Video Games are Very Popular With Children IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Dec 14, 2022

Video Games are Very Popular With Children IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answers have been provided in this article. This is a topic on social issues where candidates are asked about their opinion. Candidates are required to share their opinion based on how they feel about children playing video games. Candidates can write the negative impacts by giving examples to form their argument. Thus, a brief conclusion is also necessary to be provided in this aspect. Three samples are provided for the students so that they can select from a range of answers. In the body of the answer, the views regarding both sides are explained. The concluding part of the answers leaves the candidate to decide which is more important.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Title: Video games are very popular with children. However, some parents feel that video games can have a negative impact on their children, but others believe that they may have some positive effects. How do you feel about children playing video games? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Band 6 IELTS Essay

In recent years, video games have grown in popularity among the younger population. While some parents go to great efforts to explain the advantages of contemporary games. Others are concerned about the negative consequences these games may have on kids. Computer games, in my opinion, have a negative impact on children's general physical and mental health.

And this essay will go into great length about those health concerns. Nowadays, the majority of games are played online, frequently with a large number of participants from different parts of the nation or the globe. This will aid in the development of the child's teamwork and problem-solving abilities. However, many video games on the market now have excessive violence, overt sexuality, vulgarity, and racism. And many other things that young children cannot properly understand. They might not be able to see these portrayals as mere parodies and wind up striving to act in the same way as what is shown in the games. Therefore, it's possible that video games are more detrimental than beneficial. In addition, playing video games for extended periods of time rather than engaging in physical activity can be harmful to a child's health in a number of ways. If a child doesn't get out and interact with others in the real world, his cognitive development can suffer. Playing video games for extended periods of time when seated all the time can decrease the eyesight, weaken the muscles and joints. And cause numbness in the hands and fingers from overuse. Several studies also suggest that it might weaken the muscles and joints of the body. It can lead to obesity. In conclusion, this article has covered how violent game content may have a negative impact on children's behaviour. And how kids who play video games for lengthy periods of time tend to get overweight because they don't get enough exercise.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

Playing video games is among the most popular recreational activities for children. Perhaps video games have any specific drawbacks in addition to their positives is a topic of discussion among parents. I believe that the social benefits of video games outweigh the negative ones. The most significant point in support of my position is that computer games have a detrimental effect on children's health.

It is well known that children's eyes are immediately exposed to the screen while they play video games on computers or via television. In light of this, if they play for a long time, their vision may suffer significantly. In fact, numerous research have revealed that playing video games is among the most frequent reasons why people experience impaired eyesight at a young age. The obvious consequence of video games being addictive is that they tend to attract younger players more than older ones. Due to its amusing nature and competitive nature, children are prone to being pulled to video games. Because of this, individuals frequently neglect other crucial duties. Suchy as finishing their homework, spending time with friends, or even maintaining relationships with their family. A young individual who has a strong sense of competition, for instance, can spend countless hours playing Fortnite. He'll do this to enhance their gaming skills so that they can outperform their friends in the game. This has detrimental effects on both the mental health of children and their communication skills. For the aforementioned reasons, I vehemently disagree with the idea of promoting video game playing among young children. It will have an adverse effect on how they develop because it might have a detrimental impact on both their physical and psychological well-being. Overall, the article comes to the conclusion that these virtual games do actually negatively affect the younger members of society.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Video games, along with televisions, are among the most widely used forms of entertainment, particularly among kids. Similar to television viewing, children's video game playing habits can have both positive and negative effects. There is no denying the advantages of playing video games. It is obvious that videogames are enjoyable and fun. Video games are now pervasive in all areas and are no longer restricted.

For instance, there are games created for both adults and kids who appreciate music but don't have access to musical instruments. These games allow players to play while listening to their favourite music. Children benefit from this after a long day of studying and feel more calm. Video games are not only fun, but they may also be instructive. Consider how many straightforward video games are designed to teach youngsters between the ages of 3 and 5 how to count, write, or even learn other languages. Video games benefit everyone, not only kindergarteners, but also teenagers. Players of video games must move their computer mouse swiftly in order to complete game activities. They can thereby enhance how they respond to unanticipated events. Regardless of gender, video games are plain beneficial for young people. However, because of their shortcomings, video games can put kids at risk. Overuse of video games can cause a number of health issues, and it is especially bad for young children's eyes. Some kids might even become addicted to the games and develop mental problems as a result. Some people may experience hallucinations and even make murderous attempts out of their false sense of danger. Additionally, they tend to avoid social interaction, which makes them shy and reticent, even around their friends and relatives. Children who withdraw from society as a result will experience loneliness and sadness for the majority of their lives. Children who spend the most of their time playing video games rather than experiencing the outside world may experience autism more severely. In other words, playing video games and keeping your eyes glued to a computer or television screen might be dangerous to your health. Children are influenced by video games in both positive and harmful ways. Video games cannot be boycotted because of their drawbacks, nor can they be encouraged to be played for a long time because they are beneficial. To get the most out of video games, parents should give their kids permission to play for a set amount of time each day—about an hour.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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