Tiredness - IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

The IELTS Speaking test consists of three parts. IELTS speaking sample answers help candidates provide responses to different types of questions. There is no right or wrong answer. All you need to do is speak on the topic in a holistic way. This sample article contains questions about Tiredness. More such topics are available for candidates in the IELTS speaking practice paper.

Topic: Tiredness

Question 1. What kinds of things make you tired?

Answer: There are a lot of things that make me feel tired. For instance, when I skip my workout I feel the most tired that day. I am really very particular about my workout and I make sure that I don’t miss it. But when I do I really feel bad and tired all day. Doing exercise really energizes my body and I feel accomplished after finishing my workout. Also, I am a very introverted person so I keep things to myself. There are days when I feel emotionally and mentally tired too.


Energizes: to make somebody enthusiastic and alert about something
Accomplished: highly skilled at something
Introverted: a quiet, reserved, and thoughtful individual

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Question 2. What do you do when you feel tired?

Answer: I try to meditate even if it is for just five minutes. It really diverts my mind and helps me feel refreshed. Also, I watch Netflix and just lay in my bed. Baking is also one of my hobbies that makes me feel happy. So whenever I feel exhausted I look for a new cake or pastry recipe and make it. This really helps a lot. Spending time with my family makes me forget that I am tired, we sit around and talk about how our day went. We rant about things, laugh, and tease each other.


Meditate: to think carefully and deeply to make your mind calm
Diverts: to change the direction or purpose of somebody/something, especially to avoid a problem
Refreshed: full of energy again
Exhausted: very tired
Rant: to speak or complain about something
Tease: to laugh at somebody either in a friendly way

Question 3. Whom do you usually talk to when you feel mentally tired?

Answer: I am an introverted person so I don’t really have friends whom I trust. And in my family, it really depends on the kind of things troubling me. For example, if I’m feeling stressed about something at my work, I will talk to my sister because she is in the same field as me. And if there is a big decision that I have to make that is bothering me then I really go to my father. He makes things seem so easy that all the stress just fades away.


Troubling: to make somebody worried, upset,
Stressed: feeling very worried or anxious
Bothering: to disturb, annoy or worry somebody
Fades away: to disappear slowly.

Question 4. Do you like to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?

Answer: No. Because I feel that sometimes when a person is mentally tired, they are mentally weak as well. So they tend to say things that they normally won’t. Also, not every stranger is a nice person so I can never trust any stranger with my personal information.


Mentally weak: having or showing a lack of mental firmness
Tend: to usually do or be something

Question 5. Do you have difficulty concentrating when you are tired?

Answer: Yes. I find it really hard to concentrate on my work. Sometimes my mind just stops working whenever I am in a meeting feeling exhausted. I don’t understand a word that the Team lead is saying. No matter how much I try to concentrate, everything just goes above my head. When I feel tired I don’t feel like pushing myself beyond my capacity. Doing that would only stress me more.


Concentrate: to give all your attention or effort to something
Beyond: more distant than
Capacity: the amount that a container or space can hold

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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