The Vaccination Debate Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Feb 22, 2024

The Vaccination Debate Reading Answers is a general reading topic. The Vaccination Debate Reading Answers have a total of 14 IELTS questions in total. The specified topic generates 3 question types: choose the correct answer; NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS; True/False/Not Given. Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers, which feature topics such as The Vaccination Debate Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Questions below:

The Vaccination Debate Reading Answers

The Vaccination Debate

Disputes over vaccination have taken place for almost eighty years, since vaccinations were introduced. Despite scientific consensus that recommended vaccines are safe and effective, scares regarding their safety still occur today, resulting in regular disease outbreaks and deaths from vaccine preventable diseases.

Parental refusal of vaccines, or 'vaccine hesitancy' as it is sometimes called, is therefore a growing concern for the increased occurrence of vaccine preventable diseases in children and the reasons for this vary widely. Parental concerns about vaccines in each category lead to a wide spectrum of decisions varying from parents completely refusing all vaccinations to only delay vaccinations, so that they are more spread out.

A large subset of parents who allow their children to be vaccinated, have also admitted to being worried and having questions about the vaccinations. For this reason, it can be helpful for pharmacists and other healthcare providers to understand the cited reasons for hesitancy, so they are better prepared to educate their patients' families. Education is a key element in equipping parents with the necessary information, so that they can make responsible immunization decisions for their children.

In the United States, all fifty states require that children be vaccinated in order to go to public school. There are some variations in which immunisations are required and when, but throughout the U.S. there is an expectation that going to school means getting shots. However, in all fifty states, there are ways to get out of being vaccinated, usually by saying that vaccination goes against people's individual convictions. However, a significant underlying reason why parents are refusing is that they just don't think vaccines are necessary. In essence, we are victims of our own success. Vaccines have done such a good job that many people no longer remember the horrific range of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Another problem is that people who choose not to vaccinate often live in the same communities. This isn't surprising, given that people's social networks influence their choices. However, when groups of unimmunised people live together, it completely disrupts the whole concept of herd immunity. Vaccine-preventable diseases can easily take root and spread.

While it's important that parents in general have the right to choose whether or not their child gets a medical treatment - and vaccines are a medical treatment - the vaccination choice is fundamentally different in that it affects not just the child, but also the entire community. Choosing not to vaccinate is dangerous for the child and it's dangerous for everyone around that child. Individual beliefs should not give anyone the right to put the health of others at risk.

Some parents believe that vaccines can cause the diseases that they are meant to prevent. Properly formulated vaccines cannot do this, however, as they either use weakened or inactive viruses. These types of vaccine help people develop immunity by imitating an infection. The type of infection a vaccine causes, however, does not cause illness, but it does cause the immune system to produce antibodies.

Sometimes, after getting a vaccine, the imitation infection can cause minor symptoms, such as fever, but such minor symptoms are normal and should be expected as the body builds immunity. Once the imitation infection goes away, the body is left with a supply of 'memory' cells that will remember how to fight that disease in the future.

However, as it typically takes a few weeks for the body to produce antibodies, it is possible that a person who was infected with a disease just before or just after vaccination could develop symptoms and get the disease, because the vaccine had not had enough time to provide protection.

The informative interaction between health providers and doubtful parents is vital for ensuring the protection of children through vaccination, but these interactions can sometimes be difficult for the health providers. Research has shown that most GP's and immunizing nurses found discussions with parents who decline to vaccinate their children to be challenging and that they felt that these parents cast doubt on their integrity.

These encounters also stimulated strong internal conflict; many providers felt their professional obligations to the child and the community conflicted with the primarily bureaucratic function of exempting parents from complying with the recommended immunization schedule. A number of professionals also can begrudge being called upon to sign exemption forms at all.

If pharmacists and other health care providers are able to understand the main concerns parents have about vaccinating their children, they can be better prepared to have informative conversations about immunisations and they will also be able to provide the information parents need to make the best informed decisions for their children.

Parents who are hesitant to vaccinate or who refuse vaccines care about their children and want to do what they can to protect them, just like any other parent. It is important for practitioners to have open and frank conversations with their patients and their families so that the families will understand the benefits of vaccination without undergoing judgment for having questions about their child's healthcare.

The education patients have been exposed to has resulted in modest improvement in terms of affecting parents' attitudes about immunization, but the tools healthcare providers should use for this have not been fully discovered. Understanding the source of parents' questions can equip pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers to speak with patients on a more relatable level and to speak in ways that parents value the most.

All healthcare workers should make an effort to know about the recommended vaccines and to understand why those immunisations are recommended. This information will allow families to have face-to-face access to reliable information that can help them to make the best decisions for the society they live in.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 27 - 32
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In boxes 27 - 32 on your answer sheet write:
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  1. Epidemics of vaccine-treatable diseases rarely occur nowadays.
    Answer: FALSE
    Supporting statement: “......Despite scientific consensus that recommended vaccines are safe and effective, scares regarding their safety still occur toda.........”
    Keywords: safe, effective
    Keyword Location: para 1, line 2
    Explanation: It is given that there can be vaccines for some diseases. But still, there can be a chance of spreading diseases and can also cause harm.
  2. Vaccine hesitancy has indirectly led to a strain on the availability of various drugs in the United States.
    Answer: NOT GIVEN
    Explanation: There has been no instance in the passage that vaccine hesitancy has decreased the availability of drugs in the US.
  3. The United States imposes restrictions on children who have not been vaccinated.
    Answer: TRUE
    Supporting statement: “.......In the United States, all fifty states require that children be vaccinated in order to go to public school.........”
    Keywords: vaccinated, school
    Keyword Location: para 4, line 1
    Explanation: It is given that the US has imposed a restriction that the fifty states require that children need to be vaccinated before going to public school.
  4. Personal ideologies are a popular reason for denying children access to vaccination.
    Answer: TRUE
    Supporting statement: “........Some parents believe that vaccines can cause the diseases that they are meant to prevent. Properly formulated vaccines cannot do this,.......”
    Keywords: diseases, formulated
    Keyword Location: para 7, line 1
    Explanation: It is given in the passage that parents have personal ideologies that is a reason that not all children get the vaccines.
  5. United States government support has significantly slowed the rate of non-vaccinations in the United States.
    Answer: NOT GIVEN
    Explanation: It is not given anywhere in the passage that the support of the US govt has significantly slowed the rate of non-vaccinations.
  6. It's possible for a patient receiving a vaccine to still catch the disease against which he has been vaccinated.
    Answer: TRUE
    Supporting statement: “.......Sometimes, after getting a vaccine, the imitation infection can cause minor symptoms, such as fever, but such minor symptoms are normal and should be expected as the body builds immunity.......”
    Keywords: minor, builds
    Keyword Location: para 8, line 1
    Explanation: It is given that the people can also give minor symptoms after getting a medicine. Hence it is not always the case that vaccines can prevent disease totally.

Questions 33 - 39
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Dialogue Between Health Care Providers and Parents

This dialogue is essential, but can be strained, as some health care providers feel their (33)_____is challenged by parents.

Supporting statement: “.......nurses found discussions with parents who decline to vaccinate their children to be challenging and that they felt that these parents cast doubt on their integrity.........”
Keywords: doubt, integrity
Keyword Location: para 9, line 4
Explanation: It is given that parents who do not allow their children to take vaccines are challenging for nurses. They feel that they are being questioned.

Significant conflict is also felt by health care providers and some resent having to validate (34).______

Supporting statement: “......A number of professionals also can begrudge being called upon to sign exemption forms at all........”
Keywords: professional, exemption
Keyword Location: para 10, line 4
Explanation: It is given that the health care workers have some kind of resentment in validating exemption forms.

Health care providers need to be up to date with the principal (35)._________ regarding vaccinations in order to give an appropriate level of service.

Supporting statement: “......If pharmacists and other health care providers are able to understand the main concerns parents have about vaccinating their children.........”
Keywords: pharmacists, concerns
Keyword Location: para 11, line 1
Explanation: It is given that the health care providers need to be updated with the latest topics on vaccination to provide better service.

All parents care for their children and they don't want to experience (36).___ from health care providers when expressing their questions.

Supporting statement: “.......their families so that the families will understand the benefits of vaccination without undergoing judgment for having questions about their child's healthcare.........”
Keywords: benefits, healthcare
Keyword Location: para 12, line 3
Explanation: It is given that the parent do not want to be judged when they have questions about the child.

The (37).______ of families has proved reasonably successful, but a list of more comprehensive (38)-________ is needed for health care providers.

Supporting statement: “........The education patients have been exposed to has resulted in modest improvement in terms of affecting parents' attitudes about immunization.......”
Keywords: modest, immunization
Keyword Location: para 13, line 1
Explanation: it is given that the education of patients has led to the improvement in the parent’s attitude towards vaccines and immunizations.


Answer: TOOLS
Supporting statement:
“.......terms of affecting parents' attitudes about immunization, but the tools healthcare providers should use for this have not been fully discovered.........”
tools, discovered
Keyword Location:
para 13, line 2
It is given that the tools are needed to fully educate the parents about healthcare.

Health care providers need to keep informed, so the optimal outcomes for the families and for (39)._________ overall.

Supporting statement: “.......This information will allow families to have face-to-face access to reliable information that can help them to make the best decisions for the society they live in.........”
Keywords: reliable, society
Keyword Location: para 14, line 2
Explanation: It is given that the health care providers need to be updated. In this way, they can work for the betterment of society.

Question 40
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

  1. What is the writer's purpose in Reading Passage 3?
    A. To weaken the argument for the enforcement of vaccinations.
    B. To outline the future of world vaccination programs.
    C. To explain why the arguments against vaccinations are not valid.
    D. To warn about the rise of vaccination resistance.
    Answer: C
    The only motive of the writer is to inform the audience about the fact that vaccines are given only for the betterment of people. People should increase their knowledge and awareness about it.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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