The Swiffer Reading answers

Collegedunia Team

Mar 22, 2022

The IELTS reading section examines a candidate’s comprehending skills within the stipulated amount of time. The IELTS reading section comprises passages followed by different kinds of questions to holistically judge a student’s grasping abilities while reading. This particular academic reading The Swiffer IELTS Reading Answers has a passage, which consists of the following types of questions:

  1. Choose the correct letter
  2. Correct endings
  3. Yes/ No/ Not Given

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

The Swiffer Reading answers

  1. For a fascinating tale about creativity, look at a cleaning product called the Swiffer and how it came about, urges writer Jonah Lehrer. In the story of the Swiffer, he argues, we have the key elements in producing breakthrough ideas: frustration, moments of insight and sheer hard work. The story starts with a multinational company which had invented products for keeping homes spotless, and couldn’t come up with better ways to clean floors, so it hired designers to watch how people cleaned. Frustrated after hundreds of hours of observation, they one day noticed a woman doing what people do with a paper towel all the time: wipe something up and throw it away. An idea popped into lead designer Harry West’s head the solution to their problem was a floor mop with a disposable cleaning surface. Mountains of prototypes and years of teamwork later, they unveiled the Swiffer, which quickly became a commercial success.
  2. Lehrer, the author of Imagine, a new book that seeks to explain how creativity works, says this study of the imagination started from a desire to understand what happens in the brain at the moment of sudden insight. ‘But the book definitely spiraled out of control,’ Lehrer says. ‘When you talk to creative people, they’ll tell you about the ‘eureka’ moment, but when you press them they also talk about the hard work that comes afterwards, so I realized I needed to write about that, too. And then I realized I couldn’t just look at creativity from the perspective of the brain, because it’s also about the culture and context, about the group and the team and the way we collaborate.’
  3. When it comes to the mysterious process by which inspiration comes into your head as if from nowhere, Lehrer says modern neuroscience has produced a ‘first draft’ explanation of what is happening in the brain. He writes of how burnt-out American singer Bob Dylan decided to walk away from his musical career in 1965 and escape to a cabin in the woods, only to be overcome by a desire to write. Apparently ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ suddenly flowed from his pen. ‘It’s like a ghost is writing a song,’ Dylan has reportedly said. ‘It gives you the song and it goes away.’ But it’s no ghost, according to Lehrer.
  4. Instead, the right hemisphere of the brain is assembling connections between past influences and making something entirely new. Neuroscientists have roughly charted this process by mapping the brains of people doing word puzzles solved by making sense of remotely connecting information. For instance, subjects are given three words – such as ‘age’, ‘mile’ and ‘sand’ – and asked to come up with a single word that can precede or follow each of them to form a compound word. (It happens to be ‘stone’.) Using brain-imaging equipment, researchers discovered that when people get the answer in an apparent flash of insight, a small fold of tissue called the anterior superior temporal gyrus suddenly lights up just beforehand. This stays silent when the word puzzle is solved through careful analysis. Lehrer says that this area of the brain lights up only after we’ve hit the wall on a problem. Then the brain starts hunting through the ‘filing cabinets of the right hemisphere’ to make the connections that produce the right answer.
  5. Studies have demonstrated it’s possible to predict a moment of insight up to eight seconds before it arrives. The predictive signal is a steady rhythm of alpha waves emanating from the brain’s right hemisphere, which are closely associated with relaxing activities. ‘When our minds are at ease-when those alpha waves are rippling through the brain – we’re more likely to direct the spotlight of attention towards that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere,’ Lehrer writes. ‘In contrast, when we are diligently focused, our attention tends to be towards the details of the problems we are trying to solve.’ In other words, then we are less likely to make those vital associations. So, heading out for a walk or lying down are important phases of the creative process, and smart companies know this. Some now have a policy of encouraging staff to take time out during the day and spend time on things that at first glance are unproductive (like playing a PC game), but day-dreaming ;has been shown to be positively correlated with problem-solving. However, to be more imaginative, says Lehrer, it’s also crucial to collaborate with people from a wide range of backgrounds because if colleagues are too socially intimate, creativity is stifled.
  6. Creativity, it seems, thrives on serendipity. American entrepreneur Steve Jobs believed so. Lehrer describes how at Pixar Animation, Jobs designed the entire workplace to maximize the chance of strangers bumping into each other, striking up conversations and learning from one another. He also points to a study of 766 business graduates who had gone on to own their own companies. Those with the greatest diversity of acquaintances enjoyed far more success. Lehrer says he has taken all this on board, and despite his inherent shyness, when he’s sitting next to strangers on a plane or at a conference, forces himself to initiate conversations. As for predictions that the rise of the Internet would make the need for shared working space obsolete, Lehrer says research shows the opposite has occurred; when people meet face-to-face, the level of creativity increases. This is why the kind of place we live in is so important to innovation. According to theoretical physicist Geoffrey West, when corporate institutions get bigger, they often become less receptive to change. Cities, however, allow our ingenuity to grow by pulling huge numbers of different people together, who then exchange ideas. Working from the comfort of our homes may be convenient, therefore, but it seems we need the company of others to achieve our finest ‘eureka’ moments.

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Section 2

Solution with Explanation
Question 27-30:
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. Write your answer in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.

  1. What are we told about the product called ‘swiffer’?
  1. Its designers had little experience working with household objects
  2. Once the idea for it was conceived, it did not take long to develop
  3. Its achieved profits beyond the manufacturer’s expectations
  4. Its design was inspired by a common housework habit.

Answer: D-Its design was inspired by a common housework habit.
Supporting Sentence
Writer John Lehrer, reveals the fascinating story of the invention of a cleaning product called Swiffer.
Better ways to clean
Keyword Location
Para 1, line 6
The writer unveils the story of the Swiffer and thus writes that they got the idea after an exhaustive observation process and got the idea from a woman who used to mop the floor using a paper and then dispose of them after use.

  1. When Jonah Lehrer began writing his book.
  1. He had not intended to focus on creativity
  2. He ended up revising his plans for the content.
  3. He was working in a highly creative environment
  4. He was driven by his own experience of the ‘eureka’ moment

Answer: B-He ended up revising his plans for the content
Supporting Sentence
The writer initiated his writing when he admired the Creative people’s eureka moment and the hard work that follows it.
book definitely spiraled out of control
Keyword Location
Para 2, line 3
Lehrer began writing on how the brain functions when an insight strikes suddenly in the mind. He was a writer of the imagination, he states that when you talk to creative people they tell you about his eureka moment and the labor involved, this is the moment when a writer began his writing.

  1. Lehrer refers to the singer Bob Dylan in order to
  1. illustrates how ideas seem spontaneous.
  2. exemplifies ways in which we might limit our inventiveness.
  3. contrast different approaches to stimulating the imagination.
  4. proposes particular approaches to regaining lost creativity.

Answer: A-illustrates how ideas seem spontaneous.
Supporting Sentence
Writer wanted to write how the inspiration comes to your mind and takes the reference of American singer, and says the inspiration is unplanned
Like a Rolling Stone’ suddenly flowed from his pen
Keyword Location
Para 3, line 5
Referring to singer Bob Dylan, running from his musical career he runs to the wood and rests in a cabin, to overcome his want of writing the pen flowed on paper writing a masterpiece. Dylan says it gives you the song and goes away to which he considers to be a ghost.

  1. What did neuroscientists discover from the word puzzle experiment?
  1. Memories are easier to retrieve when they are more meaningful.
  2. An analytical approach to problem-solving is not necessarily effective.
  3. One part of the brain only becomes active when a connection is made suddenly.
  4. Creative people tend to take a more instinctive approach to solving language problems.

Answer: C-One part of the brain only becomes active when a connection is made suddenly
Supporting Sentence
Neuroscientists have drawn a conclusion by resorting to mapping the brain of the people and holding the right hemisphere of the brain for the same.
anterior superior temporal gyrus suddenly lights up
Keyword Location
Para 4, line 8
The responsibility of establishing connection between past impression and present is of the Right hemisphere of the brain and it processes the same for crafting an unique impression.

Questions 31-34:
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G, below.
Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 31-34 on your answer sheet.

A. when people are not too familiar with one another.
B. because there is greater activity in the right side of the brain.
C. if people are concentrating on the specifics of a problem.
D. so they can increase the possibility of finding answers.
E. when people lack the experience required for problem-solving.
F. when the brain shows strong signs of distraction.
G. when both hemispheres of the brain show activity.
  1. Scientists know a moment of insight is coming

Answer: B-because there is greater activity in the right side of the brain
Supporting Sentence
The neuroscientists have discovered from the word puzzle experiment that it is the right hemisphere of the brain whenever new insights regarding anything hits the mind.
brain, hunting, ‘filing cabinets of the right hemisphere’
Keyword Location
Para 4, last 2 lines
Lehrer says that Right hemisphere of the brain lights up only when we've hit the wall on the problem and this part stays silent at times when no insights are hitting the brain.

  1. Mental connections are much harder to make

Answer: C-if people are concentrating on the specifics of a problem
Supporting Sentence
When we are concentrating on solving a particular problem then our attention is tended more towards the problem only.
when focused, details of the problems, less likely to make those vital associations
Keyword Location
Para 3, lines 6-8
While we are having leisure time or socializing with new people our brain is at its optimum to find unique insights on the other hand when our concentration is keen on a specific problem that time our brain does not establish new vital connections.

  1. Some companies require their employees to stop working

Answer: D- so they can increase the possibility of finding answers|
Supporting Sentence: The possibilities of finding new solutions lies when we have leisure time. Some companies know this and encourage their employees to take breaks frequently.
day-dreaming, positively correlated with problem-solving
Keyword Location
Para 5, lines 11-12
When our brain is focusing on solving a specific problem and our whole concentration lies in one specific spot then our brain is not likely to establish new connections and therefore many companies promote frequent breaks and often unproductive tasks as they know that the brain is more likely to produce new solutions.

  1. A team will function more successfully

Answer: A- when people are not too familiar with one another
Supporting Sentence
Those with great diversity acquaintances enjoy more far success.
if colleagues are too socially intimate, creativity is stifled
Keyword Location
Para 5, last 2 lines
Steve Jobs shares the insights of Pixar Animation where the arrangements were such where employees bump into new faces too frequently and it was found that they were able to enjoy more success. Lehrer supports the same by pointing to the study conducted on 766 students.

Questions 35-39:
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes, 35-39 on your reading answer sheet.
How other people influence our creativity

  • STEVE JOBS: made changes to the (35) ……………………… to encourage interaction at Pixar.
  • LEHRER: company owners must have a wide range of (36) ……………………… to do well. It’s important to start (37) ……………………… with new people.
    the (38) ……………………… has not replaced the need for physical contact.
  • GEOFFREY WEST: living in (39) ……………………… encourages creativity.

Question 35

Answer: workplace
Supporting Sentence
When we meet new faces our brain is more likely to come with innovative ideas.
Jobs designed entire workplace, maximize, chance
Keyword Location
Para 6, lines 2-3
Steve Jobs shares the insights of Pixar Animation where the arrangements were such where employees bumps into new faces too frequently because those with great diversity acquaintances enjoy more far success

Question 36

Answer: acquaintances 
Supporting Sentence
Those with great diversity acquaintances enjoy more far success.
Those with, diversity, acquaintances enjoyed far more success
Keyword Location
Para 6, line 5
While we are having leisure time or socializing with new people our brain is at its optimum to find unique insights. On the other hand when our concentration is keen on a specific problem , our brain does not establish new vital connections.

Question 37

Answer: conversations
Supporting Sentence
forces himself to initiate conversations
obsolete, eureka, ingenuity
Keyword Location
Para 6, line 7
The study pops up in the conclusion that the people who socialize with new people are often more innovative than the rest, the writer supports this with the unique case of Pixar, a company owned by Steve Jobs.

Question 38

Answer: internet
Supporting Sentence
research shows the opposite has occurred
Keyword Location
Para 6, line 9
The above sentence states that the company did not replace the physical contact of humans unlike the internet.

Question 39

Answer: cities
Supporting Sentence
Geoffrey West argues cities offer more adaptive conditions by pulling a huge number of people.
Cities, however, allow, ingenuity, pulling, different people together, exchange ideas
Keyword Location
Para 6, lines 12-13
Explanation: West argues that the companies that grow bigger become resilient to change while the cities intrigues growth by pulling out huge numbers of people.

Question 40:
Choose the correct letter – A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in box 40 on your reading answer sheet.

  1. Which of the following is the most suitable title for Reading Passage?
  1. Understanding what drives our moments of inspiration.
  2. Challenging traditional theories of human creativity.
  3. Creative solutions for enhancing professional relationships.
  4. How the future is shaped by innovative ideas and inspired people.

Supporting Sentence
 The whole article has covered the aspects of brain and imagination.
elements producing breakthrough ideas: frustration, insight and sheer hard work
Keyword Location
Para 1, line 3
Understanding what drives our moments of inspiration, is the best suited title for the passage because the whole article has covered the scientific studies of how our brain responds when there is a new idea or insight.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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