Vocabulary for IELTS Word Standard

The speaking test is the toughest section of the IELTS exam. This article throws light on the word vocabulary used in the IELTS speaking section. There are a variety of words and phrases that you should start using in daily life to practice effectively for the IELTS speaking test. IELTS Vocabulary for standard comprises exercises to ace the preparation.

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  1. Use the correct form of these verbs:
fall maintain raise
enjoy reach set
  1. Our job is not just to______standards–our job is to make sure they improve!

Answer: maintain
Here maintain means supported. Our job needs a certain standard. Hence, maintain is the correct answer.

  1. He failed to______the required standard, and did not qualify for the race.

Answer: reach
Here reach is the correct answer to the question as it states that he failed to meet up the required standards.

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  1. Do you think that reducing class sizes would______standards in our primary schools?

Answer: raise
Here raise means increased. The question states that reducing the class size might help increase the standards. Hence, raise is the correct answer.

  1. It’s hard for others to come up to the standards our head of department ___________ for herself.

Answer: sets
Here sets means position. As the question states that she had been positioned as the head of the department. So, sets is the correct answer.

  1. The standard of service has___________ steadily since the company was taken over a year ago. It’s now so bad, something will have to be done.

Answer: fallen
Fallen refers to reduced. The standard of service of the company has reduced in comparison to previous years. Hence, fallen is the correct answer.

  1. Today most people in this country___________ a standard of living which their parents could only dream about.

Answer: enjoy
The word enjoy here refers to relish or appreciate. Most people relish the living standard that their parents once dreamt of. Hence, enjoy is the most suitable answer here.

Common Adjective Collocations

  1. Complete the sentences with these adjectives:
approved falling high low
minimum modern same usual
  1. My boss demands extremely______standards from the people that work for him. In fact some people think he is unrealistic.

Answer: high
High refers to being level up. Here the boss wanted the level of standard working in the company to be up. Hence, high is the correct answer.

  1. I was disappointed when I took some friends to my favorite restaurant and neither the food nor the service were up to the______standard.

Answer: usual
Here usual refers to the expected things. The speaker is disappointed that the food was not as he expected. Hence, usual is the correct answer.

  1. Not everyone judges success by the______standards. Unlike you, I think that happiness is more important than the size of your car.

Answer: same
Here same implies the usual or equal. Happiness differs for different people. Hence the same is the right answer.

  1. Parents are always complaining about______standards in schools.

Answer: falling
Parents usually complain about their children's fallen scores. Hence falling is the correct option.

  1. A number of Britain’s beaches fail to meet the______standards laid down by the EU.

Answer: minimum
Minimum refers to the least number or quantity of anything. Britain's beaches do not meet the least standards. Hence minimum is the correct option.

  1. This special mark shows that the product conforms to an______industry standard.

Answer: approved
Approved means assured or confirmed. Here the products were marked to be assured of the standards. Hence, approved is the correct answer.

  1. We decided that it would be our first and last trip to the island. The hotels and restaurants were all of a very______standard.

Answer: low
Here the word low means less. The hotels and restaurants on the island that the speaker visited were less standard. Hence low is the correct answer.

  1. By______standards, the plumbing in our hotel was totally inadequate!

Answer: modern
Modern means contemporary to others. The contemporary standards state that the hotel plumbing is insignificant. Hence, modern is the correct answer here.


  1. Complete the sentences below with these nouns:
behavior care hygiene
singing living workmanship
  1. Some countries simply don’t provide proper standards of______for the elderly.

Answer: care
Care refers to affection. As the question states, few countries do not show affection towards elderly people. Hence care is the correct answer.

  1. Inspectors criticized the kitchen staff for poor standards of______.

Answer: hygiene
Here hygiene refers to cleanliness. Inspectors complained to the kitchen staff for not maintaining cleanliness. Hence, hygiene is the correct answer.

  1. I had my windows replaced, but I’m not very pleased with the standard of______.

Answer: workmanship
workmanship refers to craftsmanship. The speaker was not pleased with the craftsmanship of his window. Hence, workmanship is the correct answer.

  1. There’s been a progressive increase in the standard of______over the last five years. People are now much better off.

Answer: living
Standard of living means the possession that anyone has to live. The speaker states that his living standards have risen in past years. Hence living is the correct answer.

  1. The school insists on strict standards of______on school trips.

Answer: behavior
Behavior means conduct or manner. The school wants to follow strict rules and conduct a school trip. Hence, behavior is the correct answer.

  1. Although it was an amateur production, the standard of______was excellent.

Answer: singing
Singing is an activity. Due to new production, the singing standard is still doing well. Hence, singing is the correct answer.

Expressions with Prepositions

  1. Use these prepositions in the sentences:
of to up
below by in
  1. The work has been done______a professional standard.

Answer: to
The work has some professional standards. Hence it is the most suitable preposition.

  1. Students will be sent home if their behavior falls______an acceptable standard.

Answer: below
Students would be sent home if they misconduct. Hence below is the correct preposition.

  1. The first computers were very slow______today’s standards.

Answer: by
The first invented computer was slow in comparison to modern computers. Hence by is the correct used preposition.

  1. Universities deny that there has been a decline______academic standards.

Answer: in
Universities do not allow students admission below the required standards. Hence, in the correctly used preposition.

  1. The report is highly critical______safety standards at the factory.

Answer: of
The report is critical and requires certain safety measures. Hence, of is the correct preposition used here.

  1. The teacher said that my essay was not______to standard and that I would have to do it again.

Answer: up
Up to standard refers not as per the expectations. Hence, up is the correct preposition used here.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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