Youngsters Are Being Allowed Unsupervised Access To The Internet IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 25, 2022

Youngsters Are Being Allowed Unsupervised Access To The Internet IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: With the development of social media, more and more youngsters are being allowed unsupervised access to the internet in order to meet and chat with friends which can lead to potentially dangerous situations. What solutions can you suggest to deal with this problem?

Model Answer 1

Social media has evolved with the birth of technology into a form of socialising. The majority of people in society, regardless of their age, culture, or status. The kids make up a significant portion of society, and they have easy access to the internet. Unrestricted media consumption can result in a number of issues. Some of which are described in this article along with potential remedies.
The first and most pressing issue may be that young people have access to different unsuitable online materials. This material occasionally has the potential to negatively affect young minds. This may eventually have an impact on the development of their entire personalities. Additionally, it could prevent young people from developing strong moral character while also encouraging them to make certain immature life decisions. To explain, someone who watches pornographic material might be more likely to commit rape or another crime that is not permitted by society. His capacity to determine what is good and wrong can undoubtedly be impacted by such information.
Moreover, inappropriate use of the internet has led to waste of time upon useless tasks. In today’s era, a maximum number of individuals are found to be wasting their time on their smartphones. These individuals mostly scroll through their smartphones just to watch posts and coverings over social media. The number of young people without jobs who are addicted to the internet grows, which might be beneficial for so-called social media sites. Instead of considering their future, young people spend valuable time and resources on the internet. This can be done by just posting or criticising something, which lowers their own creativity and productivity.
One way to address this issue is by giving everyone in society access to enough jobs so that individuals don't spend their time on meaningless tasks. And can instead reflect favourably on their own lives. In addition, telecom providers' content screening of the internet may also help to a great extent in the elimination of this issue.
To summarise, social media is undoubtedly a crucial tool for staying connected to the outside world. But its best use may be achieved by using it for an activity that benefits both the user and the society as a whole.

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Model Answer 2

Everyone has been affected by social media's pervasiveness. But it has had a particular impact on young people who are given an unrestricted amount of time to communicate with peers. Many social theorists are concerned about this because they believe it might lead to dire situations. Online social networking is inevitable, but there are solutions that might assist deal with the problems this development has brought us.
Young minds are more susceptible to distorted conduct as a result of unsupervised involvement with virtual social networking. Human behaviour can adapt to changing circumstances, and characteristics from the physical world have effectively permeated the virtual world as well. These people become inspired to adopt violent behavioural tendencies when they see their peers engaging in bullying or stalking. Because they believe they cannot be held accountable for their online activity.
The excessive tension brought on by being unable to create a balance between real life and virtual life is another obvious problem resulting from this occurrence. The young are required to reply to their friends' posts, or else they risk receiving criticism from the latter. This strains their stamina and concentration, exhausting them and leaving them with little motivation or energy. This leads to lack of undertaking their other responsibilities, particularly their academic activities.
However, taking a few sensible precautions can help reduce the dangers of using virtual social networks. Parents must first educate themselves about the drawbacks of this practice before advising their children about the dangers and potential legal repercussions. This could make delicate brains more careful by inspiring dread and illumination.Overall, every breakthrough has certain drawbacks, and social networking is no exception. Therefore, in order to prevent the children from getting hurt, parents must take a practical approach. This includes educating themselves about dangers, and supervising their children.

Model Answer 3

Technology has altered people's lifestyles in today's tech-savvy world, particularly youngsters. They can now use the internet, which could hinder their psychological development if they are not watched. However, parents should only allow their children restricted access to the internet, and teachers should give a lesson. This can be based on inappropriate web browsing in order to curb this issue.
Young adults can first connect and communicate with their peers virtually thanks to the internet. But occasionally they also come into contact with antisocial and anti-national people. They have the power to brainwash young adults. And in a matter of days, adults have succumbed to their anti-social propaganda, which has led them into the criminal underworld. One such case involved a youngster in grade 10 from Kerala, India, who had unrestricted access to the internet. He ran across the terrorist organisation ISIS one day while conversing with his friends. He was so heavily misled by them that he carried out a terror attack in the city within a week.
Even though the issue is difficult, there are some ways to lessen it. First and foremost, parents should limit and control their children's access to the internet. And choose the content that they want them to access on their devices. In this approach, the likelihood of engaging in criminal activity is essentially nonexistent. Second, educators need to give lessons on the advantages of positive internet content as well as the drawbacks of negative information for kids. Teenagers will instinctively disregard pointless social media posts as a result of knowing this.
To sum up, unsupervised internet use can make problems worse, but if parents and educators set a good example, they can be resolved quickly.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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