Tourism is One of The Fastest Growing Industries and Contributes To Economies Around The World IELTS Writing Task 2

Tourism is One of The Tastest Growing Industries and Contributes To Economies Around The World IELTS Writing Task 2 is a topic of the IELTS writing section. The given IELTS topic named Tourism is One of The Tastest Growing Industries and Contributes To Economies Around The World IELTS Writing Task 2, has three model answers below written from different perspectives. The given topic; Tourism is One of The Tastest Growing Industries and Contributes To Economies Around The World IELTS Writing Task 2 requires candidates to present their agreement and disagreement with appropriate reasons.

The test-takers point of view is supported in the body by argumentative comments and tentative solutions. The candidates’ ability to put forward their knowledge of various topics like this and their views regarding those topics has been improved by the IELTS Writing Task 2. Based on band scores, the IELTS writing score is calculated. The band scores range from 0 to 9. The candidates for the purpose of preparation of the same kind of topics like Many People Believe that Companies and Individuals Should Pay to Clean Up the Environment IELTS Writing Task 2, can practice from the IELTS Writing practice papers.

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Topic: Tourism Is one of the fastest growing industries and contributes a great deal to economies around the world. However, the damage tourism can cause to local cultures and the environment is often ignored. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

I completely agree that tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and has a significant impact on economies globally, but the negative impacts it can have on local cultures and the environment cannot be ignored. These negative impacts should not be overlooked and should be addressed by governments, tourism boards, and the travel industry.

One of the main problems with tourism is its impact on local cultures. With the influx of tourists, traditional practices and ways of life can be altered, leading to a homogenization of cultures. This is because tourists often bring with them their own customs and ways of doing things, which can lead to a loss of local identity. For example, the gentrification of neighborhoods in major cities due to tourism can lead to the displacement of local residents, as well as the closure of small, locally-owned businesses, which are replaced by multinational chain stores and restaurants.

Additionally, the environmental impact of tourism is a growing concern. The travel industry contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, and water usage. Mass tourism in fragile ecosystems can lead to degradation and pollution, and wildlife can be disrupted by the presence of large numbers of tourists. For example, overcrowding in national parks can damage ecosystems and disrupt wildlife, while the use of plastic by tourists in coastal areas contributes to plastic pollution in oceans.

To address these issues, it is important for governments and the travel industry to take steps to minimize the negative impacts of tourism. This can be done through responsible tourism practices, such as reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainable tourism, and promoting cultural sensitivity. For example, some tourist destinations have implemented regulations and guidelines for sustainable tourism practices, such as reducing the use of single-use plastics and promoting alternative forms of transportation.

In conclusion, the growth of the tourism industry is a double-edged sword. While it provides significant economic benefits, it also has negative impacts on local cultures and the environment. To address these negative impacts, it is important for governments, tourism boards, and the travel industry to take proactive measures to minimize the negative effects of tourism. By doing so, the tourism industry can continue to provide economic benefits while preserving the unique cultural and environmental heritage of the destinations it serves.

Band 6 IELTS Essay

I completely agree with the statement that tourism can cause damage to local cultures and the environment, and that this aspect of the industry is often overlooked. The growth of the tourism industry has brought many benefits to economies around the world, including employment opportunities and increased revenue. However, the negative impacts of tourism, such as the destruction of natural habitats, the strain on local resources, and the dilution of cultural heritage, cannot be ignored.

One of the most obvious examples of the harm caused by tourism is the degradation of natural habitats. Overcrowding in popular tourist destinations can put a strain on local resources, leading to deforestation, pollution, and wildlife disturbance. For instance, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is a prime example of the harm that tourism can cause to natural habitats. The increased boat traffic and coral damage from tourism is contributing to the decline of the reef's ecosystem.

Another example of the negative impact of tourism is the dilution of local cultures. Mass tourism can lead to the homogenization of cultural heritage, resulting in the loss of traditional practices and customs. For example, the rapid growth of tourism in Bali has led to the commercialization of traditional dance performances, which has diluted the cultural significance of these performances. The introduction of mass tourism has also led to the construction of large hotels and other tourist infrastructure, which has changed the traditional landscape of the island.

In conclusion, it is important to recognize the negative impact of tourism on local cultures and the environment. While the growth of the tourism industry has brought many benefits to economies around the world, it is important to address the negative consequences of this industry. Governments and local communities can work together to implement sustainable tourism practices that minimize the impact of tourism on local cultures and the environment. This includes reducing the strain on local resources, protecting wildlife habitats, and preserving cultural heritage.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

The tourism industry is a major contributor to the global economy, generating billions of dollars every year. Many local economies, especially those around resorts, rely heavily on the yearly influx of tourists and the jobs it creates in the hotel industry, providing employment for numerous people. However, despite its economic benefits, the impact of tourism is not without controversy. Some argue that a significant portion of the money generated by tourism doesn't reach the local economy, but instead goes to multinational companies involved in transport and hospitality.

Critics also claim that tourism can have negative effects on local culture. The arrival of huge numbers of tourists can sometimes undermine the way of life of indigenous people, with developments that prioritize the needs of visitors often taking precedence over the preservation of local cultural heritage. Furthermore, the environmental impact of tourism is a cause for concern, as the arrival of tourists can put a strain on local resources such as water, food, and energy. The increase in passenger flights and the waste generated at tourist destinations also contribute to pollution, while large-scale construction can have a physical impact on the local landscape and ecosystem.

Despite these criticisms, the growth in sustainable tourism indicates that people are aware of the impact they have and are seeking to make a positive impact. This form of responsible tourism prioritizes the well-being of local communities, the environment, and the tourists themselves, and is becoming increasingly popular. With the market playing a significant role in shaping the tourism industry, it is hoped that demand for sustainable tourism will continue to grow, leading to a more responsible and environmentally-friendly industry.

In conclusion, while the tourism industry has a significant impact on the global economy and provides employment opportunities, it is not without its controversies. The negative effects on local culture, the environment, and local economies raise concerns about the long-term sustainability of the industry. However, the growth in sustainable tourism offers hope for a more responsible and environmentally.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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