The Most Important Task Is The Environmental Protection Of Our Planet IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Jul 26, 2022

The Most Important Task Is The Environmental Protection Of Our Planet IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

Topic: Nowadays the most important task is the environmental protection of our planet for future generations. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Model Answer 1:

Humans are innately selfish who think of their own needs first and once satisfied they don't bother about its consequences on other external entities. It's this behavior of human beings that today we are at a juncture where we can feel the dearth of natural resources and also suffer the consequences of exploiting the environment.

Today environmental issues have amplified to a level that it affects our regular lives. We have reached a point where neglecting environmental issues will lead to our own destruction. Therefore, no matter how short-sighted humans are, environmental protection has to take the front seat. Our planet is degrading to a point that the future generation will be left with no resources. We have to take initiative to save the environment and educate everyone about the risk we are posing to ourselves and the future generation by recklessly using up all the natural resources and polluting the environment. I completely agree with the belief that nowadays the most important task is the environmental protection of our planet for future generations.

The air we breathe is getting highly polluted because of rapid urbanization and continuous emission of harmful gases which is causing breathing problems for many individuals. Today young children are falling victim to air pollution and are suffering from asthma and other lung diseases. Thus, taking steps to protect the environment should be a priority, or else we will reach a day when we won’t be able to breathe properly. Governments are compelled to take steps to control pollution. For instance, in recent years, Delhi’s air quality was so bad that the government implemented the odd-even scheme for vehicles, to reduce carbon dioxide emission. This way every individual should start taking the initiative to better the condition of the planet we live on.

Globalization led to fast living which increased the amount of garbage disposed of by every household. With no waste management strategy at hand, the waste was either burnt or dumped in the water, which led to both air and water pollution, which is putting people’s lives at risk. Thus, it is the need of the hour to take action and save the environment from further damage for ourselves and future generations.

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Model Answer 2:

Environmental degradation has taken many forms in today's world. Pollution and global warming are the most pressing issues for today’s generation. All forms of pollution affect the environment and the natural resources are depleting with every passing day due to over-exploitation of nature. Therefore, the most important task for humans at present is to protect the environment at all cost. Environment includes all the natural resources like air, water, forest, soil to name a few.

The Amazon Rainforest which is the world’s largest tropical rainforest and also home to millions of wildlife is at risk. The rainforest gives humans uncountable resources- starting from being the major supplier of oxygen, it provides water, food, medicines and many other things. With recent increase in deforestation, clearing of forests for developmental purposes, the forest fires have significantly increased, which is adversely affecting the ecosystem. Since the rainforest absorbs huge amounts of carbon dioxide and regulates the oxygen supply, damage to the forest affects the climate all over the world. This will lead to global warming, extreme weather abnormalities and increase in natural disasters like drought, cyclones, floods,forest fires and others. Natural disasters take lives of thousands of people and uproots settlements.Thus, it is very important that we save the rainforests around the world, to maintain balance in the ecosystem.

Rainforests are a large part of the environment just like the water bodies. With recent urbanization, the waste produced in factories are all disposed of in the water bodies which contain harmful chemicals which adversely affect marine life. Polluting the water bodies with plastic waste and chemicals which ultimately affect our health because it is the same water we drink which we are polluting. Therefore, taking steps to protect water contamination is a step towards safeguarding the environment.

Emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere pollutes the air we breathe in and also causes global warming, as many such gases are greenhouse gases. Breathing polluted air can cause severe illness across all age groups. Thus, we once again see how significant it is to save the environment and in turn protect the planet.

In my opinion, it’s already too late and there have been significant environmental damages but if we take action rapidly and spread awareness, then there’s a possibility that we can save the planet and future generations. Therefore, we should act responsibly to protect the environment from further damages and use the available resources wisely.

Model Answer 3:

Today the instances of natural disasters have increased and the damages caused by them have also amplified. With global warming, the snow is melting which is leading to increasing in sea levels and causing landslides in mountain regions taking innocent human lives. All of this is happening due to humans recklessly using the natural resources available to them and polluting the environment limitlessly. But now we can feel the consequences of our action as environmental degradation is costing human lives, uprooting settlements, causing health problems and physical damages on a large scale. Hence, it is of utmost importance that we work towards environmental protection to save ourselves and the generations after us.

We largely depend on the environment and since it is readily available to us, we never valued it, irresponsibly overused it, and contaminated it. Environmental contamination has reached a level that the ecosystem is out of balance and it’s leading to climate aberrations around the world. The temperature is increasing which is heating up the planet, the greenhouse gas levels are increasing in the atmosphere, the ozone layer is depleting which saves our planet from harmful ultraviolet rays, the air we breathe in is highly contaminated which causes health issues, water pollution is harming humans and marine lives and the list is endless.

We need to take initiative to protect the environment as we not only depend on it largely but also cannot withstand natural disasters and climate aberrations. Deforestation is not only cutting down oxygen supply but also causing soil erosion. Cutting down trees and clearing forests will degrade the environment further as they help in maintaining balance in the ecosystem. Therefore, we need to educate people about the environment and work diligently towards protecting it. In this endeavor, we need the support of the entire human race, as every single being is responsible and in debt to nature for its countless resources and services.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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