IELTS Academic 2023: Exam Pattern, IELTS Components, Mean Performance, Band Scores

Collegedunia Team

Aug 29, 2024

IELTS Academic is a test of English language proficiency created for applicants who want to work or study in an academic setting where English is the primary language. IELTS Academic lasts for two hours and forty-five minutes. There are four different listening, writing, reading, and speaking modules in IELTS Academic. On a scale from 0 to 9, bands are used to determine the IELTS academic band score. Different IELTS modules must meet various requirements in order to receive a score. In India, IELTS academic registration costs INR 16,250. The validity of an IELTS Academic score is two years. Withinielts academic 13 business days of the exam, the IELTS academic test results are typically posted on the official website of the organisation that administers it, IDP.

IELTS Academic Mean Performance

As per data available for IELTS, it is noticed that IELTS Academic is taken by a larger section of candidates as compared to IELTS General Training. Mostly the test takers want to travel to English speaking nations to achieve a better future. Compared to employment purposes, test takers write IELTS Academic for pursuing academic excellence in English speaking nations. 


As the graph mentioned above, female test-takers score better in all sections as compared to male test-takers. Every year, thousands of students take IELTS Academic for securing admission to the best universities in the world. As per data collected, the mean score band for IELTS Academic is 6.1. To get admission into the best universities of UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or USA, the test takers have to score a minimum 0f 7 out of 9. It is also seen in the writing section in IELTS Academic, the test takers score the least. Before appearing for IELTS, one should have a proper IELTS Preparation schedule. One requires a minimum of 6 months to score well in IELTS. Focus on weak sections for better improvement. 

Is IELTS General harder than Academic? 

Any candidate getting 30 out of 40 in IELTS General Training Reading is as good IELTS scores as getting 23 out of 40 in IELTS Academic reading. Both this score range is converted to an IELTS Band of 6 out on a scale of 9. Both the speaking and listening sections in IELTS academic and general training are the same. Candidates can check IELTS Academic vs General Training to get better understanding of the question types, format and more.

IELTS Academic Exam Pattern

There are four components in IELTS exam pattern - Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. In both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training, listening and speaking components are similar. Writing and Reading components differ due to their approach. The total duration of exam is 2hrs 45 minutes. There are a total of four components in IELTS Academic.

IELTS Academic Listening

IELTS Academic listening section is same as that of General Training. There are four sections in IELTS Academic listening part as follows 

  • Section 1: 10 questions (General conversation between 2 English natives) 
  • Section 2: 10 questions (Monologue on the general topic) 
  • Section 3: 10 questions (Conversation between 2-4 people around academics) 
  • Section 4: 10 questions (Monologue on an academic topic) 
  • 40 questions to be answered in 30 minutes 

Test takers have to listen to pre-recorded recordings to answer these sections. Questions can be MCQ type, fill in the blanks, flowcharts, or tables. In India, an individual is well acquainted with listening to English content. It is a major reason to score the best in IELTS listening

IELTS Academic Listening Score

IELTS band score conversion table is presented at the end of IELTS Academic. There are 40 questions in this section. Each question carries 1 mark. Therefore, IELTS Academic Listening score out of 40 will be converted into 9 band scale. The test taker will be marked out of 9. Grammatical and spelling mistakes will be penalized for listening band score academic. 

Band score Raw score out of 40
5 16
6 23
7 30
8 35

IELTS Academic Speaking

IELTS Academic Speaking measures the spoken English skills of the test taker. The total time allotted for IELTS Academic speaking section is 11-14minutes. Examiners measure the skills of candidates on four criteria- accuracy and usage of grammar, coherence and fluency, lexical resource, and pronunciation. Each criterion has a weightage value of 25%

  • There are 3 parts to this section 
  • In Part 1, questions are asked on general introduction like family, home, studies, work 
  • 4-5 minutes are allotted for Part 1 
  • In Part 2, test takers have to talk about a topic given through a task card
  • 3-4 minutes (including preparation time) test takers have to spend for Part 2
  • In Part 3, the examiner will discuss issues with the test-taker related to Part 2 
  • 4-5 minutes are allotted for Part 3 

IELTS Speaking Sample 

IELTS Academic Speaking Score

IELTS Academic Speaking Score is marked on four criteria mentioned before. Examiners will mark on the speech given by the test taker. Each criterion carries 25% of the total mark. Test takers are marked on basis of usage of vocabulary, correct grammar, coherence and fluency, lexical resource and pronunciation. 

Fluency and Coherence 6
Pronunciation 7
Lexical Resource 7
Grammatical range and accuracy 8
Total IELTS Speaking Score 7

IELTS Academic Writing

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 and Task 2 together constitute IELTS Academic writing section. Sections have been described in details below for IELTS writing task 1 academic and task 2:

  • 2 writing tasks to be completed in 60 minutes 
  • In writing task 1 academic, test takers have to visual information comprehended through the chart, diagram or graph. 
  • In 20 minutes, test takers have to complete IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 in 150 words 
  • In writing task 2 IELTS academic, test takers have to respond to a point of view or problem or argument from the given topic 
  • In 40 minutes, test takers have to complete writing task 2 academic in 250 words 

IELTS Academic Writing Score

In IELTS Academic writing section, both tasks carry different weightage. Examiners mark the test takers after assessing responses given to questions. This section is marked on basis of four criteria- task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resources, and correct usage of grammar. Marks are given either in half bands or whole bands. 

For example, if Task 1 IELTS gets following marks:

  • Task Achievement: 6.0,
  • Coherence and Cohesion: 7.5,
  • Lexical Resource: 7.0,
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy - 7.5.

then score for IELTS Task 1 is (6.0+7.5+7.0+7.5)/4 =7.0.

So if you get 8.0 for task 2 and 6.5 for task 1, the total score for IELTS Writing Section is 8.0*(2/3)+(6.5)*1/3=7.5.

IELTS Writing Samples Task 1

IELTS Writing Samples Task 2

IELTS Academic Reading

IELTS Academic Reading is designed to measure the wide spectrum of reading skills of the candidates. Passages are discursive, analytical, and factual in nature. Most IELTS Academic Reading passages are selected appropriately for those applying to universities. 

  • 3 reading passages taken from journals, newspapers, books, or magazines. 
  • 40 questions to be answered in 60 minutes 
  • Mostly 11 kinds of task type will have to answer like- MCQ, Identifying information, Identifying writer’s opinions, Matching information, Matching heading, Matching features, Matching sentence endings, Sentence completion, Summary or flow chart completion, Diagram label completion, and short answer questions

IELTS Academic Reading Score

For IELTS Academic Reading Score, test takers have to answer 40 questions in 60 minutes. Examiners in reading band score academic measure the analytical, logical, and deductive skills of the test takers. After marking, Cambridge Assessment English further analyzes the scoring band. Scores are given out of 40 which is later converted to an IELTS score band of 9.

IELTS Academic Reading Score Raw Score
5 15
6 23
7 30
8 35

IELTS Academic Sample Papers

IELTS Academic requires rigorous practice to secure good marks in the overall band score. For this, test takers require to practice study materials available online other than books available. Practice IELTS sample papers to get an overall idea of the exam.

IELTS Reading Sample

IELTS Preparation Books

Several recommended books can aid in your skill improvement and test-taking familiarity as you get ready for the IELTS Academic exam. The following list includes a few IELTS study books that may be helpful to applicants.

  • The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS
  • Barron's IELTS Superpack" by Lin Lougheed
  • Target Band 7: IELTS Academic Module" by Simone Braverman
  • Cambridge IELTS series" by Cambridge English Language Assessment
  • IELTS Trainer" by Cambridge English Language Assessment
  • IELTS Advantage: Reading Skills" by Jeremy Taylor

To prepare for the IELTS Academic test, it is advised that you practise with official IELTS materials such as sample tests and past papers. Learn the test layout, then practise each component in a timed environment. To enhance your abilities and test-taking approaches, think about enrolling in a preparatory course or obtaining advice from a certified IELTS instructor.


Question. What is the IELTS Academic exam?

Answer.The IELTS Academic exam is an English proficiency test that assesses the language skills of students who want to study in universities or colleges in English-speaking countries.

Question.What is the duration of the IELTS Academic exam?

Answer.The total duration of the IELTS Academic exam is 2 hours and 45 minutes.

Question.What are the four sections of the IELTS Academic exam?

Answer.The IELTS Academic exam consists of four sections: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.

Question. How long does each section of the IELTS Academic exam last?

Answer. The Reading section of the IELTS Academic exam lasts for 60 minutes, the Writing section lasts for 60 minutes, the Listening section lasts for 30 minutes, and the Speaking section lasts for 11 to 14 minutes.

Question. How is the IELTS Academic exam scored?

Answer.The IELTS Academic exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 9 bands, with 0 being the lowest and 9 being the highest. The overall band score is calculated by taking the average of the scores of all the four sections of the exam.

Question. What is the minimum band score required in the IELTS Academic exam to apply for a university course?

Answer.The minimum band score required in the IELTS Academic exam varies from university to university and from course to course. However, a band score of 6.5 or higher is generally required for admission to most universities.

Question. Can I take the IELTS Academic exam online?

Answer. Yes, the IELTS Academic exam is now available in an online format. However, it is always advisable to check with your chosen university or institution whether they accept the online version of the IELTS Academic exam.

Question. How often can I take the IELTS Academic exam?

Answer. You can take the IELTS Academic exam as many times as you want, but there must be a gap of at least 2 weeks between two consecutive attempts.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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