Vocabulary for IELTS Word Opportunity

Bhaskar Das

Apr 2, 2022

Candidates can use IELTS Vocabulary to learn new words and grammatically correct sentences. In the IELTS speaking and writing test, grammar is also examined by the examiner. It is necessary to use correct and extensive vocabulary. IELTS Vocabulary must be used with correct grammar to score a high band in the IELTS exam.

Error in IELTS Grammar or repeated usage of the same words can result in a lesser band score. This article contains sentences and explanations to help you expand your vocabulary.

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Vocabulary for IELTS Opportunity

  1. Verb + opportunity

Use the correct form of these verbs:
come up         deny           give
grab               take             miss

  1. You can’t let an opportunity like a trip to Australia go by. It’s simply too good to ___________ .

Answer: miss
Miss means to let go of something. In the above sentence, the opportunity of a trip to Australia is simply too good to miss or let go. Hence, miss is the correct answer.

  1. I’d like to ___________ this opportunity to thank you all for coming.

Answer: take
Taking the opportunity means to do something. In the above sentence, the person would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for coming. Hence, “take” is the correct answer.

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  1. This programme ___________ the public the opportunity to make their voices heard. So get on the phone straightaway!

Answer: give
Give means to offer or award. Here, the programme will give the public an opportunity to make their voices heard. Hence, “Give” is the correct answer.

  1. Make sure you ___________ the opportunity with both hands! You won’t get another one like it for years.

Answer: grab
Grab means to grasp or seize. In the above sentence, it is said that one needs to grab or seize the opportunity with both hands. There is no second chance.

  1. An opportunity as good as this ___________ only once in a lifetime.

Answer: come up
Come up means occur or appear. In the above sentence, opportunity as good as this appears or comes up once in a lifetime. Hence, come up is the correct answer.

  1. I would have liked to have learnt Spanish at school, but I was ___________ the opportunity. Only French and German were taught.

Answer: deny (denied)
Deny means to refuse or reject. In the above sentence, the person would like to have learnt Spanish in school but French and German were only taught. Hence, the opportunity was denied.

  1. Common adjective collocations

Complete the sentences below with the following:
ample         great           missed         ideal
possible     rare            golden           right

  1. We need to make an appointment with you for further tests. Please contact this office at the earliest ___________ opportunity.

Answer: possible
“Earliest possible opportunity” indicates earliest time or as soon as something can be done. In the above statement the appointment needs to be taken as soon as possible or at the earliest possible opportunity.

  1. Don’t worry. You will have ___________ opportunity to ask questions after the talk. The speaker intends to stay behind for about an hour.

Answer: ample
Ample means lots of. Here, it is said that the person will have lots of opportunity or ample opportunity to ask questions after the talk as the speaker will stay for an hour.

  1. This is a ___________ opportunity to see all the painter’s work together in one place. There hasn’t been an opportunity like this for 20 years.

Answer: rare
In the above sentence, it is stated that there has not been such an opportunity to see all the painter's work in one place in 20 years. This is unusual or very rare. Hence, rare is the correct answer.

  1. Look, this is the right job for you! It’s a ___________ opportunity. Who else do you know gets the chance to work in New York for two years?

Answer: great
There are very few people who get a chance to work in New York for two years. This is an awesome or a great opportunity. Hence, great is the correct answer.

  1. I’m not changing jobs at the moment but when the ___________ opportunity comes along, I intend to take it.

Answer: right
The person in the above sentence says that he is not looking to change the job at the moment but will do when the right or the perfect opportunity comes. Hence, right is the correct answer.

  1. You mean he came to the club and I could have got his autograph! Another ___________ opportunity!

Answer: missed
The above sentence says that the person could not get the autograph and this is the second time, denoted by the word “another”. Both times, the opportunity was missed. Hence, opportunity is the correct answer.

  1. If you don’t invest now, you’ll miss a ___________ opportunity to double your money.

Answer: golden
golden opportunity means a chance to do something, in this case double the money. Hence, if you don't invest now, a golden opportunity or a rare opportunity will be missed.

  1. Club 18-25 offers an ___________ opportunity for you to meet other single people on holiday.

Answer: ideal
ideal means best. Here, club 18-25 offers the best or the ideal opportunity to meet single people on holiday. Hence, ideal is the correct answer.

  1. Determiner and quantifiers

Complete the sentences with these words:
only           much          no
this            every          an

  1. Sue isn’t the best company to be with. She talks about her children at___________ possible opportunity!

Answer: every
every opportunity means all the possible times whenever someone gets time. In this sentence, Sue is not the best company because she talks about her child every time or at every possible opportunity.

  1. Since we started a family we don’t get ___________ opportunity to go out dancing.

Answer: much
Much opportunity in this context means less opportunity. Since the person started a family, they get less or not much opportunity to go dancing.

  1. If I have ___________ opportunity, I’ll take your books back to the library for you this afternoon.

Answer: an
In this sentence, the article “an” is used before opportunity as it starts with a vowel “O”. Hence, an opportunity is the correct answer.

  1. She’s just in town for the day. This may be your one and ___________ opportunity to meet her.

Answer: only
As she is in town for one day, this might be the only opportunity to meet her. The reason one and only is stated is because she has visited the town for only one day.

  1. The Professor left straight after his lecture, so there was ___________ opportunity to find out why he held such weird ideas.

Answer: no
As the professor left after his lecture, the person did not get an opportunity or chance to find out why he held such weird ideas. As the person did not get any opportunity, “no” is the correct answer.

  1. I’d like to take___________ opportunity to thank all of you for your support.

Answer: this
‘This” is used to identify something specific. In the above sentence, the person would like to take this opportunity or the specific opportunity to thank all for the support.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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