Trans Fatty Acids Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Sep 28, 2022

Trans Fatty Acids Reading Answers 13 questions that have to be answered in 20 minutes. Trans Fatty Acids Reading Answers comprises question types, namely-complete the sentence, and true/false/not given. For yes/no/not given, candidates must read the passage and understand the statement provided.For completing the sentences, candidates are required to answer based on a given cue in no more than three words. Candidates must read the IELTS reading passage, identify keywords, and recognize synonyms to answer the question.

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Reading Passage Question

A recent editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), written by researchers from the University of Oxford has called for food labels to list trans fats as well as cholesterol and saturated fat.

Trans fats (or trans fatty acids) are a type of unsaturated fatty acid. They occur naturally in small amounts in food produced from ruminant animals* e.g. milk, beef, and ham. However, most of the trans fatty acids in the diet are produced during the partial hydrogenation (hardening) of vegetable oils into semi-solid fats. They are therefore found in hard margarine, partially hydrogenated cooking oils, and in some bakery products, fried foods, and other processed foods that are made using these.

Trans fatty acids have an adverse effect on certain chemicals, known as lipids, which are found in the blood and have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. They also increase LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and decrease HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). They may also have adverse effects on cardiovascular disease risk that is independent of an effect on blood lipids. (Mozaffarian et al. 2006).

In a recent review of prospective studies investigating the effects of trans fatty acids, a 2% increase in energy intake from trans fatty acids was associated with a 23% increase in the incidence of heart disease. The authors also reported that the adverse effects of trans fatty acids were observed even at very low intakes (3% of total daily energy intake, or about 2-7g per day) (Mozaffarian et al. 2006).

However, in this recent review, it is only trans fatty acids produced during the hardening of vegetable oils that are found to be harmful to health. The public health implications of consuming trans-fatty acids from ruminant products are considered to be relatively limited.

Over the last decade, population intakes of trans fatty acids in the UK fell and are now, on average, well below the recommended 2% of total energy set by the Department of Health in 1991, at 1.2% of energy (Henderson et al. 2003). This is not to say that intakes of trans fatty acids are not still a problem, and dietary advice states that those individuals who are at the top end of the distribution of intake should still make efforts to reduce their intakes.

Currently, trans-fatty acids in food are labelled in the USA, but not in the UK and Europe. The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) is in favour of the revision of the European directive that governs the content and format of food labels so that trans fatty acids are labelled. This should enable consumers to make better food choices concerning heart health (Clarke & Lewington 2006).

Recognizing the adverse health effects of trans fatty acids, many food manufacturers and retailers have been systematically removing them from their products in recent years. For example, they have been absent for some time from major brands of margarine and other fat spreads, which are now manufactured using a different technique. Also, many companies now have guidelines in place that are resulting in formulation and reduction or elimination of trans fatty acids in products where they have in the past been found, such as snack products, fried products, and baked goods. Consequently, the vast majority of savoury biscuits and crisps produced in the UK do not contain partially hydrogenated oils. Similarly, changes are being made to the way bakery products are manufactured. For example, a leading European manufacturer of major brands of biscuits, cakes, and snacks has recently announced that these are now made without partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, a transition that began in 2004.

Alongside these changes, the manufacturer has also reported a cut in the amount of saturates. A major technical challenge in achieving such changes is to avoid simply exchanging trans fatty acids for saturated fatty acids, which also have damaging health effects. Foods that are labelled as containing partially-hydrogenated oils or fats are a source of trans fatty acids (sometimes partially-hydrogenated fats are just labelled as 'hydrogenated' fats). These foods include hard margarine, some fried products, and some manufactured bakery products e.g. biscuits, pastries, and cakes.

It is important to note that intake may have changed in the light of the reformulation of foods that have taken place over the past six years in the UK, as referred to earlier. Furthermore, the average intake of trans fatty acids is lower in the UK than in the USA (where legislation has now been introduced). However, this does not mean there is room for complacency, as the intake in some sectors of the population is known to be higher than recommended.

Solution with Explanation
Questions 1-7:
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  1. Trans fatty acids are found in all types of meat.

Answer: False
Supporting Sentence: trans fats (or trans fatty acids) are a type of unsaturated fatty acid. They occur naturally in small amounts in food produced from ruminant animals* e.g. milk, beef, and ham.
Keywords: fatty acid, small amounts, naturally, ruminant animals
Keywords Location: Paragraph 2, 1st and 2nd lines.
Explanation: According to paragraph 2, trans fats (or trans fatty acids) are a form of unsaturated fatty acid. This definition of trans fatty acid may be found there. They can be found in food made from ruminant animals*, such as milk, beef, and ham, in very minute concentrations. These lines demonstrate that ruminant foods including milk, beef, and ham contain trace levels of trans fatty acids naturally. As a result, the assertion contradicts the knowledge, hence the answer is False.

  1. Health problems can be caused by the consumption of small amounts of trans fatty acids

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence: Trans fatty acids have an adverse effect on certain chemicals, known as lipids, which are found in the blood and have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. They also increase LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and decrease HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). They may also have adverse effects on cardiovascular disease risk that is independent of an effect on blood lipids.
Keywords: adverse effect, heart diseases, cholesterol, cardiovascular disease
Keywords Location: Paragraph 2, line 5
Explanation: According to paragraph 2, trans fatty acids have a negative impact on specific lipids. These are detected in the blood and have been demonstrated to raise the risk of heart disease. Additionally, they lower HDL cholesterol and raise LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) (the good cholesterol). In addition to having negative effects on blood lipid levels, they may also increase the chance of developing cardiovascular disease. These lines demonstrate how even little levels of trans fatty acid ingestion can lead to health issues. Since the information and the statement are consistent, the answer is True.

  1. Experts consider that the trans fatty acids contained in animal products are unlikely to be a serious health risk.

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence: However, in this recent review, it is only trans fatty acids produced during the hardening of vegetable oils that are found to be harmful to health.
Keywords: trans fatty acid, hardening, vegetable oils, harmful
Keywords Location: Paragraph 4, 1st line
Explanation: However, the author claims in paragraph 4 that only trans fatty acids, which are created when vegetable oils solidify, are known to be hazardous to health. Consuming trans-fatty acids from ruminant products is thought to have relatively minor negative effects on public health. These lines show that hazardous fatty acids are known to be created when vegetable oils solidify. While ruminant (animal) products are thought to only contain a small amount of trans fatty acids. As a result, the proposition and the data are consistent, hence the answer is True.

  1. In Britain, the intake of trans fatty acids is continuing to decline.

Answer: Not Given
Explanation: No relevant information was found in the reading passage.

  1. The amount of saturated fats in processed meats is being reduced by some major producers.

Answer: Not Given
Explanation: No relevant information was found in the reading passage.

  1. It is proving difficult to find a safe substitute for trans fatty acids

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence: The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) is in favour of the revision of the European directive that governs the content and format of food labels so that trans fatty acids are labelled. This should enable consumers to make better food choices concerning heart health
Keywords: content, food labels, consumer, food choices, heart health
Keywords Location: Paragraph 6, line 2
Explanation: According to paragraph 6, trans fatty acids are currently listed on food labels in the USA. The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) is in support of changing the European rule that controls the structure. And content of food labels so that trans fatty acids are disclosed. Customers should be able to choose foods that are better for their hearts as a result. These lines imply that trans fatty acids are classified in the USA but not in the UK or Europe. Additionally, the UK FSA is in favour of changing the guideline that controls the wording. And layout of food labels to include a label or classification for fatty acids. Finding a safe substitute for trans fatty acids is thus proving to be challenging. Hence, the response is true.

  1. Some people are still consuming larger quantities of trans fatty acids than the experts consider safe.

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence: However, this does not mean there is room for complacency, as the intake in some sectors of the population is known to be higher than recommended.
Keywords: complacency, population, higher
Keywords Location: Paragraph 8, last line
Explanation: According to paragraph 8, intake may have changed in light of the food reformulation that has occurred over the past six years in the UK, as previously mentioned. In comparison to the USA, the UK has a lower average intake of trans fatty acids (where legislation has now been introduced). This does not, however, imply that there is room for complacency because it is recognised that some populations' intake is higher than is advised. These lines imply that even while trans fatty acid intake on average is lower in the UK than it is in the USA. There is room for complacency because some sectors are known to consume more acids than is healthy. Thus, the answer is true.

Questions 8-13:
Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

  1. Scientists at Oxford University propose that information about trans fatty acid should be included on …………………………..

Answer: Food labels
Supporting Sentence: A recent editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), written by researchers from the University of Oxford has called for food labels to list trans fats as well as cholesterol and saturated fat.
Keywords: food labels, cholesterol, saturated fats
Keywords Location: Paragraph 1, first line.
Explanation: According to the first line, a recent editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) by academics from the University of Oxford has recommended food labels. These are to include trans fats alongside cholesterol and saturated fat. According to these lines, researchers from Oxford University advocate for trans fatty acid information to be listed on food labels.

  1. In food manufacture, the majority of trans fatty acid is created when …………….. are solidified.

Answer: vegetable oils
Supporting Sentence: However, most of the trans fatty acids in the diet are produced during the partial hydrogenation (hardening) of vegetable oils into semi-solid fats.
Keywords: fatty acids, hydrogenation, vegetable oils, semi solid fats
Keywords Location: Paragraph 2, 3rd line
Explanation: According to the third sentence of paragraph 2, the majority of trans fatty acids in the diet are created when vegetable oils. These are partially hydrogenated (hardened) into semi-solid fats. These lines show that the solidification of vegetable oils into semi-solid fats results in the production of trans fatty acids.

  1. The likelihood of a person developing …………………… increased by trans fatty acid consumption.

Answer: heart disease/cardiovascular disease
Supporting Sentence: Trans fatty acids have an adverse effect on certain chemicals, known as lipids, which are found in the blood and have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. They also increase LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and decrease HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). They may also have adverse effects on cardiovascular disease risk that is independent of an effect on blood lipids.
Keywords: adverse effects, cholesterol, increase LDL, decrease HDL, blood lipids
Keywords Location: Paragraph 2, line 5
Explanation: The second paragraph demonstrates how trans fatty acids negatively affect certain lipids. These are molecules found in the blood and have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Moreover, they lower HDL cholesterol and raise LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Along with negative effects on blood lipids, they may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The blood can be a source of trans fatty acids' harmful effects, which have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, as these lines make clear. Consuming trans fatty acids thus raises a person's risk of acquiring heart disease or cardiovascular disease.

  1. In the UK, the …………………………… established a limit for the daily consumption of trans fatty acids.

Answer: department of health
Supporting Sentence: Over the last decade, population intakes of trans fatty acids in the UK fell and are now, on average, well below the recommended 2% of total energy set by the Department of Health in 1991, at 1.2% of energy. This is not to say that intakes of trans fatty acids are not still a problem, and dietary advice states that those individuals who are at the top end of the distribution of intake should still make efforts to reduce their intakes.
Keywords: trans fatty acids, dietary advice, distribution, reduce
Keywords Location: Paragraph 5
Explanation: According to the fifth paragraph, population intakes of trans fatty acids in the UK have decreased over the past ten years and are currently, on average, 1.2% of energy, significantly below the 2% suggested by the Department of Health in 1991. According to these lines, the average population consumption of trans fatty acids in the UK has decreased and is currently below the percentage advised by the department of health. The UK's Department of Health has set a cap on the daily intake of trans fatty acids as a result.

  1. Partially hydrogenated oils are no longer found in most UK manufactured salty …………….

Answer: biscuits and crisps
Supporting Sentence: The vast majority of savoury biscuits and crisps produced in the UK do not contain partially hydrogenated oils.
Keywords: savoury, hydrogenated oils, UK, produced
Keywords Location: Paragraph 7, line 4
Explanation: It is mentioned in the 7th paragraph that as a result, the vast majority of savoury cookies and crisps made in the UK don't include partly hydrogenated oils. These lines demonstrate that the majority of salty cookies and crisps produced in the UK no longer include partly hydrogenated oils. Therefore, biscuits and crisps are the solution.

  1. Consumption of trans fatty acids in……………………is now higher than in the UK.

Answer: the USA
Supporting Sentence: Furthermore, the average intake of trans fatty acids is lower in the UK than in the USA (where legislation has now been introduced).
Keywords: average, trans fatty acids, legislation, UK
Keywords Location: Paragraph 8, 2nd last line
Explanation: At the conclusion of paragraph eight, it is stated that the average intake of trans fatty acids is lower. It is in the UK than it is in the USA (where legislation has now been introduced). We learn that trans fatty acid consumption in the United States has surpassed that of the United Kingdom.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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