Vocabulary for IELTS Word Role

Bhaskar Das

Apr 2, 2022

IELTS vocabulary helps candidates to expand the knowledge of grammar and words. In the IELTS speaking and writing section, grammar is also examined by the examiner. IELTS Vocabulary must be used with correct grammar to score a high band in the IELTS exam.

The IELTS exam tests grammar through the writing, reading and speaking sections. Error in IELTS Grammar or usage of similar words can result in scores getting lower. This article “Vocabulary for IELTS Word Role” contains sentences and explanations to expand the vocabulary of a candidate.

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Vocabulary for IELTS Role

  1. Play a role in + verb

Use the correct form of these verbs:
build up            campaign for
educate            influence
open                 remove

  1. President Clinton played a pivotal role in____________ channels of communication between the leaders of the two countries.

Answer: open (opening)
In the above sentence, it is said that the channels of communication were opened or established between the two countries. Communication between two things are either opened or established. Hence, president Clinton played a pivotal role in opening channels of communication between the leaders of the two countries is the correct answer.

  1. Television has a crucial role to play in____________ young people. That’s why we need more documentaries and fewer game shows.

Answer: educate (educating)
Television needs more documentaries as it plays an important part or role in teaching or educating young people. They can learn from documentaries. Hence, educating is the correct answer.

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  1. Your kidneys play a vital role in____________ waste products from your blood.

Answer: remove (removing)
Kidneys play an important role to filter out the waste products from the blood. Hence, they remove waste products, making removing the correct answer.

  1. Nobody would deny that the media play a major role in____________ people’s opinions.

Answer: influence (influencing)
Media creates an influence and impact over people’s opinion. Hence, as per the above sentence, the media plays an important role in influencing opinions.

  1. He played a key role in____________ the company into the success it is today.

Answer: build up (building up)
As per the above sentence, he played an important or a key role in building or creating the success of the company. Hence, build up is the correct answer.

  1. She played a leading role in____________ equal opportunities for women.

Answer: campaign for (campaigning for)
In the above sentence, she played a leading role. Leading roles or leaders are required for campaigns or rallies. Here, as per the choice of words, campaign is the correct option.

  1. Common adjective collocations

Use the following adjectives in these sentences:
active            dual
minor            peace-keeping
clear              traditional

  1. He is finding his____________ role as composer and conductor quite demanding.

Answer: dual
In the above sentence, there are 2 roles that are in demand. One is a composer and the other is a conductor. Hence, as there are 2 roles, dual is the correct answer.

  1. Most of the top management positions are held by men. Women seem to play relatively____________ roles in the running of the organization.

Answer: minor
Since most of the or major of the management positions are held by men, women seem to play minor roles. The opposite of major is minor and hence, minor is the correct answer.

  1. Every member of staff must have a ____________ role. Everybody needs to know what is expected of them.

Answer: clear
Clear role means specific and the person whom it is assigned to knows what needs to be done. In the above sentence, every staff member needs to know what is expected of them and hence, must have a clear role.

  1. United Nations troops are only deployed in a ____________ role. They do not fight wars, they try to prevent them.

Answer: peace-keeping
United nations troops are only deployed to keep the peace. They do not fight wars and try to prevent them. This is peacekeeping and hence, the role they play is peace

  1. I think our government should be playing a more ____________ role in promoting human rights. It needs to do more.

Answer: active
Human rights must be promoted by the government. Hence, they should play an active role or a role where they need to start doing the promotion.

  1. Many women have abandoned their ____________ role as wife and mother. For many the pursuit of a career is more important.

Answer: traditional
The usual or the traditional role of women are as wife or mother. Many have given up that role to pursue a career which as per them is more important.

  1. Verb + role

Use the correct form of these verbs:
examine      reverse
see              play
find             take on

  1. When my mother died when I was five, my older sister had to____________ her role.

Answer: take on
Since the person’s mother died when he was five, his sister had to take that position or take up that role. Hence, take on is the correct answer.

  1. My parents looked after me when I was young, but now the roles are ____________ and I look after them.

Answer: reverse
The person’s parents looked after him when he was young, but now he looks after them. Hence, the roles are now opposite or reversed.

  1. I ____________ my role as that of a mediator, helping other people to work out their problems together.

Answer: see
The person in the sentence helps other people to work out their problems together. This is the work of a mediator. Hence, he sees/ looks to himself as a mediator.

  1. The report____________ the changing role of women in modern society.

Answer: examines
In the above sentence, the report shows the changing role of women in modern society. Reports are made to study the roles and hence, examines is the appropriate word.

  1. Because most parents work nowadays, grandparents are ____________ a more and more important role in bringing up children.

Answer: playing
Since the parents are working, grandparents have to take care of the children. This is playing a role in bringing up children. Hence, the grandparents are the ones who take care of the children or does/ plays that role. Playing is the appropriate answer.

  1. In the reorganization of the company, my old boss hasn’t really ____________ a role for himself.

Answer: found
The company was being recognized and in this, the old boss did not get a role or found a role. Hence, found is the correct answer.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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