With The Increased Global Demand in Oil and Gas, Undiscovered Areas of the World Should be Opened Up to Access More Resources IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Mar 24, 2022

IELTS writing task 2 tests the candidates writing skills through an essay of at least 250 words. Candidates while responding in this IELTS section need to follow coherence and cohesion, task response, linguistic resource, grammatical accuracy and must format their essay with a proper flow of argument. This particular IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer focuses on whether modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access. More IELTS practice papers can be accessed by the candidates from the website.

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Topic: With The Increased Global Demand in Oil and Gas, Undiscovered Areas of the World Should be Opened Up to Access More Resources IELTS Writing Task 2

Model Answer 1:

Energy today is supplied majorly by fossil fuels. Fossil fuels were discovered years ago and have since been used for supplying energy for vehicles which make them an integral part of the consumer. It is argued that the usage ratio of fossil fuels, which has increased across the world, should be discovered in different lands to access more energy supply. Ido not concur with this and in the following paragraphs I will elaborate my point. I do not think we need any more new resources. I believe that instead of searching for untapped places for supplying more energy that will undoubtedly harm the environment, experts should look for sources of energy that are less harmful to the environment and are renewable. Some of these include solar and wind energy. The solar and wind energy system should be used as an alternative energy source instead of fossil fuels due to their clean energy. The upcoming trend of electrical vehicles shows how manufacturing companies are looking into alternatives to minimize the usage of fossil fuels. Furthermore,wind and solar energy are a form of clean energy that do not harm the environment, neither can pollute the air or destroy any land by digging and massing up. Additionally, with the growth in population there is an inadvertent need of more energy for the consumers. Which means that sustainable energy sources still do not prove to be an adequate energy source for all. For instance, some experts say that the world now uses only ten percent of their energy from cleaner energy which is still not enough to replace fossil fuels from our vehicles. To sum up,some people believe that the amount of fuels such as oil and gas are not efficient enough and require more places to search. I believe that we should supply more energy from renewable energy supplies instead of searching untapped places to find out more resources.

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Model Answer 2:

I completely disagree with the fact that we need to open the world to undiscovered places to find more resources. Searching for more such places poses a great threat to the environment and we must also not forget that we can use renewable energy sources as alternatives. Many people argue that energy companies should be granted access to unexplored areas, but I believe this would be a huge mistake as it will cause environmental damage. Drilling for non-renewable energy resources is incredibly damaging to the local ecosystem. These areas are often in sensitive places, such as the Arctic or National Parks in the United States and Canada respectively. There are many disasters that illustrate how oil spills can be harmful for marine life as well the flora around. The Deep Water Horizon disaster is one such example for this. Therefore, damaging these untouched areas is too much of a risk and oil companies should be banned from disturbing such places. Besides, taking these risks has no point when we have many renewable and clean energy sources already present out there to replace the replenishing oil and gas demand. Wind, solar and tidal are some of the examples of cleaner and renewable energy sources. They have much more potential to replace fossil fuels. Recently, Elon Musk demonstrated how a small area could power up the whole country if powered using solar panels. Electric cars are another wonderful idea that will again reduce the demand of fossil fuels in the future. To conclude we must not open the world to discover the untapped places for more energy resources instead rely on renewable and clean energy sources that are less harmful to the environment.

Model Answer 3:

Undoubtedly, the consumption of oil and gas is increasing at an alarming rate. With the growing population people are heavily relying on these sources for their daily needs. It is heavily leading them to get replenished and a need to look for more places around the world to find another source. However, I do not agree with this fact. I believe that it will cause detrimental impact on the environment and also further lead to people not relying on renewable energy sources available in abundance. To begin with, one of the main causes of air pollution is the burning of oil and gas. The number of vehicles out there are increasing and so is the alarming rate of air pollution. Fossil fuels emit a lot of toxic gasses into the atmosphere. If we open new areas to dig out more oil and gas, the prices of these fuels will decline and people will consume these fuels more recklessly. It shows how if we have an abundant source it is highly likely people will be exploiting fossil fuels at an exceeding rate, which will pile up the threats on the environment. Air pollution as we know has a huge impact on our health. Cities with a low quality index have respiratory problems, asthma, Tuberculosis. Not only the search for a new source for fossil fuel will be detrimental for the environment but also to public health. Moreover, in many countries, people are inclining towards other sustainable sources of energy instead of using oil and gas as main sources of energy. Besides, in search of new untapped sources will damage the environment but activities like deforestation, digging. It will disrupt the natural habitat of animals and cause an ecological imbalance. To conclude, even though many people believe that new places should be identified to fulfill the growing demand for fossil-based fuels;I on the other hand am against it. We must consider the impacts of it on our health, the environment and how it will demotivate people to rely on sustainable energy resources.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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