Willpower Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Jan 11, 2023

Willpower Reading Answers contains sample answers about willpower and different driving factors . Willpower Reading Answers has 14 different questions. IELTS Willpower Reading Answers contains three types of questions: true/false/not given, match statement with correct option and choose the correct answer. Candidates are required to read the IELTS Reading passage to answer whether the given statement is true, false or not given in the passage. Candidates need to thoroughly go through each paragraph to match the given statement with the correct researcher. For the last question, candidates are supposed to choose the correct answer. Candidates can gain proficiency on diverse topics by undertaking IELTS Reading practice papers.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Willpower Reading Answers

  1. Although willpower does not shape our decisions, it determines whether and how long we can follow through on them. It almost single-handedly determines life outcomes. Interestingly, research suggests the general population is indeed aware of how essential willpower is to their wellbeing; survey participants routinely identify a ‘lack of willpower’ as the major impediment to making beneficial life changes. There are, however, misunderstandings surrounding the nature of willpower and how we can acquire more of it. There is a widespread misperception, for example, that increased leisure time would lead to subsequent increases in willpower.
  1. Although the concept of willpower is often explained through single-word terms, such as ‘resolve’ or ‘drive’, it refers in fact to a variety of behaviours and situations. There is a common perception that willpower entails resisting some kind of a ‘treat’, such as a sugary drink or a lazy morning in bed, in favour of decisions that we know are better for us, such as drinking water or going to the gym. Of course this is a familiar phenomenon for all. Yet willpower also involves elements such as overriding negative thought processes, biting your tongue in social situations, or persevering through a difficult activity. At the heart of any exercise of willpower, however, is the notion of ‘delayed gratification’, which involves resisting immediate satisfaction for a course that will yield greater or more permanent satisfaction in the long run.
  1. Scientists are making general investigations into why some individuals are better able than others to delay gratification and thus employ their willpower, but the genetic or environmental origins of this ability remain a mystery for now. Some groups who are particularly vulnerable to reduced willpower capacity, such as those with addictive personalities, may claim a biological origin for their problems. What is clear is that levels of willpower typically remain consistent over time (studies tracking individuals from early childhood to their adult years demonstrate a remarkable consistency in willpower abilities). In the short term, however, our ability to draw on willpower can fluctuate dramatically due to factors such as fatigue, diet and stress. Indeed, research by Matthew Gailliot suggests that willpower, even in the absence of physical activity, both requires and drains blood glucose levels, suggesting that willpower operates more or less like a ‘muscle’, and, like a muscle, requires fuel for optimum functioning.
  1. These observations lead to an important question: if the strength of our willpower at the age of thirty-five is somehow pegged to our ability at the age of four, are all efforts to improve our willpower certain to prove futile? According to newer research, this is not necessarily the case. Gregory M. Walton, for example, found that a single verbal cue – telling research participants how strenuous mental tasks could ‘energise’ them for further challenging activities – made a profound difference in terms of how much willpower participants could draw upon to complete the activity. Just as our willpower is easily drained by negative influences, it appears that willpower can also be boosted by other prompts, such as encouragement or optimistic self-talk.
  1. Strengthening willpower thus relies on a two-pronged approach: reducing negative influences and improving positive ones. One of the most popular and effective methods simply involves avoiding willpower depletion triggers, and is based on the old adage, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. In one study, workers who kept a bowl of enticing candy on their desks were far more likely to indulge than those who placed it in a desk drawer. It also appears that finding sources of motivation from within us may be important. In another study, Mark Muraven found that those who felt compelled by an external authority to exert self-control experienced far greater rates of willpower depletion than those who identified their own reasons for taking a particular course of action. This idea that our mental convictions can influence willpower was borne out by Veronika Job. Her research indicates that those who think that willpower is a finite resource exhaust their supplies of this commodity long before those who do not hold this opinion.
  1. Willpower is clearly fundamental to our ability to follow through on our decisions but, as psychologist Roy Baumeister has discovered, a lack of willpower may not be the sole impediment every time our good intentions fail to manifest themselves. A critical precursor, he suggests, is motivation – if we are only mildly invested in the change we are trying to make, our efforts are bound to fall short. This may be why so many of us abandon our New Year’s Resolutions – if these were actions we really wanted to take, rather than things we felt we ought to be doing, we would probably be doing them already. In addition, Muraven emphasises the value of monitoring progress towards a desired result, such as by using a fitness journal, or keeping a record of savings toward a new purchase. The importance of motivation and monitoring cannot be overstated. Indeed, it appears that, even when our willpower reserves are entirely depleted, motivation alone may be sufficient to keep us on the course we originally chose.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 27-33

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 27–32 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  1. Willpower is the most significant factor in determining success in life.

Answer: true
Supporting Sentence: it determines whether and how long we can follow through on them. It almost single-handedly determines life outcomes
Keyword : determines, follow, life outcomes
Keyword Location: paragraph A, line 2-3
Explanation: According to paragraph A, willpower affects whether and how long we can stick with our decisions, not how they are shaped. The course of one's life is largely determined by it. Surprisingly, research indicates that most people are aware of how important willpower is to their welfare.

  1. People with more free time typically have better willpower.

Answer: false
Supporting Sentence: misperception, for example, that increased leisure time would lead to subsequent increases in willpower
Keyword : misperception, leisure time, willpower
Keyword Location:paragraph A, last line
Explanation: There are misconceptions about the nature of willpower and how we might develop more of it, as stated in paragraph A. There is a common misconception that having more free time would afterwards result in having more willpower.

  1. Willpower mostly applies to matters of diet and exercise.

Answer: false
Supporting Sentence: willpower also involves elements such as overriding negative thought processes, biting your tongue in social situations
Keyword : elements, overriding, processes, social situations
Keyword Location: paragraph B, line 6
Explanation: The idea of willpower is frequently described in terms of single words, as stated in paragraph B. As with the words "resolve" or "drive," it actually applies to a wide range of behaviours and circumstances. However, willpower also includes actions like overcoming unfavourable mental patterns, biting your tongue in public, etc.

  1. The strongest indicator of willpower is the ability to choose long-term rather than short-term rewards.

Answer: true
Supporting Sentence: resisting immediate satisfaction for a course that will yield greater or more permanent satisfaction in the long run.
Keyword : resisting, satisfaction, permanent, long run
Keyword Location: paragraph B, last line
Explanation: However, the idea of "delayed gratification" lies at the core of any exercise of willpower, as stated in paragraph B. It entails putting off immediate fulfilment in favour of a course that will eventually bring forth better or more lasting fulfilment.

  1. Researchers have studied the genetic basis of willpower.

Answer: not given
Explanation: The relevant information related to the statement is not given in the passage.

  1. Levels of willpower usually stay the same throughout our lives.

Answer: true
Supporting Sentence: studies tracking individuals from early childhood to their adult years demonstrate a remarkable consistency in willpower abilities
Keyword : tracking, childhood, adult life, consistency, willpower
Keyword Location: paragraph C, line 5-6
Explanation: Levels of willpower often remain constant over time, according to paragraph C. Studies that follow people from early childhood to adulthood show a remarkable constancy in their willpower capacities.

  1. Regular physical exercise improves our willpower ability.

Answer: not given
Explanation: The relevant information related to the statement is not given in the passage

Questions 34 –39

Look at the following statements (Questions 34–39) and the list of researchers below.

Match each statement with the correct person, A–E.

Write the correct letter, A–E, in boxes 34–39 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use some letters more than once.

List of People

  1. Matthew Gailliot
  1. Gregory M. Walton
  1. Mark Muraven
  1. Veronika Job
  1. Roy Baumeister

This researcher …

  1. identified a key factor that is necessary for willpower to function.

Answer: E
Supporting Sentence: A critical precursor, he suggests, is motivation – if we are only mildly invested in the change we are trying to make
Keyword : precursor, motivation, invested, change
Keyword Location: paragraph F, line 4
Explanation: As per psychologist Roy Baumeister's findings, there may be other factors at play when our good intentions don't materialise, as is mentioned in paragraph F. He thinks that motivation is an important precursor.
Our efforts will undoubtedly fail if we are only marginally committed to the change we want to see.

  1. suggested that willpower is affected by our beliefs.

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: This idea that our mental convictions can influence willpower was borne out by Veronika Job.
Keyword : mental conviction, willpower, influence
Keyword Location: paragraph E, line 9
Explanation: According to paragraph E, Veronika Job's research supports the notion that our mental convictions can affect our willpower. According to her research, persons who believe that willpower is a limited resource run out of this resource much more quickly. Rather than those who do not share this belief.

  1. examined how our body responds to the use of willpower.

Answer: A
Supporting Sentence:Matthew Gailliot suggests that willpower, even in the absence of physical activity, both requires and drains blood glucose levels
Keyword : willpower, absence, physical activity, requires, drains
Keyword Location: paragraph C, 3rd last line
Explanation: As per Matthew Gailliot's studies, even when there is no physical activity, willpower both needs and depletes blood glucose levels, as stated in paragraph C. Thus, it is implied that willpower functions somewhat like a "muscle" and, like a muscle, needs nourishment to work at its best.

  1. discovered how important it is to make and track goals.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence: Muraven emphasises the value of monitoring progress towards a desired result, such as by using a fitness journal
Keyword : value, monitoring, progress, result
Keyword Location: paragraph F, line 8
Explanation: Muraven emphasises the value of tracking advancement toward a targeted objective, according to paragraph F. Using a fitness notebook or keeping track of your money for a new purchase are two examples. It is impossible to emphasise the value of monitoring and motivating.

  1. found that taking actions to please others decreases our willpower.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence: those who felt compelled by an external authority to exert self-control experienced far greater rates of willpower depletion
Keyword : compelled, authority, self-control, willpower
Keyword Location: paragraph E, line 7
Explanation: In paragraph E, Mark Muraven states that those obligated to exert self-control by an external authority experienced considerably higher rates of willpower loss. As opposed to those who articulated their own justifications for choosing a specific course of action.

  1. found that willpower can increase through simple positive thoughts.

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence: willpower can also be boosted by other prompts, such as encouragement or optimistic self-talk.
Keyword : willpower, prompts, encouragement
Keyword Location: paragraph D, last line
Explanation: As per paragraph D, one verbal signal had a significant impact on how much willpower individuals could muster to finish the task. Telling research participants that difficult mental exercises could 'energise' them for more difficult activities. It seems that additional cues, such as encouragement or upbeat self-talk, can also strengthen willpower.

Question 40

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor in willpower?

Willpower is affected by:

  1. physical factors such as tiredness
  1.  our fundamental ability to delay pleasure
  1. the levels of certain chemicals in our brains
  1. environmental cues such as the availability of a trigger

Answer: C
Explanation: After analyzing the above passage, we came to certain points. It is claimed that physical factors like tiredness can affect the willpower. Someone’s fundamental capability of delaying pressure is also a point by
which the willpower is affected. Also, environmental cues, like availability of a trigger can also be regarded as a factor. Although, the factor of levels of certain chemicals in our brains is not mentioned anywhere in the

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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