The Structure Of A Family And The Role Of Its Members Are Gradually Changing IELTS Writing Task 2

The Structure Of A Family And The Role Of Its Members Are Gradually Changing IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are gradually changing. What kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?

Model Answer 1:

True, the family structure has altered significantly in recent years, and the changing responsibilities of men and women in the family have grown increasingly comparable. There are various different types of family structures, and these advances are not necessarily good, in my opinion.

Nuclear households, in which parents and their children lived together under one roof, were common in the past. However, because more marriages end in divorce, there is now a strong tendency toward single-parent families, while the rise in cohabiting couple families and stepfamilies is likely attributable to cohabitation and remarriage being much more acceptable.

In many regions of the world, the family patterns and functions of each family member have changed dramatically during the previous several decades. Personally, I believe that the benefits of these developments outweigh the disadvantages. On the one hand, the structure of a modern family may differ from that of previous generations. Large, extended families, which were once common, have been replaced by smaller, nuclear families. In other words, people today do not live in the same house as their distant relatives or grandparents did 50 years ago. Instead, parents want to spend more time alone with their children while occasionally catching up with family. In addition, the roles that parents play in their households have changed during the previous century. While in the past, males were the breadwinners, today's families benefit from financial assistance from both working parents, implying that females have an equal role to play in assisting their families and in the job market.

These adjustments, on the other hand, have positive consequences for both the family and society. To begin with, the increase of nuclear family groups may relieve them of the burden of supporting other family members besides their child. This allows them to concentrate more on growing and raising their children. In terms of parental duties, this helps to liberate women from the role of solely being stay-at-home moms and allows them to pursue their own occupations. As a result, society will benefit from increased contributions and talents from the weaker sex, as well as improved gender equality.

Finally, the rise of widely dispersed families and women's rising participation in the workplace have benefited families and women in particular.

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Model Answer 2:

It is true that not only the family structure but also the functions of the family have changed dramatically. These adjustments, in my opinion, should be viewed as a positive trend.

To begin with, many people in many countries are opting for a nuclear family structure, in which only parents and children live together while grandparents live separately. In the past, however, it was usual for three or even four generations of a family to live under the same roof in many countries. In addition, the duties that various family members play have shifted.

To begin with, the structure of a family nowadays differs significantly from that of previous generations. When multiple generations, including children, parents, and grandparents, lived under the same roof in the past, extended families were more common. In contrast, today's society is dominated by nuclear families, which consist solely of parents and their children. In terms of parental roles, in the past, men and women were expected to be breadwinners and homemakers, respectively, since fathers were expected to work outside the home while moms were expected to stay at home and care for their children. However, both men and women now work to support their families, and home chores are frequently shared.

These improvements, in my opinion, would have a positive impact on family life. For starters, when there are fewer generations living together, people appear to have more freedom and privacy to do whatever they want without bothering other family members. For example, in extended families, children who enjoy pop music may be forced to stop listening because their grandparents may find it irritating and boisterous. Furthermore, pursuing their own careers can help women become financially independent of males, as well as providing families with an additional source of money to help them live comfortably. Another advantage of husbands assisting their wives with home duties is that women will be relieved of the strain of housework and will have more time to spend on recreational activities.

To sum up, I believe that various changes in family structure and member roles, such as the increasing replacement of extended families by nuclear families and the equitable sharing of household responsibilities, are positive developments.

Model Answer 3:

In today's society, changes in family structure and roles have become a major source of concern. Before determining if this is a positive or negative trend, some of the most significant changes will be highlighted.

A family, also known as the society's cell, has always changed as a result of life's regular affections, resulting in numerous differences in the structure and roles of members compared to the past in order to adapt to the current environment. Based on my perspective, I strongly believe that these familial adjustments are beneficial.

Families have undergone some significant transformations in recent years. The most noticeable is the shrinking average family size in society. In Vietnam, for example, the bulk of extended families with three generations or more living under one roof have been reduced to nuclear families consisting solely of parents and children. Furthermore, there has been a substantial shift in the responsibilities of the father and mother in the family. Males' responsibilities as the family's only earner have been shared with their partners, and women now have equal employment options as their male counterparts. As a result, household responsibilities are split evenly between the sexes.

The first advantage is that the financial strain on parents of medium-sized families is far less than that on parents of large families. This enables them to save money for long-term goals such as buying a house or sending their children to a university abroad. This new family structure, in my opinion, is unquestionably beneficial to all families. Each family member may benefit from a greater sense of freedom as a result of the lower family size. Parents, for example, now have more time for themselves than they did in the past when they had to care for both grandparents and children. In terms of changing family responsibilities, women may gain from having their own work and hence financial independence. Men benefit from this development as well, as they are no longer under the financial strain of being the family's sole source of income. The aforementioned adjustments, in my opinion, are beneficial.

To summarise, the most noticeable changes in today's households are smaller family sizes and men and women sharing financial and domestic responsibilities. All of the evidence suggests that these modifications will benefit all members of the family.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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