This can also help prevent employees from feeling they're being picked on if an issue does come up………….”
Keywords: Meeting, Outcomes, Responsibilities, Issue
Keyword Location: para 5, Line 5-10
Explanation: Section E discusses setting clear expectations in the meeting to prevent misunderstandings and avoid employees feeling targeted. It emphasizes openly discussing concerns, agreeing on solutions, and documenting the results.
27. Preventing underperformance is better than dealing with the consequences.
Answer: Paragraph D
Supporting statement: “.........The best way to manage underperformance is to make sure it doesn't happen in the first place. Communication Is the key………….”
Keywords: Underperformance, Communication, Key
Keyword Location: para 4, Line 1-2
Explanation: Section D emphasizes that the best approach is to prevent poor performance. This highlights the importance of clear communication, setting expectations, addressing issues quickly, and encouraging employee engagement to avoid performance problems.
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