Visiting Relatives IELTS Speaking Part 1

Bhaskar Das

Nov 16, 2022

Visiting Relatives IELTS Speaking Part 1 comprises eight questions with answers and vocabulary. In the above topic Visiting Relatives candidates are asked a few questions such as -Do you often visit your relatives, What do you do when you visit them, and more. To answer these questions, candidates need to be confident and fluent.

In IELTS Speaking part 1, the candidates need to introduce themselves and then have to speak on a given topic for about 4-5 minutes continuously. IELTS Speaking task checks if the candidate has the ability to communicate, state opinions, and give information on everyday topics or experiences.

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Topic: Visiting Relatives IELTS Speaking Part 1

Question 1: Do you often visit your relatives?

Answer: Relatives are the people who help you in your time of need. You are surrounded by your relatives. Yes, I love visiting my relatives often. I never miss a chance to meet my relatives as long as I have much time to sit and talk to them peacefully. If I look back in time then I have visited my relatives often about two times a month. I like being in touch with my relatives to get the latest updates about their health and progress. As far as spending time with them is concerned, I feel blessed to have such relatives with whom I can actually enjoy and refresh my mind.


  • Concerned: worried or anxious about something

Question 2: What do you do when you visit them?

Answer: Whenever I visit my relatives we ultimately have some piled-up discussion to go for. We sit and talk leisurely for hours, and have lunch and dinner together. Even when we are out of work, we watch some movie or web series, just to spend quality time.

Pulling up random topics is my favorite part. Even at times, I have seen certain hot-topics are taken into consideration like politics. Apart from that, there is a general routine that we play certain board games to not get bored obviously. Unlike keeping looking at our mobile phones, we prefer spending time with each other talking, laughing, and playing.


  • Leisurely: unhurried or relaxed
  • Consideration: careful thought, typically over a period of time

Question 3: When did you last visit relatives? What did you do?

Answer: A few days back, I went for some work near my relative's place so I thought of giving them a surprise by visiting their place. I had a good time with them. Since I planned to stay there for a night, we did multiple enjoyable activities. The foremost thing is that we talked about future events related to educational and career growth.

Also, we had lots of topics to gossip about like the upcoming wedding of my cousin. All the stuff about the preparation of his/her wedding was lined up. Soon, we had lunch and then went out for some shopping. At night, we watched movies and played games to keep the entertaining side alive.


  • Gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation about others

Question 4: Do you prefer visiting your relatives, or your friends?

Answer: This is a very debatable topic. It always depends from person to person or situation. Both of the relations are integral to one's life and can be helpful at times too. But there is a slight bend towards one relation always, so in my case, it would be my friends whom I wish to visit.

Though, it has been said that blood relations are somewhat thicker than water. Still, I would say friends are the set of people who really understand you. I am not denying that relatives also understand us but friends are usually of our age group, so they have better knowledge of what I am going through.


  • Integral: essential or fundamental

Question 5: Do you take anything when you visit your relatives?

Answer: It is a traditional practice to take something when you visit someone. Usually, I carry some flowers or sweets. Also, there are times when I go to some eateries which they generally love to have. Apart from that, if there are any occasions or approaching festivals then, I carry a few gifts too. However, it is the wish of people if they want to carry something to their relative's place or not.


  • Traditional: conventional; long-established
  • Eateries: a restaurant or cafe

Question 6: What are some of the most irritating or embarrassing questions your relatives have asked you?

Answer: Well, when you visit relatives there might be a series of discussions taken up by your relatives. Sometimes, the questions can be quite embarrassing and you might feel like avoiding that question. The questions are sometimes related to my personal life, career paths, or something else extraordinary. Specifically, when these questions are asked in front of my parents these questions turn out to be irritating.

Actually, my aunt and uncle keep a check on my activities so they come up with lots of annoying questions like 'Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?' If not this then, 'Do you want an arranged marriage or a love marriage?' Apart from this, there are multiple other rhetorical questions that might sound irritating at times. This is the only reason why I avoid going to my relative's place.


  • Embarrassing: humiliating
  • Extraordinary: remarkable; exceptional
  • Rhetorical: relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric
  • Irritating: annoying; infuriating

Question 7: Why do people visit relatives?

Answer: In order to refresh their minds and have a small get-together with relatives people visit their relatives. In some cases, people wish to spend quality time with their loved ones, so they prefer visiting their relatives to have a joyful time. Even visiting relatives is like spending time with a set of vibrant people who have distinct personalities.

People visit relatives to have some fun. Perhaps, I have met people who do not like visiting their relatives for one or the other reason. It depends on their likeness whether they want to spend time with such amazing people or sit at home using their mobile phones all the time.


  • Vibrant: full of life and energy
  • Personalities: characteristics or qualities that form an individual

Question 8: Is there a need to visit relatives?

Answer: Well, it's a personal choice whether one wishes to visit relatives or not. According to me, it totally depends on the vibes you get wherever you are going. If people feel good when they visit relatives, then they should surely see them otherwise, the visits can be avoided. There is nothing a 'need' like this. Everyone has a different notion about this topic. I believe people should visit their relatives and keep a check on their health and how they are doing generally in life. Also, since there is a blood bond shared with relatives, people should visit relatives if not much then at least once in a while. However, if you are meeting them in any event then don't miss the opportunity to have a little chat with them.


  • Vibes: in the same emotional/atmosphere compatibility
  • Notion: the concept of belief or idea
  • blood bond: the familial bond of common descent

Check – IELTS Speaking Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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