Uses of There and It in IELTS Grammar

Collegedunia Team

Mar 11, 2022

The IELTS exam requires candidates to be proficient in the English language towards accomplishing studies in foreign colleges and universities. Accordingly, IELTS assessment is an inclusion of four different sections; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These four defined sections are dedicated towards assessing students based on their skills. IELTS writing task 2 assesses the grammar and vocabulary of students along with style and usage for which modal verbs based on advanced grammar are important. Students are required to consider practicing grammar and vocabulary for IELTS writing task 2. Moreover, candidates might consider further practice with IELTS Writing practice papers which would guide them through the use of appropriate grammar and vocabulary in different situations.

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Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Introductory there and it – Diagnose Test, Grammar Explanation & Practice Exercises

Q1. Diagnostic Test: Introductory there and it
Complete the sentences with it or there (and a suitable form of be if necessary).


  • In the state of Texas alone, there are thought to be more than thirty prisoners on death row.
  • She found it strange that he never talked about his childhood.

Q1. Once upon a time____ an old woman who lived in a shoe.

Answer: there was
Since, the above statement discusses a past situation. Thus, there was is the appropriate word completion of the statement.

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Q2. During tomorrow’s show____ an interval of fifteen minutes. than thirty prisoners on death row.

Answer: there will be
Above statement describes a situation that is about to take place at a particular location. Thus, there will be the appropriate words for completion of this sentence.

Q3. Luckily, ____ not any difficulty finding the shop yesterday.

Answer: there was
This above mentioned sentence explains a situation that has occurred in the past. Therefore, there was is appropriate for completion of the statement.

Q4.____ a long way to the beach from here.

Answer: it’s
Above mentioned statement aims at describing a journey towards a destination. Thus, it’s is the appropriate word for completion of this sentence.

Q5. ‘Which street is it?’ ‘____the first one on the left.’

Answer: it’s
Above statement aims at directing an individual towards a destination or a path that is required to be followed. Grammatically, it’s is the appropriate word for completion of the statement.

Q6. ____ seems to be something wrong with my modem.

Answer: there
A situation here is being described that is undetermined. Thus, there is the appropriate word for completing this sentence.

Q7. Strange weather for June; ____ freezing today!

Answer: it’s
Above statement aims at describing a situation that is being faced by someone. Thus, it’s is the appropriate word for completion of the sentence.

Q8. ____ hardly any fuel left in the car.

Answer: There’s
A situation of uncertainty is being described in the above sentence. Therefore, there’s is the appropriate word for completing the sentence.

Q9. The army doesn’t anticipate____ much opposition from the rebel forces.

Answer: there being
Above sentence aims at establishing a statement of certainty. Thus, there being is the appropriate word for completing the sentence.

Q10. ____ looks as though our team’s going to win, after all.

Answer: it
A statement of determination is being established that explains a situation of winning. Thus, it is the appropriate word for completing the sentence.

Q11. ____ supposed to be several ticket machines outside the station.

Answer: There are
Above statement aims at establishing a situation of expectation. Thus, there are is appropriate for completing the sentence.

Q12. Given the right monetary conditions, ____ theoretically possible to achieve zero inflation.

Answer: it is
Above mentioned statement aims at highlighting a situation of reaching a state. Thus, it is is appropriate for completing the sentence.

Q13. From the swirling mist____ emerged a mysterious cloaked figure.

Answer: there
Above statement highlights the emergence of something from somewhere.Thus, there is the appropriate word for completion of the sentence.

Q14. If the reorganization goes ahead____ sure to be a lot of opposition from the sales force.

Answer: there is
Above sentence aims at highlighting the establishment of a situation. Thus, there is has been used for completion of the sentence.

Q15. I leave____ to your conscience to decide whether to report the matter.

Answer: it
Above sentence explains the dependence of an individual upon someone else. Therefore, it can be utilized for completion of the sentence.

Q16. Frankly, ____ not surprising that they were expelled.

Answer: it is
Above sentence aims at describing someone else's situation. Therefore, it is has been utilized to complete the sentence.

Q17. We would appreciate____ if you wouldn’t say anything about this to the children.

Answer: it
Above sentence aims at explaining a situation where an individual is being restricted from confessing something to someone. Thus, it has been utilized for the completion of the sentence.

Q18. Well, Mr Green,____nothing wrong with the heating element so perhaps we’d better look at the pump.

Answer: there’s
Above sentence aims at correcting someone’s move towards something. Thus, there’s has been utilized for completion of the sentence.

Q19. Hello, ____ Azco Market Research here; I wonder if you’d have a few minutes to take part in our telephone poll?

Answer: it’s
Above statement aims at establishing the identity of an entity. Therefore, it’s has been utilized for completion of the sentence.

Q20. The ministry didn’t expect ____ quite such a negative reaction from farmers.

Answer: there to be
Above sentence aims at an uncertain situation that is being faced by someone. Thus, there to be has been utilized for completion of the statement.

Grammar Explanation: Introductory there and it

In this unit, we look at the use of it and there as ’empty’ subjects to introduce new information or the main content of a sentence. We can also use them to manipulate the position of subjects, objects, and clauses in sentences. This allows us to describe or report things indirectly and create a more impersonal style often found in formal English.

Q 2. Rewrite the following sentences using there.

Eg 1. Such a strong reaction was not anticipated by the protestors.
The protestors did not expect there to be such a strong reaction.

Eg 2. Getting a visa won’t be difficult.
There won’t be any difficulty getting a visa.

Q1. More than a million species of insects exist in the world.

Answer: There are more than a million species of insect in the world.
Explanation and establishment of a fact is being accomplished. Thus, the above statement justifies the mentioned fact.

Q2. A grandfather clock was ticking in the background.

Answer: There was a grandfather clock ticking in the background.
There is an establishment of an activity that is being carried out by an object. Thus, the above statement justifies the ticking of a clock in the background.

Q3. At Hiroshima in 1945 an event happened which shook the whole world.

Answer: At Hiroshima in 1945 there was an event which shook the whole world.
The above statement explains the happening of a devastating event, Thus, the re-written statement justifies the happening.

Q4. Two further suspects are thought to be under arrest.

Answer: There are thought to be two further suspects under arrest.
Above statement states that two individuals have been taken under possession due to crimes. Thus, the above statement justifies the happening.

Q5. They are bound to react badly to the news.

Answer: There is bound to be a bad reaction to the news (from them).
The above mentioned statement establishes the reaction of a group of people towards a given news. The statement justifies the situation appropriately.

Q6. A statement by the Prime Minister now follows.

Answer: There now follows/ There will now be a statement by the Prime Minister.
Question mentioned above tries to explain an upcoming event where a Prime Minister will be announcing something. This statement re-written statement justifies the above motive.

Q7. Present in the compound were two forms of amino acid.

Answer: There were two forms of amino acid present in the compound./ Present in the compound there were two forms of amino acid.
The statement mentioned above explains the presence of two forms of elements within a compound. Thus, the re-written testament appropriately justifies the statement.

Q8. Does Osaka have an underground railway?

Answer: Is there an underground railway in Osaka?
The statement in the question portrays confusion regarding availability of something. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the situation.

Q9. A massive sell-off of high-tech shares is likely in the next few days.

Answer: There is likely to be a massive sell off of high- tech shares in the next few days.
The above statement explains a situation where a massive sell-off of high tech shares. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the statement.

Q10. From the middle of the forest emerged a strange hooded figure.

Answer: From the middle of the forest there emerged a strange hooded figure./There emerged a strange hooded figure from the middle of the forest.
Occurrence of a strange situation is being explained in the question. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the given situation accordingly.

Q11. In this case, securing a conviction should be no trouble.

Answer: In this case, there should be no trouble securing a conviction.
The statement in the question explains a situation that establishes that conviction is no trouble for a concerned situation. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the situation.

Q12. Is nobody here able to help us?

Answer: Is there nobody here able to help us?/ls there nobody here who can help us?
The sentence mentioned above explains a state of confusion. The re-written answer justifies the statement.

Q13. Illustrated in our brochure are ten new holiday destinations.

Answer: There are ten new holiday destinations illustrated in our brochure.
The statement mentioned in the question explains that there have been establishment of new lists of holidays. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the situation and retains the meaning of the original sentence.

Q14. Do you have a buffet car on the train?

Answer: Is there a buffet car on the train?
The statement mentioned in the question highlights a state of confusion for an individual. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the situation.

Q15. In this bad weather a poor turnout for the election is certain.

Answer: In this bad weather there is certain to be a poor turnout for the election ./There is certain to be a poor turnout for the election in this bad weather.
There have been two statements that justify the situation given the question. It states that bad weather might impact the election results.

Q16. Hanging over the bed was a beautiful antique tapestry.

Answer: There was a beautiful antique tapestry hanging over the bed.
The question mentioned above explains an artistic approach of tapestry that is antique. The name of the tapestry is hanging over the bed. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the situation.

Q17. People think at least two leading politicians are involved in the scandal.

Answer: There are thought to be at least two leading politicians involved in the scandal.
There is a state of confusion being explained in the questioned sentence. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the situation over involvement of two different politicians in a scandal.

Q18. We don’t envisage any adverse reaction from viewers.

Answer: We don’t envisage there being any adverse reaction from viewers.
The statement mentioned in the question explains that there has been no envisage contained in the reaction of viewers. Thus, the re-written statement justifies the situation.

Q 3. For each sentence below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using a form of it or there and the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.

The exercise begins with an example.

Eg 1. I think Steve might win the race.
though:…..It looks as though Steve might win the race…….
Such an overwhelming demand for tickets wasn’t anticipated by the organizers.

  1. seems

She may well marry him.

Answer: It seems (as if/ as though) she’s going to marry him./ It seems she may marry him.
With the usage of the word seems and it, the meaning of the sentence has changed to the possibility of occurrence of the event.

  1. thought

People think many other politicians are involved in the scandal.

Answer: There are thought to be many other politicians involved in the scandal/ It is thought that there are many other politicians involved in the scandal.
The sentence has been reframed with the word thought and it. The meaning of the sentence has been preserved, explaining the possibility of involvement of two politicians in a scandal.

  1. appreciate

I would like you to send me your up-to-date retail price list.

Answer: I would appreciate it if you would/could send me/if you sent me your up-to-date retail price list.
The statement mentioned explains the demand for an updated list of retail price list. Thus, the sentence has been re-written with the usage of word appreciate and it justifying the original meaning of the statement.

  1. applicants

Fifty students applied for the scholarship.

Answer: It has been recorded that fifty applicants have applied for the scholarship.
It can be concluded from the questioned statement that the scholarship has witnessed fifty applicants. Therefore, the sentence has been rewritten with the word it and applicants conserving the original meaning of the sentence.

  1. said

They say he hates publicity.

Answer: It is said he hates publicity.
Above mentioned statement establishes that an individual abhors publicity. Thus, with use of the words it and said, the sentence has been reconstructed conserving the original meaning.

  1. surprising

We’re not surprised that their children are so badly behaved.

Answer: It isn’t surprising that their children are so badly behaved.
The statement states familiarity of an individual towards the behavior of children. Thus, the sentence has been rewritten with the word surprising and it, stating the possibility of behavior of children.

  1. demonstrated

In this paper we will demonstrate that DNA strands can be replicated.

Answer: In this paper it will be demonstrated that DNA strands can be replicated.
The paper deals with the demonstration of the possibility of replication of DNA strands. Thus, the sentence has been reconstructed with the word it and demonstrated.

  1. sale

We are selling twelve detached houses with double garages on this estate.

Answer: There are twelve detached houses with double garages and it is for sale on this estate.
The statement mentioned above announces the sale for two detached houses that are up for sale. The sentence has been reconstructed with the word sale and it.

  1. honor

To be nominated for this award makes me feel greatly honored.

Answer: It is a great honor to be nominated for this award.
The sentence mentioned above explains a proud moment for an individual. Thus, the sentence has been reconstructed with the word honor and okay.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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