The History of Kites Reading Answers is a general reading topic. The History of Kites Reading Answers have a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. The specified topic generates 2 question types: no more than 2 words, and true, false, not given. Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly in order to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers, which feature topics such as The History of Kites Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.
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Read the Following Passage to Answer the Questions Below
Solution and Explanation
Questions 28-32
The text above has five sections, A-E. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-vi, in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.
NB you may use any letter more than once.
List of Headings
Answer: ii
Supporting statement: “..... Nowadays there are eight main kinds of kite worldwide: the flat, bowed, box, sled, delta and compound.....”
Keywords: eight, bowed
Keyword Location: para A, part 2, line 2
Explanation: It is given that there are eight kinds of kites. This paragraph only talks about different types of kites.
Section B
Answer: i
Supporting statement: “.....kites were curiosities at first rather than being part of the culture, but they were soon used as vehicles for discovery and innovation......”
Keywords: kites, innovation
Keyword Location: para B, line 1
Explanation: It is clearly mentioned in the first line that the kites were a part of culture but also they were used by vehicles for research purposes.
Answer: iv
Supporting statement: “....The first recorded aircraft with a person inside was British aviator Sir George Cayley's glider in 1853......”
Keywords: recorded, aviator
Keyword Location: para C, line 2
Explanation: It is given that the first recorded aircraft was flying in 1853 with a person inside it. Hence this paragraph discusses manned aircrafts.
Section D
Answer: iii
Supporting statement: “.....Whatever the design of a kite, in order to fly, it needs to have certain characteristics. .....”
Keywords: design, characteristics
Keyword Location: para D, line 1
Explanation: It is given that the kite can only fly if it has some characteristics. This paragraph discusses all the things that need to be correct in order to fly a kite well.
Section E
Answer: vi
Supporting statement: “....There are three forces that control kite flight; these are lift, gravity and drag.......”
Keywords: forces, drag
Keyword Location: para E, line 2
Explanation: It is given that three basic things can control the flight. They are lift, gravity and drag. Hence this paragraph discusses that fundamental features of flying the kite.
Questions 33-36
Label the diagram using ONE WORD ONLY.
...used for the body of kite
Answer: PAPER
Supporting statement: “....The main part of this kite was made of paper,......”
Keywords: main, paper
Keyword Location: para A, line 3
Explanation: It is given in the first paragraph that the main part or the major part of the kite is made of paper so that it is light.
Answer: BOW
Supporting statement: “....There was also a rounded, balanced bow.......”
Keywords: rounded, bow
Keyword Location: para A, line 4
Explanation: The bent part of the kite is called a bow. It is mentioned to be rounded.
.......... is made up of bamboo
Answer: SPINE
Supporting statement: “.....The main part of this kite was made of paper, while its spine consisted of a piece of tapered bamboo.....”
Keywords: kite, spine
Keyword Location: para A, line 3
Explanation: It is given that the spine of the kite is made up of bamboo.
line is coated in............
Supporting statement: “.....Most of the line was made of cotton but part of this was covered with an abrasive, which could cut an opponent's line in a competition......”
Keywords: cotton, abrasive
Keyword Location: para A, line 5
Explanation: It is given that most of the line was made of cotton. But the part mentioned is covered with abrasives.
Questions 37-40
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.
What is the main difference between kites in the past and modern kites?
They are used for different purposes.
Answer: A
Supporting statement: “.....In Europe, kites were curiosities at first rather than being part of the culture, but they were soon used as vehicles for discovery and innovation.....”
Keywords: kites, cultures
Keyword Location: para B, line 1
Explanation: It is given that the kites in Europe were designed to be used for discovery. And research. The older kites were just used for entertainment.
Benjamin Franklin's experience flying a kite in a storm
Answer: A
Supporting statement: “.....the American inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin went out in a thunderstorm with his son to fly a flat kite with a pointed wire......”
Keywords: inventor, thunderstorm
Keyword Location: para B, part 2, line 2
Explanation: It is given that Benjamin Franklin was once flying a kite in a thunderstorm. He found out something regarding the pointed wire.
The Wright Brothers differed from other early aviation engineers in that they
made an important discovery by accident.
Answer: B
Supporting statement: “..... It was the Wright brothers who concentrated on how to control the aircraft, something that had, until then, baffled many other Inventors......”
Keywords: para C, part 2, line 3
Keyword Location: para C, part 2, line 3
Explanation: It is given that the Wright brothers were the only one who focussed on controlling the aircraft and the direction of flying.
The best way to send a kite into the air is to
Answer: C
Supporting statement: “..... It is better to start off with two people, one holding the kite and the other with the line unraveled about 30 meters, holding the reel or spool......”
Keywords: unravel, reel
Keyword Location: para E, part 2, line 2
Explanation: It is given in the passage that it is best to fly the kite with two people. One will hold the kite and throw it in the air. Others will control its motion.
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