Use of Video Cameras in Public Places Is Being Increased In Order To Reduce Crime IELTS Writing Task 2

Use of Video Cameras In Public Places Is Being Increased In Order To Reduce Crime IELTS Writing Task 2 is a topic of the IELTS writing section. The given IELTS topic named Use of Video Cameras In Public Places Is Being Increased In Order To Reduce Crime IELTS Writing Task 2 has three model answers below written from different perspectives. The topic basically comes with the idea of using video cameras in public places for capturing crime scenes in order to reduce it. The IELTS Writing Task 2 topic is an argumentative type, the candidates should mandatorily present their opinions and views regarding the increasing cars on roads.

The test-takers point of view is supported in the body by argumentative comments and tentative solutions. The candidates’ ability to put forward their knowledge of various topics like this and their views regarding those topics has been improved by the IELTS Writing Task 2. Based on band scores, the IELTS writing score is calculated. The band scores range from 0 to 9. The candidates for the purpose of preparation of the same kind of topics like Use of Video Cameras In Public Places Is Being Increased In Order To Reduce Crime IELTS Writing Task 2, can practice from the IELTS Writing practice papers

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Topic: Use Of Video Cameras In Public Places Is Being Increased In Order To Reduce Crime

Band 8 IELTS Essay

In order to decrease the crime rates, several countries are implementing large number of security cameras in areas with the access or adminttance of the public. Some of the citizens carries a personal thought which conveys that these kind of measures puts a hindrance in our personal space. In this essay it has been stated that more number of inspection and supervision bought perks and profit rather than loss. The essay in the very starting depicts that how improved security system avert those who tries to contravene or violate the law systems and it also provides the public a good portion of security. The reason for the worries about the abolishing of personal freedom is why unknown is also clarified in this essay. A reasonable logic has been provided in the ending portion.

More video cameras in public regions are for the reduction of criminal offenses. These cameras are used so that the videos of committed crimes becomes a polished evidence against the assasins. Potential offenders are deterred from breaking the law in public places by this. since they are aware that their actions will be captured on camera. For example, the use of video cameras in the public places rises more in the year of 2010, which impacted in the reducing of the minor heist cases in the United Kingdom by 10%. Moreover, a feeling of safety prevails among the citizens just because of these cameras. The pupil all over feels secured all the moment as they know that these cameras are putted up in order to diminish the criminal offenses more. 

Approximately three-quarters of respondents in a recent research by The Straits Times said they felt better at ease after learning that more surveillance cameras were being used in public.

Although besides all these people, there were also a group of people who completely aversed this idea. According to them, the video cameras in public places puts a hindrance in their personal space. These people should reassess their objectives. This is because personal independence is unattainable in dangerous urban areas. Because law enforcement is constantly watching people's actions, the usage of security cameras is condemned as restricting personal freedom. However, if cities are unsafe to live in, there will be no cause for concern over individual freedom.

Conclusively, it can be said that more number of security cameras can bring reduce the increasing crime percentages. Even while this would limit individual freedom, the main objective in governments with high crime rates should still be surveillance.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

While some people think that installing surveillance cameras in public places can help reduce crime. Others say that doing so just restricts individual freedom. While it's true that surveillance cameras might occasionally make people feel uneasy and harassed. In my opinion, adopting these kinds of security measures is better for the general population.

On the one hand, security cameras in public locations have a variety of undesirable effects.

Invasion of privacy is the first problem that comes to mind when installing public surveillance equipment because it can keep an eye on everything constantly. You can be observed while out and about, driving, or hanging out with pals. This paints a whole picture of your private life that you don't want anyone to see, not even the government.

The fact that public surveillance cameras have not been proven to reduce crime is another contentious issue worth discussing. Despite the numerous security measures that have been put in place in public places. We frequently learn about terrible crimes that criminals have committed. In addition, some serious lawbreakers are not deterred by the presence of a camera. The installation of more video surveillance technology, on the other hand, is considered for the welfare of people and their security.

First off, installing cameras in public areas improves public safety by allowing people to keep an eye out for any crimes that might be occurring. In rare circumstances, crimes can be prevented even before they start.

Additionally, if a crime is committed in a public area where a security camera has been installed. There is a significantly higher likelihood that the offender will be apprehended. If a criminal is caught on camera committing a crime. Posters can be made from the footage and broadcast on television to raise awareness of the offender.

In conclusion, I can see why many people are worried about security equipment being present in public spaces. But I still think the advantages of this type of public security outweigh the drawbacks.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

It is true that more and more metropolitan areas are using video cameras to curb crime. Although I acknowledge that surveillance cameras violate our privacy, I believe that deploying them to increase security far outweighs the drawbacks.

Privacy is inevitably invaded when video cameras are installed in public areas. They record every second, and as a result, people who are mindful of their presence frequently feel compelled to behave properly when they enter public spaces. While rarely a serious problem, this can occasionally be inconvenient.

Many people consider this to be intrusive and believe that the state is restricting their personal freedom by documenting their movements. The deployment of CCTV cameras in place of police officers patrolling the streets is the second argument made against their widespread use. It is unlikely that the general population will feel safer if this is actually taking place.

Despite the disadvantages described above, I think using video cameras to monitor public spaces is a good idea. The primary goals of video surveillance are to deter criminal activity and to stop crime. For instance, shoplifters and pickpockets are less likely to operate in areas of cities where they are aware of their surroundings.

However, I would contend that the advantages of using video cameras in public settings outweigh the drawbacks. First off, they lessen or even stop criminal activity, making public spaces safer. This is so that both inexperienced and experienced criminals are discouraged from committing crimes by the constant scrutiny provided by security cameras. They are prevented from acting illegally since they are aware that they are being observed. For instance, New Zealand, one of the world's most tranquil countries, has significantly lowered its crime rate at night by putting cameras in all public areas.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that the benefits of using or installing video cameras to improve security at public locations exceed the drawbacks. While privacy can be ignored when it comes to safety.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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