Vocabulary for IELTS Word System

Bhaskar Das

Feb 18, 2022

IELTS vocabulary helps candidates with new words and their usage in grammatically correct sentences. In the IELTS speaking and writing section, grammar is also examined when the candidate writes or speaks. IELTS Vocabulary must be used with correct grammar to score a high band in the IELTS exam. The IELTS exam tests grammar through the writing and speaking sections.

Error in IELTS Grammar or repeated usage of the same words can result in a lesser band score. Candidates who want to score an overall band score of 7, must focus on vocabulary and grammar. This article contains sentences and explanations to help you expand your vocabulary.

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IELTS Vocabulary for Word System

  1. Use the correct form of these verbs:
devise breakdown introduced
works reform model on
  1. The government has proposed a whole raft of measures to______the health service.

Answer: reform
Reform means to make changes to something to improve it. In the above sentence, the government has proposed multiple measures to change the health service system for the good. Hence, reform is the correct word.

  1. Can you explain how the security system______? Ask Jack. He knows the system inside out.

Answer: works
Work is some activity done by something or someone. In this case, the security system. Here, the speaker wants to know how the security system works or runs. Hence, works is the correct word.

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  1. When we______the new booking system, no one believed it would work.

Answer: introduced
Introducing something is bringing something into action or use for the first time. Here, the booking system was new and they introduced or started the use of the new booking system. No one believed it would work.

  1. We need to______some sort of system whereby staff can meet regularly with each other.

Answer: devise
In the above sentence, it is stated that we need to devise a system or invent or design a system where staff can meet regularly with each other. As there is no such system, they need to design or invent it, hence the word devise is correct.

  1. The country’s legal system is______the British system.

Answer: model on
Model on means to replicate or as an example. The country’s legal system is modeled on or based on or designed on the British system. Hence, making model on the correct answer.

  1. The recently-installed computerized system keeps crashing and the telephone system has also______. We can’t talk to anybody!

Answer: breakdown
breakdown of something means crashing or not working. Here, the telephone system broke down, making it impossible to talk to anybody.

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Common Adjective Collocations

  1. Use the adjectives to complete the sentences:
corrupt complicated excellent current
inefficient sophisticated outdated unfair
  1. Germany has an______rail system, making it easy to travel around the country. It is the envy of many other countries.

Answer: excellent
The rail system in Germany makes it easy to travel around the country. Hence, the rail system is excellent or extremely good. Many countries envy that which makes excellent the correct answer.

  1. The whole system is______every official you deal with demands money before helping you.

Answer: corrupt
Since every official demands money before helping you, they are corrupt. Corrupt means someone who does not follow legal ways for doing something. Here, as every official demands money, the whole system is corrupt.

  1. We’ve called in consultants to identify what is wrong with our______management system.

Answer: current
Current in this context means present. There is something wrong with the present or current management. Hence, they have called consultations to identify that.

  1. The new system is quite______, I’m afraid. It takes quite a bit of getting used to.

Answer: complicated
the new system takes quite a time to get used to. Complicated means something which is not easy and takes time to understand. As the new system takes time to understand, complicated is the correct word for it.

  1. Why does it take three men to do the job that one could do? What a hopelessly______system!

Answer: inefficient
Inefficient means someone who is not efficient or does not achieve maximum productivity. In the above sentence, it takes 3 man to do a job that one man can do. Hence, the system is inefficient.

  1. We still operate an______filing system with paper files and filing cabinets. What we need is a modern, state-of-the-art computer system.

Answer: outdated
Filing system with paper files and cabinets have become old or outdated. Here, a modern state-of-the-art computer system is needed and not an old, outdated or not used anymore system. Hence, the word outdated is correct.

  1. Something must be done to help poorer children get to university. Our system is very______.

Answer: unfair
The above sentence says that poor children do not get to the university. Unfair means something which is not fair or not as per the principles of equality and justice. Hence, something must be done for the poor children as the system is not fair or unfair.

  1. The museum is protected by a very______system of burglar and fire alarms. It contains priceless treasures from Ancient Greece.

Answer: sophisticated
Here, the word sophisticated means something which is developed to a high amount of complexity. To protect the museum from burglars, it is protected by a very sophisticated or complex system of fire alarms and burglars. Hence, sophisticated is the correct answer.

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  1. Complete the sentences with the following:
access overhaul advantage injustice
  1. The government report on salaries exposes the______of the current system of wages – with women still being paid less than men for the same job.

Answer: injustice
As per the sentence, women are being paid less than men for the same job. This is not justified and is injustice. The government report on salaries exposes this injustice. Hence, injustice is the correct answer.

  1. She was at great pains to stress the______of the new system over the old one.

Answer: advantage
Advantage means a condition that favors one over the other. In the above sentence, she took great pain to emphasize the advantage or the upper hand of the new system over the old one.

  1. There are calls for a radical______of the tax system Yes. Changes to the system are long overdue.

Answer: overhaul
Overhaul means to examine something and repair it, if required. In the above sentence, there are calls for overhaul or examination of the tax system.

  1. You need a password to gain______to the computer system.

Answer: access
Access means to get entry or to enter something or a place. In the above sentence, to enter the computer or gain access to the computer, you need the password. Hence, access is the correct word.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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