Vocabulary for IELTS Word Safety

Bhaskar Das

Apr 1, 2022

IELTS vocabulary helps candidates with new words and their usage in grammatically correct sentences. In the IELTS speaking section, grammar is also examined when the candidate writes or speaks. IELTS Vocabulary must be used with correct grammar to score a high band in the IELTS exam.

Candidates might be scored down if there are errors in IELTS Grammar. This article contains sentences and explanations to help you expand your vocabulary.

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Vocabulary for IELTS Safety


  1. Use the correct form of these verbs:
compromise reach guarantee improve
  1. Army officers told the journalists it was such a dangerous area that they could not______their safety.

Answer: guarantee
In the above sentence, the army officers told the journalist that the area was dangerous. Hence, they cannot ensure or assure their safety. Guarantee means to ensure and hence, it is the correct answer.

  1. The refugees walked for nearly a week until they______safety.

Answer: reached
Here the refugees walked for a week until they reached a place that was safe. Hence, until they reach safety is the correct answer.

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  1. Railway companies have dismissed fears that staff cuts will______safety. They say they are not putting profit before people’s lives.

Answer: compromise
In the above sentence, the railway companies said that they are not putting profit before people’s lives. Hence, the safety of the staff will not be compromised.

  1. These new measures are designed to______safety in our schools.

Answer: improve
In this statement, new measures are being taken so that the safety of the school can be improved. New measures are always taken to improve something. Hence, improve is the correct answer.

Expressions with Prepositions

  1. Complete the sentences with these expressions:
for the safety of from the safety of in safety to safety for your own safety
  1. In the crowded streets of the city center it is difficult to find a place where children can play______.

Answer: in safety
In safety means protected from some danger. Here the crowded streets pose a threat to children and they cannot find a safe place to play in safety.

  1. The boat sank about a hundred meters from the shore, but we all managed to swim______.

Answer: to safety
To Safety means taking something to a place which is safe. In the above statement, the boat sank a hundred meters from the shore but everyone was able to swim to safety. They swam themselves to safety.

  1. The police are concerned______a three-year-old boy who has been missing for two days.

Answer: for the safety of
In the above sentence, the police were concerned about the safety of a three year old boy who was missing. Since the concern was for the boy’s safety, “for the safety of” is the correct answer.

  1. In the safari park you can watch the lions______your car.

Answer: from the safety of
From the safety of means when someone does something from a distance or from the safety of a place. Here, in the safari park, one can watch the lions from the safety of their car. The reason being that it is unsafe to go in front of the lions.

  1. Smoking and the use of mobile phones are not permitted on board this plane______.

Answer: for your own safety
For your own safety means that someone is safe in a particular situation. In the above sentence, smoking and use of mobile phones are not permitted due to the safety of the passengers or for your own safety. Hence, it is the correct answer.


  1. Complete the sentences below with these nouns:
features procedures reasons
record precautions regulations
  1. Farmers need to take safety______and wear protective clothing when spraying pesticides onto their crops.

Answer: precautions
Precautions are measures taken to prevent something. In the above sentence, the farmers need to take safety precautions when spraying pesticides onto the crops. The reason is that the pesticides might damage and cause harm to the farmers if inhaled. Hence, precaution is the correct answer.

  1. The area in the park near where the children play has been fenced off for safety______.

Answer: reasons
In the above sentence, the children's play area is fenced because of safety. Hence, the reason for fencing the children's play area is safety. So safety reasons is the correct answer.

  1. This hall does not conform to safety______. That’s why we can’t let the public use it.

Answer: regulations
The reason for not letting the public use the hall is because it does not conform to safety regulation. Regulations means rules. As the safety rules are not mentioned, hence, regulation is the correct answer.

  1. Very stringent safety checks are carried out on all our planes. That’s why this airline has such an excellent safety______.

Answer: record
Record is the evidence of the past. In this sentence, stringent safety checks are carried out on a plane. Hence, their safety record is excellent.

  1. Our engineers have incorporated all the latest safety______into the design of this car.

Answer: features
Features means characteristics. In the above sentence the engineers have incorporated safety features in the design of the car. Hence, features is the correct answer.

  1. As the plane prepared for take-off, the cabin crew demonstrated the safety______.

Answer: procedures
Procedures means a series of actions that needs to be followed to do something. In this sentence, as the plane took off, the cabin crew demonstrated safety procedures that needed to be followed.


  1. Cross out the wrong preposition in these sentences:
  1. There is growing concern about/on the safety of mobile phones.

Answer: concern about
The correct answer is “concern about” as it means that someone is worried or anxious about a subject. In this sentence, the concern is about the safety of mobile phones.

  1. German cars have a reputation on/for safety and reliability.

Answer: reputation for
Reputation is used when someone has an opinion on something. In this sentence, German cars have a reputation for safety and reliability

  1. In the interests of/in safety, smoking is forbidden in the cinema.

Answer: interests of
The correct answer is “interest of”. This means bringing attention to something. In the above sentence, in the interest of safety, smoking is forbidden in the cinema.

  1. This latest accident has raised doubts in/about the safety of the aircraft.

Answer: doubts about
Doubt about means feeling uncertain about something. In the above sentence, the latest accident has raised concern or doubts about the safety of aircraft.

  1. The firemen led the women out of the burning building to a place of/in safety.

Answer: place of
Here, the firemen led the women to a place where it was safe or a place of safety. Hence, place of is the correct answer.

  1. With no thought to/of her own safety, she dived into the river to save the drowning child.

Answer: thought of
Thought of means to think about. In the above sentence, she dived into the river to save the child without thinking of her own safety. Hence, thought of is the correct answer.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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