World war 2 Reading Answers

Ahana Bhaduri

Aug 5, 2024

World war 2 Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. World war 2 Reading Answers have a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. In the questions, you have to choose the correct section for the given statement. In the next section, you have to tell whether the statement is true or false.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers, which feature topics such as World war 2 Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

Section 1

  1. World War II (often truncated to WWII or WW2), also identified as the Second World War, was a global war that started in the year 1939 and lasted till the year 1945. Two major military alliances were formed, namely, the Allies and the Axis. The major countries with all great powers constituted these two opposing alliances. There was a situation of total state war, directly involving more than 100 million people from more than 30 countries. The major contributors risked their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behindhand the war effort, twisting the difference between civilian and military resources. World War II was the fatal conflict in human history, marked by 70 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China. It involved massacres, the slaughter of the Holocaust tactical bombing, deliberate death from famine and disease, and the only use of nuclear weapons in war. Word War Which aimed so go have comme the Panice tember 1939. Chithe invasion ot Poland either side and stated went declarations of war on Germany by France and the United Kingdom. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a sequence of campaigns and treaties, Germany occupied or controlled copious of continental Europe, and shaped the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan. Under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union segregated and seized territories of their European neighbours, Poland, Finland, Romania and the Baltic states.
  2. Following the inception of campaigns in North Africa and East Africa, and the Fall of France in mid1940, the war sustained mainly between the European Axis powers and the British Empire. War in the Balkans, the mid-air Battle of Britain, the Blitz, and the extensive Battle of the Atlantic trailed. On 22 June 1941, the European Axis powers hurled an attack of the Soviet Union, founding the largest land theatre of war in history. This Eastern Front trapped the Axis, most critically the German Wehrmacht, in a war of attrition. In December 1941, Japan hurled a surprise outbreak on the United States as well as European colonies in the Pacific. Subsequent an instant U.S. declaration of war against Japan, braced by one from Great Britain, the European Axis powers rapidly declared war on the U.S. in solidarity with their Japanese ally Rapid Japanese overthrows over much of the Western Pacific ensued, perceived by many in Asia as liberty from Western dominance and resulting in the support of several armies from conquered territories.
  3. The Axis advance in the Pacific halted in 1942 when Japan lost the critical Battle of Midway; later, Germany and Italy were conquered in North Africa and then, finally, at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union. Main holdups in 1943, which intricated a series of German conquests on the Eastern Front, the Allied invasions of Sicily and Italy, and Allied victories in the Pacific, cost the Axis its initiative and enforced it into strategic retreat on all fronts. In 1944, the Western Allies conquered German-occupied France, while the Soviet Union recuperated its territorial losses and turned toward Germany and its allies. During 1944 and 1945 the Japanese grieved foremost contraries in mainland Asia, in Central China, South China and Burma, though the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and seized key Western Pacific islands.
  4. The conflict in Europe settled with an assault of Germany through the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, ending in the seizure of Berlin by Soviet troops, the suicide of Adolf Hitler and the German unconditional laying down of arms on 8 May 1945. Ensuing the Potsdam Declaration through the Allies scheduled 26 July 1945 and the denial of Japan to surrender under its standings, the United States released atomic bombs on the Japanese towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August respectively. With an assault of the Japanese archipelago looming, the option of more atomic bombings, the Soviet entry into the war against Japan and its invasion of Manchuria, Japan announced its purpose to surrender on 15 August 1945, bolstering total victory in Asia for the Allies. Tribunals were established by the Allies, and war crimes hearings were showed in the waken of the war both against the Germans and against the Japanese.
  5. World War Il altered the political arrangement and social erection of the globe. The United Nations (UN) was recognized to foster international co-operation and stop future conflicts; the victorious great powers-China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States -became the enduring members of its Security Council. The Soviet Union and United States appeared as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the nearly half-century long Cold War. In the wake of European destruction, the influence of its great powers faded, triggering the decolonisation of Africa and Asia. Utmost countries whose trades had been dented moved towards economic recovery and expansion Political integration, especially in Europe, developed as an effort to end pre-war enmities and create a common identity.

Questions 28-33

Choose the correct heading for the given sections from the list of headings below.


  • I. The possibility that world war three can happen soon.
  1. Germany's alliance with Italy and Japan.

III. Defeats of Germany, Italy and Japan.

  1. Japan invaded the US in a surprised attack in the Pacific.
  2. Changes in social relations of the world.
  3. Atomic bombings in Japanese towns.

VII. Fatalities in World War 2.

VIII. Involvement of Uganda in the world war 2

  1. Paragraph A

Answer: VII

Supporting statement: “.........World War II was the fatal conflict in human history, marked by 70 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China..........”

Keywords: fatal, civilians 

Keyword Location: para A, line 3

Explanation: This paragraph highlights the massive human toll of World War II, mentioning the 70 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China. The paragraph also touches on the Holocaust and other war-related atrocities.

  1. Paragraph B

Answer: II

Supporting statement: “........Germany occupied or controlled copious of continental Europe, and shaped the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan...........”


Keyword Location: para 

Explanation: This paragraph discusses how Germany formed the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan. It describes the initial invasions and treaties that led to the formation of these alliances and how Germany and the Soviet Union divided territories under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

  1. Paragraph C

Answer: IV

Supporting statement: “..........In December 1941, Japan hurled a surprise outbreak on the United States as well as European colonies in the Pacific.........”

Keywords: States, European 

Keyword Location: para C, line 4

Explanation: The paragraph details the surprise attack by Japan on the United States and European colonies in the Pacific in December 1941. This event prompted the U.S. and Great Britain to declare war on Japan, followed by declarations of war on the U.S. by the European Axis powers.

  1. Paragraph D

Answer: III

Supporting statement: “.........The Axis advance in the Pacific halted in 1942 when Japan lost the critical Battle of Midway; later, Germany and Italy were conquered in North Africa and then, finally, at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union...........”

Keywords: critical, Stalingrad 

Keyword Location: para D, line 1

Explanation: This paragraph outlines the significant defeats faced by the Axis powers, including Japan's defeat at the Battle of Midway, the defeat of Germany and Italy in North Africa and Stalingrad, and subsequent Allied victories that forced the Axis into retreat.

  1. Paragraph E

Answer: VI

Supporting statement: “........the United States released atomic bombs on the Japanese towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August respectively...........”

Keywords: Hiroshima, August 

Keyword Location: para E, line 4

Explanation: This paragraph describes the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States in August 1945. It also mentions Japan's subsequent decision to surrender, leading to the end of the war in Asia.

  1. Paragraph F

Answer: V

Supporting statement: “.........World War II altered the political arrangement and social erection of the globe. The United Nations (UN) was recognized to foster international co-operation and stop future conflicts..........”

Keywords: international, future 

Keyword Location: para F, line 1

Explanation: This paragraph discusses the post-war changes in the global political and social structure, including the establishment of the United Nations, the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers, and the decolonization of Africa and Asia.


Questions 34-40

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading


TRUE - If the statement agrees with the information

FALSE - If the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN - If there is no information on this

  1. World War 2 lasted for more than a decade.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement: “........was a global war that started in the year 1939 and lasted till the year 1945...........”

Keywords: lasted, global 

Keyword Location: para A, line 1

Explanation: The passage clearly states that World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945, which is a span of six years, not more than a decade.

  1. 70 to 85 million soldiers died in World War 2.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement: “.........marked by 70 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China..........”

Keywords: civilians, Union 

Keyword Location: para A, line 3

Explanation: The passage specifies that the 70 to 85 million fatalities included mostly civilians, not soldiers. Hence the statement is false.

  1. Officially the World War 2 began when Germany invaded Poland after which U.K. and France invaded Germany.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: “.........World War II aimed so go have come the Panice tember 1939. Chithe invasion ot Poland either side and stated went declarations of war on Germany by France and the United Kingdom...........”

Keywords: Germany, Kingdom

Keyword Location: para A, line 5

Explanation: The passage mentions that World War II began with Germany's invasion of Poland, followed by declarations of war on Germany by France and the United Kingdom.

  1. Japan launched a surprise attack on US and colonies in Europe in the Pacific.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: “........In December 1941, Japan hurled a surprise outbreak on the United States as well as European colonies in the Pacific...........”

Keywords: United, colonies 

Keyword Location: para C, line 4

Explanation: The passage notes that in December 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States and European colonies in the Pacific.

  1. Adolf Hitler was killed by Soviet troops.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement: “..........ending in the seizure of Berlin by Soviet troops, the suicide of Adolf Hitler..........”

Keywords: ending, suicide 

Keyword Location: para E, line 2

Explanation: The passage states that Adolf Hitler committed suicide, not that he was killed by Soviet troops. Hence the statement is false.

  1. In 1945, Adolf Hitler launched attack on Japan


Explanation: There is no information in the passage about Adolf Hitler launching an attack on Japan in 1945.

  1. Soviet Union and United States were involved in a 50 year long cold war.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: “.........The Soviet Union and United States appeared as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the nearly half-century long Cold War...........”

Keywords: superpowers, stage 

Keyword Location: para F, line 3

Explanation: The passage mentions that the Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers after World War II, setting the stage for the Cold War, which lasted nearly half a century.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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