Urban Fish Farming Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Jun 28, 2024

Urban Fish Farming Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. The Urban Fish Farming Reading Answers have a total of 7 IELTS questions in total. In the questions, you have to fill in the blanks with No More Than One Words And/Or A Number and Select the Correct Option. 

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Section 1

Read the Text Below and Answer Questions

Urban Fish Farming

New initiatives are making the widespread farming of fish in cities a real possibility.

It is estimated that the world's population will have reached 8 billion people by the year 2030, which is a matter of concern in terms of the global food supply. It is thought that by then, only 38% of seafood consumed will come from wild sea life, meaning

that the rest will be sourced from fish farming. Using a system called aquaponics however, it is possible to cultivate both fish and produce (e.g. vegetables) in a closed-loop system. The fish waste fertilises the plants and the plants purity the water making it habitable for the fish. This idea has been used in fish farming for years; recently however, there have been some initiatives that are using aquaponics in a city environment.

Many offshore fish farms are experiencing a number of issues. Often, the waters where they are located are becoming less attractive as habitats because the water is getting warmer and, therefore, has higher levels of acidity, In addition to this, this type of farming often relies on antibiotics and pesticides. Leftover fish waste can pollute the area and have a negative effect on other species. These reasons have led researchers and entrepreneurs to investigate alternative ways of farming fish. New York scientist Martin Schreibman keeps fish in large tanks in his laboratory - a very different set- up from a conventional fish farm or, for that matter, from a natural ecosystem. He has been working on a system that eliminates the use of chemicals in the rearing of the fish. This system filters water from the tap and removes waste created by the fish. No antibiotics or pesticides are added but he is able to control the temperature of the water and has had particular success with tilapia fish which he says are ideal for research thanks to their resilience. By making his recirculation system sufficiently compact that it

can be operated using the city water supply, Schreibman believes tanks like his could be used on city rooftops to provide residents with fish all year round. The idea behind aquaponics is far from new. As far back as 1,000 BC farmers in China realized they were able to boost the yield from their rice paddies when they let fish swim in the water around the rice and fertilize the plants with their waste. Jason Green explains that his company, Edenworks, wants to adapt that early knowledge, which used an ecosystem that was already there, to the modern situation where the ecosystem can be separate and independent from the land. 

He notes that the challenge is to create soil that has the same richness and nutrient support as a natural system has. In trying to recreate the right balance to produce delicious food, Edenworks monitors all conditions on the farms using sensors. The company has enlisted the help of professional chef and now Edenworks' Head of Product, Sam Yoo, to sample the food once it is harvested. Yoo uses his highly-trained palette to help quantity aspects of the food like flavor and texture. One notable feature of Edenworks farms is that they use a vertical design. This enables them to grow up to six times as much produce in the same sized space as other systems. They do not use LED or fluorescent lights, preferring instead a solar design Currently they sell produce and fish directly to restaurants, but Green explains Edenworks would like to get to a point where the aquaponic model of food production is integrated into building design from the start. He adds that besides providing food, a rooftop farm serves as a layer of insulation for the building, thus benefiting the occupants in additional ways.

There are undoubted benefits of urban farming for the environment. The average item in an American grocery story currently travels 1500 miles on its way to the shelf. Producing food in cities would not only vastly reduce the energy required for distribution but would also have a positive effect on how fresh and nutritious the fruits and vegetables in local communities are. Neil Sims of Kampachi Farms has been deeply involved in the fish-farming industry, though off the coast of Hawaii rather than in cities

Sims and his colleagues have found that they have had to overcome the public perception of farmed fish or fish grown in a warehouse as being somehow inferior nutritionally. He acknowledges that some poorly-executed attempts at fish farming in

the past may have made people skeptical but notes that the resistance should be countered with the possibility of a sustainable healthy source of fish. As Sims points out, if the number of people on Earth approaches the expected 11 billion at the end

the century, there will simply not be enough fish to feed everyone. That is, of course, unless a new way of supplying fish is adopted.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Question 34-36

Choose the correct letter.

  1. What problem with fish farming in the ocean is mentioned?
  1. Fish farms are too far from the consumer.
  2. Diseased fish are becoming immune to medicines used.
  3. Conditions are becoming less favourable for some marine creatures.
  4. Other marine species may interfere with fish being farmed.

Answer: C
Supporting statement:
“........Often, the waters where they are located are becoming less attractive as habitats because the water is getting warmer and, therefore, has higher levels of acidity...........”
farming, problems
Keyword Location: para 2, Line 2-3
The passage says that the waters where offshore fish farms are located are becoming less attractive due to warmer temperatures and higher acidity levels, which makes conditions less favourable for marine creatures.

  1. A distinctive aspect of the fish farming done by Edenworks is that
  1. They can maximize the use of space.
  2. they produce higher quality fish than other companies.
  3. they operate in taller buildings.
  4. They make use of artificial lighting.

Answer: A
Supporting statement:
“.........One notable feature of Edenworks farms is that they use a vertical design. This enables them to grow up to six times as much produce in the same sized space as other systems...........”
design, maximize
Keyword Location: para 4, Lines 6-7
It is given that the vertical design of Edenworks farms allows them to maximize the use of space, producing up to six times as much produce as other systems.

  1. What does Green say about designing farms within buildings?
  1. Urban architects have opposed these farms so far.
  2. These farms may bring other advantages as well as providing food.
  3. These farms should not be located too high up in the building-
  4. These farms will work well in a limited set of conditions.

Answer: B
Supporting statement:
“.........He adds that besides providing food, a rooftop farm serves as a layer of insulation for the building, thus benefiting the occupants in additional ways...........”
buildings, additional
Keyword Location: para 4, Lines 8-9
It is given that green notes that help farms with building design not only provide food but also offer additional benefits such as serving as a layer of insulation for the building.

Questions 37-40 



From 1,000 BC Chinese rice farmers made use of aquaponics, which helped them to increase their 37...... They allowed fish into the rice paddies and the 38..............from the fish naturally enriched their crops. Edenworks is looking at ways to incorporate that idea, but with a system that is not connected to the 39……….

They are trying to find a way to produce food that tastes great by duplicating the qualities of 40......... found in nature.


Answer: YIELD
Supporting statement:
“..........As far back as 1,000 BC farmers in China realized they were able to boost the yield from their rice paddies when they let fish swim in the water around the rice and fertilize the plants with their
farmers, aquaponics
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 2-3
Explanation:It is given that Chinese farmers used aquaponics to increase their yield from rice paddies.


Answer: WASTE 
Supporting statement:
“.........As far back as 1,000 BC farmers in China realized they were able to boost the yield from their rice paddies when they let fish swim in the water around the rice and fertilize the plants with their
waste, fertilize
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 3
It is given that the waste from the fish naturally enriched their crops.


Answer: LAND
Supporting statement:
“........Jason Green explains that his company, Edenworks, wants to adapt that early knowledge, which used an ecosystem that was already there, to the modern situation where the ecosystem can be
separate and independent from the land...........”
Edenworks, separate
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 5-6
It is given that Edenworks is looking at ways to incorporate the idea of aquaponics with a system that is not connected to the land.


Answer: SOIL
Supporting statement:
“.......He notes that the challenge is to create soil that has the same richness and nutrient support as a natural system has............”
create soil, nutrient 
Keyword Location: para 3, Line 7-8
It is given that Edenworks aims to duplicate the qualities of soil found in nature to produce food that tastes great.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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