Water Scarcity is a Serious Problem in Many Countries IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 28, 2022

Water scarcity is a serious problem in many countries IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Water scarcity is a serious problem in many countries. What are the causes of this?And what solutions can be done by individuals and the government?

Model Answer 1:

Some developed nations, as well as many developing countries, have been concerned about water scarcity. People are increasingly seeking potable water due to a variety of human and natural factors. Nevertheless, the joint efforts of the government and citizens will certainly alleviate this threatening situation.

As a start, water crises can be attributed to a wide range of factors. In the first place, the altered weather patterns, particularly arid atmospheres, have led to a shortage of drinking water in countries such as India and Africa. A subsequent problem is that the mushrooming of industries consume vast amounts of freshwater resources, further polluting the ground. A final point to consider is that population growth has certainly pushed water demands skyrocketing. Furthermore, though not an important factor, a careless attitude on the part of people and excessive use of household water have also exacerbated its effects.

In spite of this, solutions are available to resolve the issue. Firstly, the government needs to encourage and strengthen ideas for water harvesting systems that use dams and reservoirs to conserve water and revitalize old ponds and lakes. India's government has undertaken numerous water body renovations in response to a recent drought. The recovery of water via desalination and recycling of wastewater is an effective method that would definitely meet the increasing water needs of the world despite the high cost. This is an effective method of producing fresh water in Singapore, where the authorities have implemented it.

In addition, individual efforts in conserving water, such as building rainwater harvesting tanks at home, and refraining from excessive water usage among household members would provide the desired outcome.

The things I have discussed thus far lead to the inevitable conclusion that even though acute water shortages are a worldwide problem mainly due to urbanization and overpopulation, you can prevent this from worsening by employing various means and methods such as proper conservation and recycling.

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Model Answer 2:

In many countries, water scarcity is a major problem that is spreading very quickly today. Everyone needs water on a daily basis, but water scarcity has been a problem on the rise for many years. As a result, groundwater is almost drier in many countries and people need to depend on irrigation outside of their country's borders to get water. Furthermore, water is one of the most misused natural resources that we waste today. Although it is the centre of our lives, it does not always take precedence over other concerns.

Prior to modern times, people were aware of the value of water and planned their lives around it. Water is not only pervasive, in fact, but many civilizations have also been born and lost around it, yet today we continue to underestimate the importance of water in our lives despite having knowledge of its importance.

The mismanagement of water resources and excess population growth has led to scarcity. Furthermore, it is a human-made problem that continues to grow. In addition, there are a few reasons why there is a water crunch.

India is one of the largest producers of food in the world. However, water is used to grow food wastefully. The country produces enough food to feed its population and exports the surplus to other countries.

A large amount of water must also be consumed to produce such a large amount of food. Evaporation, conveyance, drainage, percolation, and over utilisation of groundwater contribute to the considerable water wasted during traditional irrigation methods. Furthermore, most of the areas in India use traditional irrigation techniques that place emphasis on water availability.

Nevertheless, the solution lies in extensive irrigation techniques such as micro-irrigation, in which we provide water to plants and crops through sprinklers and drip irrigation.

Ultimately, water scarcity is becoming a more and more hazardous problem every day. Lastly, because of our leniency, the problem of water scarcity has not been taken seriously. But officials and the public are now working to solve this problem so that our future generations do not face such a financial burden.

Model Answer 3:

Water shortages have harmful consequences throughout the world. We argue that overpopulation and industrialization are the main causes of this concern, and to address it effectively, legal restrictions should be set on the use of water and awareness programs should be created in order to curb it.

As cities grow, water resources are being depleted on a vast scale, resulting in costly water treatment. As a consequence, people are constantly demanding to use more water than is available from static reserves and frequently wastewater at home.

Moreover, in a number of developing countries, many new textile and food industries are being created, which pollute a large amount of water. In other words, these industrial developments produce large quantities of waste, in most cases consisting of water as its main constituent. According to a recent report by the mass media, in India on average, 82 percent of water pollution is caused by factories.

Legislation limiting water usage could be the most effective way of addressing the problem of water pollution. The government should be able to impose some fines and taxes on companies and organizations involved in creating water shortages. Furthermore, schools can teach the young generation how to behave responsibly in relation to water pollution. Taking this approach can help manage the adverse situation because children will teach parents good water stewardship methods so that future generations will not grow up in an environment of water scarcity. Likewise, in Germany, kids were taught about the importance of water and while this helped reduce water pollution to a great extent, a similar initiative has been taken in Alaska.

As a result of this global issue, it can be stated that the more numbers of men and women who consume responsibly, plus the progression of industrialization, are the main reasons. State authorities should therefore impose a penalty on companies that overuse water, and the present generation should be encouraged to protect the resources by participating actively in conservation activities.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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