Today More People are Overweight Than Ever Before IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Dec 13, 2022

Today More People are Overweight Than Ever Before IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answers have been provided in this article. This is a topic on social issues where candidates are asked about their opinion. Candidates are required to share their opinion based on why more people are becoming overweight and what can be done to control this situation. Candidates can give examples to form their argument. Thus, a brief conclusion is also necessary to be provided in this aspect. Three samples are provided for the students so that they can select from a range of answers. In the body of the answer, the views regarding both sides are explained. The concluding part of the answers leaves the candidate to decide which is more important.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Title: Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What measures can be taken to overcome this epidemic?

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

Nowadays, several nations are seriously concerned about the rising rate of obesity. In order to address the problem of obesity, a variety of solutions will be suggested in this essay. Along with that some of the main reasons why it is a difficult problem in the modern world will be discussed. The process of globalisation has significantly altered human lifestyles, which may be some of the key factors causing obesity.

First and foremost, the reason why so many people today are becoming obese is because they eat an alarming amount of fast food and junk food. Rather than eating wholesome meals every day. Second, one of the main factors contributing to the rising rate of obesity among people is a lack of exercise or being sluggish. As an illustration, many white-collar employees choose to relax and unwind at home by browsing social networking websites. Rather than going to the gym after a challenging day at work. Not to mention, in some situations, genetics and psychological problems including stress, sadness, and sleep disorders are the primary reasons for weight growth. To address these underlying factors that contribute to obesity, actions could be taken. Beginning with monitoring their children's eating patterns and ensuring a nutritious diet, parents are required to do so. More significantly, the government plays a crucial part in allocating funds to expand the public fitness facilities for its citizens. Additionally, they ought to run some commercials highlighting the detrimental effects of obesity so that more people would be able to comprehend it. Finally, teachers should promote participation in sports clubs among their students and plan more outside learning activities at their institutions. In conclusion, the severe impacts of obesity on human health have caused it to rise to dangerous levels and be regarded as a global epidemic. In addition to each person's effort, the global community must work together to solve this issue.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

There is no doubt about it: the population of overweight persons has dramatically increased. Despite the fact that a number of factors may be responsible for this unfavourable development. Yet both individuals and governments can take action to make things better. The growth in obesity is mostly caused by two things. The first is that individuals now lead far more sedentary lifestyles than people did in the past.

For instance, the majority of us—especially schoolchildren and office workers—sit for hours at a time while performing work tasks at a desk. It contributes to obesity as well as other health conditions like diabetes. Second, because unhealthy diets are so tasty and convenient, many individuals tend to follow them. Numerous individuals have gained weight as a result of this propensity for unhealthy eating and a lack of activity. To address these underlying factors that contribute to obesity, actions could be taken. First and foremost, parents need to monitor their kids' eating patterns and make sure they stick to a balanced diet. Children are more likely to develop a good eating pattern early on and stick with it as they get older. It will prevent them from overeating and becoming overweight. Additionally, the government might play a significant role by allocating tax dollars to the establishment of free public fitness centres. And also to the organisation of health-awareness initiatives for the people. This would not only pique people's interest in participating in free exercise. But it would also inform them about the drawbacks and advantages of leading a sedentary lifestyle vs an active one. Developing healthy eating habits in children, providing free fitness facilities, and raising awareness of the problem are all ways to combat the problem. This problem on the whole can be attributed to a drop in physical activity levels and poor diets.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

Now more than ever, health issues are a hot topic and frequent topic of conversation. There is no denying that more people are becoming obese recently. In this essay, I'll discuss some of the main causes and make recommendations for the best course of action to stop this tendency. There are various factors that contribute to being overweight. The fact that people eat poorly is one of the primary issues.

The prevalence of bad food today makes them more widely available, which is why this is the case. For instance, fast food categories from many international locations with varying price ranges are on display in numerous supermarkets in Vietnam. Furthermore, people are accumulating too much weight as a result of their inactive lifestyles. Particularly in the contemporary world with a demanding schedule of job and studies, they do not have exercise habits. There is no doubt that individuals' behaviours and the information they have about health are related. Therefore, a suitable course of action would be to concentrate on health education, such as by starting campaigns to increase social awareness. My brother is a wonderful example of this circumstance. His perspective was altered after discovering the importance of maintaining a healthy body. Because of this, he usually avoids junk food, eats healthier, and exercises frequently. The introduction of special tariffs or the prohibition of ads for unhealthy foods are further possible options. If governments put this idea into action, it might help decrease the amount of fast food consumed and halt the rate of obesity. In addition, greater funding should be allocated by the government to the development of public fitness facilities for its constituents. To sum up, action must be made to combat the complicated issue of obesity, which has reached alarming proportions and is now regarded as a global epidemic.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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