Workplace is Trying to Employ an Equal Number of Females and Males IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 27, 2022

Workplace is Trying to Employ an Equal Number of Females and Males IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the topic. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Workplace Nowadays is Trying to Employ an Equal Number of Females and Males

Model Answer 1

Most of the organizations, worldwide, are nowadays employing an equal number of men and women to consider the working rights of women. And to bring equality amongst men and women in all areas of life, may it be the office, or home. According to me, this concept and initiative have both its positive and negative sides.
Let me state the positive effects first. According to me, employing an equal number of men and women in an organization is more beneficial to the enterprise. Women are the most hardworking, efficient, organized beings on the planet.
In some of the companies, women employees tend to perform better as compared to male employees. For example, in the cosmeceutical industry, women are more familiar with the products. And therefore have the ability to understand the procedure, flaws, concepts, and everything related to the product in a better way. Moreover, they can develop better marketing strategies in these fields as compared to men. Also, women have several different qualities that separate them from men. And prove that they are better in some fields, such as, women are more patient and composed. They prove to be better teachers as compared to men, and are more suitable in the areas involving children. Moreover, women are more creative than men and turn fruitful in areas as a painter, singer, dancer, etc.
On the other hand, a large part of the population still thinks that women should not work outside the house. Some societies believe that women are supposed to stay home and take care of their families because of the age-old traditions in several countries. According to these traditions, if both the parents go out and work. There would be a huge impact on the health and development of the kids and the elderly in the house. Since, both the parents won't be available for their children, there would be a communication gap in between them. As a result, the kids may develop mental problems, or fall into bad company and develop bad habits. Another reason that society states. What is against working women is that women tend to be more emotional and sensitive as compared to men. Which results in an argument at the workplace and a disrupted environment.
Thus, employing an equal number of men and women is essential for the development and growth of an organization.

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Model Answer 2

It won’t be wrong to say that in the past women were oppressed by society for a long period of time, and in some societies they still are. However, nowadays, with the recent advances males and females are given equal opportunities in the work field. According to me, it is a positive development, and my thoughts associated with this development are stated in the upcoming passage.
To start with, the foremost clear advantage is that females can give better performance in some sectors. Like cosmetic products, salons, stitching and many more, as compared to men since they have more knowledge and expertise in these realms. Secondly, employing women at the workplace along with men would bring a thought of equality amongst all the people.
It would promote everyone to respect everyone equally. This would make an exquisite balance at a work-field. And ensure that both genders can attain equal respect, as well as discrimination level would be diminished. Moreover, employing women in an organization is not only beneficial for an enterprise but is also beneficial for society as a whole.
But there is another side to this initiative too, which might have certain unfair disadvantages. For example, a fixed quota for women may be unfair for certain men as some of them are more qualified and well-skilled. Thus these men can be rejected owing to the reservation of seats or opening in an organization. Even though several companies like to provide equal opportunities in jobs to both males and females. But discrimination can exist in another way like underpaying the women at the same post as compared to men. Another point supporting the thought that women are unsuitable to work in an enterprise is that they have less stamina as compared to men. Therefore, they cannot work for long hours which in turn affects the performance of the organization as a whole.
But according to me, it is completely untrue that women have less stamina as compared to men. The world is a witness to how women have ruled all the areas of society for ages. May it be a homemaker who makes a house home. And keeps a family together, or may it be Indira Gandhi who had taken care of the entire country successfully as a prime minister once. Women are hardworking, sincere, and punctual, way more efficient. As compared to men, they can ace any field or any work on this planet if they set their will and mind to it.
Thus, according to me, employing women in an organization would ensure the success of the organization. Along with the development of the society, at a global level.

Model Answer 3

In recent times, it is visible that women give equal or tougher competition to men in every sector. This trend is also followed by many companies since nowadays they promote employing an equal number of men and women in their organization. According to me, it is a positive initiative towards the development of a society.
To begin with, appointing women in some companies proves to be a bane for both the companies. As well as the women at an individual level. As it offers a handsome salary, it could become a helping hand to women to live an appropriate and comfortable lifestyle. And some of the work related to packaging in companies is done by women which turns out to be far better than the other workers. Moreover, offering the same number of jobs to both genders leads to balance in society. Both the genders could attain an equal amount of respect without any discrimination. And it could also boost the literacy rate of women in the upcoming generations. Focusing on other beneficial development, the same amount of male. And female workers in an enterprise could result in the development of their annual turnover. Adding to this, cosmetic companies could also improve their income by giving jobs and opportunities to females. Women can do their best in several organizations, some of them are cosmetic companies as compared to the performance of the male workers.
Thus, to conclude the discussion, nowadays, we can witness more and more companies. Which offers equal amount and number of jobs to both men and women. And it could be helpful to them as it helps them to improve their annual income. Boost the economy of the nation and also have a positive effect on the literacy rate of females.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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