Transport and Accommodation Problems Are Increasing in Many Cities IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 22, 2022

Transport and Accommodation Problems Are Increasing in Many Cities IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 provides candidates an opportunity to express their knowledge and views based on the topic. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: As transport and accommodation problems are increasing in many cities. Some governments are encouraging businesses to move to rural areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Model Answer 1

The main problems that the cities face these days are accommodation and transportation. Because of this, the higher authorities are cheering up the businesses to relocate to the rural areas. The opinion in driving a conclusion in this may seem a little contradictory and it may vary from person to person. In my perspective, there are more cons than pros.
On the one hand, migrating from the city to the countryside may result in less traffic and pollution. As a wide portion of people move out of the city, it creates more space and less pollution. People from rural areas tend to move to the city in search of a better job and thus a better life. On the contrary, if the respective authorities take necessary steps to provide employment opportunities in the suburbs by promoting more businesses there. Then people will settle down there.
On the other hand, the infrastructure facilities in a rural area may not be that good to support a business. As we are aware, today’s most enterprises are functioning on the foundation of the Internet. It is impossible to even think of running a business with a poor network connection for even just an hour. This may even impact the productivity of the business. And thus affecting the profitability. This is a kind of circle that tends to repeat itself. This may lead the business to a heavy loss and thereby affecting the lives of employees.
There may be numerous workers available in the rural areas. But they will not be as experienced and skilled as those in metropolitan areas. This is mainly due to the exposure to technological advancement in urban areas. Also, these days many businesses primarily focus on the customers. The majority of the customers are in the city. It may not be beneficial for the business, as they may not be able to provide their services to their customers like how they were able to in urban areas.
To summarize, moving to the suburbs may appear to be a feasible option for lowering traffic and pollution. But the after effect may be immeasurably higher. Many difficulties may arise as a reaction and some of them may not be in the vicinity of us to solve. Hence, I restate that the cons outweigh the pros.

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Model Answer 2

Many companies are encouraged to relocate to the suburbs by the government. This is in respect to the rising accommodation and transport issues. They think that moving to the countryside would reduce the precedent issues. In my opinion, the benefits are comparatively more in number than the drawbacks.
On the constructive part, the population density in the urban areas gets reduced. It may have an immense impact on reducing the traffic congestion and the pollution caused by vehicles.
This also means that the quantity of waste that is exposed to the cities reduces. Industries generally have a lot of waste as their derivative.It cannot be properly disposed of within the constrained land. This results in raging huge pollution which is harmful to the dense population.
Furthermore, as more enterprises locate in rural areas, rural residents will have the opportunity to better their living conditions. As a by-product, the people in the rural areas prosper as a result of the increased employment opportunities. Resulting in higher per capita income and a higher standard of living. Besides, the empowerment of the nation lies in upbringing the economic condition of the rural areas. By shifting the business to the suburbs, this can be developed to some extent.
Nevertheless, a lot of drawbacks are attached to this. The sudden shifting of businesses from cities to rural areas is not an easy task. It may result in disrupting the ecosystem by clearing lands for construction purposes. Though the congestion gets reduced, it may affect some other businesses like restaurants, shopping centers, etc. Their revenue may get reduced as the number of people is comparatively lower. If planned and executed properly, all of these issues can be resolved to a great extent.
However, there are a few drawbacks to moving the businesses to the suburbs. But in the long run, there will be a balance in the economy and population. Which will ultimately be beneficial for the entire nation and human beings. In my opinion, the benefits have the potential to outshine the drawbacks.

Model Answer 3

The majority of industries and businesses are located in urban areas. And the challenges associated with this have prompted the idea of relocating industries and businesses to rural areas. Although there are some disadvantages, I believe there are many more advantages.
Moving large enterprises and factories to regional areas has several drawbacks. Including transportation constraints, the cost of rebuilding, security, difficulty in attracting new employees, and lack of communication channels. As a result, enterprises and the government would have to invest a significant amount of money even before beginning a business to set up these systems. Which most businesses would find difficult to accept. But it will provide major benefits to both city and rural residents.
However, relocating factories and other businesses from cities to the countryside will lighten key issues. Such as pollution, traffic congestion, and housing issues in many areas. Many cities are concerned with overpopulation, and decentralization would be a significant step toward reducing the urban population. Besides, the economic development of a country is often dependent on the development of the rural region. And this step will ensure that the rural area develops properly. Many cities are polluted as a result of industries, factories, and other large businesses. And this move would ensure a healthy living environment in urban regions.
The cost of labour and land rental for businesses or dwellings in rural areas is significantly lower than in metropolitan areas. As a result, businesses may be able to save a significant amount of money. Which can be utilized to increase business scale in manufacturing or invest in other industries. Housing would be more inexpensive as well. It is commonly observed that as a result of too many people seeking to live in the city. Land prices and even rents begin to rise high.
It seems to me that all of the benefits of shifting enterprises to the countryside significantly outweigh the disadvantages. It will help both metropolitan and rural residents to tackle the housing and transportation issues to a great extent.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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