The Development of The Magazine Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Jan 13, 2023

The Development of The Magazine Reading Answers contains a write up about the discovery of newspapers and its decline. The Development of The Magazine Reading Answers contains a total of 12 paragraphs. Related to the paragraphs are 12 questions. Candidates in this IELTS Section will be shown various question types with clear instructions. The paragraphs provided detailed information about the evolution of newspapers. Its distinctive features and its rising. The Magazines declined and the reason for the same has been mentioned in the paragraphs.

The Development of The Magazine Reading Answers is an IELTS Reading passage which comprises three types of questions: choose the correct answer, true/false and not given and answer the questions. To select the correct answer an thorough reading of the paragraphs is must. Also, some information might not be mentioned in the paragraphs. This has to be answered as not given. To answer the question, the answer must not exceed more than two words. To gain proficiency, candidates can practice from IELTS reading practice test.

Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

The Development of The Magazine Reading Answers

  1. In almost every kind of waiting room you can imagine, be it a dentist’s or a car showroom, you will find them. No matter how much of a minority sport, interest or hobby you may have or take part in, you will almost certainly find one devoted to it. Over the past 20 years, magazines have become so popular that they are now outselling most newspapers.
  2. The forerunners of magazines were nothing like the glossy, colorful affairs they are now. They were small printed pages announcing forthcoming events and providing a little local information. They became popular during the seventeenth century, when the idea was exported around Europe.
  3. Magazines became thicker, and were not only informative but also entertaining. In addition, literary magazines began to publish short literary works. Indeed, many classic authors of the period first published their material in magazines such as The Tatler and Gentleman’s Magazine. However, they remained more of a hobby than a business, generating only enough income to cover production costs.
  4. The American Magazine, first published in 1741, was the aptly named first magazine to be available in America. Launched in Philadelphia, it was available for only a few short months, and was soon replaced by more popular (although In the early nineteenth century, the nature of magazines changed as illustrated magazines and children’s magazines made their appearance. The illustrations were immediately popular, and within a few years every magazine was brightening its pages with them.
  5. The Industrial Revolution that hit Europe around this time also had a great impact. With the advent of better quality printing processes, paper and color printing techniques, magazines became lucrative as local businesses began to pay previously unimaginable prices for advertising space. This heralded a new era within the industry as magazines now represented a significant source of income for publishers.
  6. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, better standards of education were resulting in a higher degree of literacy, and this of course meant that there was an increasing number of markets to be exploited, and with better transportation, the means developed with which to reach these markets.
  7. The most conclusive factor, however, in the rise of magazines came about with the rise of national advertising. Previously, advertising in magazines had remained relatively local, but with the birth of the concept of national markets, where goods could be delivered to almost any destination and at previously unheard-of speeds, advertisers were willing to pay for as wide a coverage as possible in as many magazines as they thought would usefully promote their products.
  8. Competition inevitably increased and this led to the development of new magazines. In the following years, magazines became more specialized, significantly rivaling newspapers as the dominant form of media and paving the way for the wealth of choices available today.
  9. It was at this point that magazine owners and editors found another area which would guarantee a wider circulation. Attributed to Samuel S. McClure, editor of the American magazine McClure’s, the early 1900s saw the advent of the gossip column, in which the private lives of prominent political or social figures were investigated by those who became known as ‘muckraking journalists’. They would invade the privacy of anyone they thought would interest the public, exposing secrets or even fabricating stories in order to raise the circulation of their magazine.
  10. As the circulation of magazines increased, they began at first to reflect, then to influence, popular opinion. This led to them being heavily used by both sides during World War I and World War II as propaganda, inspiring people to join and fight against the enemy. Most people have, at some time in their life, seen the ubiquitous picture of the British General Kitchener pointing out of the poster with the slogan ‘Your Country Needs You!’ printed below, exhorting people to join the army during World War I. It was in magazines that this picture had such wide coverage.
  11. In the 1950s, magazines took a heavy blow at the hands of the new medium of advertising – television. With sound and pictures now on offer, many magazines lost business and faced collapse as advertisers took their business to television studios. Magazines became even more specialized, hoping to still find new markets, and that is why today we find so many obscure titles on the shelves.
  12. There is no doubt that the magazine has come a long way from its humble beginnings, but when you can buy magazines devoted to the art of Body Painting or informing us of the latest Caravan Accessories, or read about the latest gossip from another Hollywood star, you have to wonder if magazines have actually come a long way in the right direction.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Questions 11-14

Choose the correct answer

A - D

  1. Research has shown that

A had a number of similarities with modern magazines
B were intended for women
C focused on hobbies
D were very different from magazines today.

Answer: D
Supporting Statement: The forerunners of magazines were nothing like the glossy, colorful affairs they are now. They were small printed pages announcing forthcoming events and providing a little local information.
Keyword : forerunners, nothing like
Keyword Location: Paragraph 2
Explanation: As per paragraph 2, the first magazines were nothing like the glitzy, vibrant publications we have today. They were tiny printed sheets that announced upcoming events and gave a little background on the area. So, the correct answer is D.

  1. Magazines became a highly profitable business when

A they were exported around Europe
B they began including illustrations
C advertisers began paying more for space
D they included short stories.

Answer: C
Supporting Statement: With the advent of better quality printing processes, paper and color printing techniques, magazines became lucrative as local businesses began to pay previously unimaginable prices for advertising
Keyword : printing process, advertising space
Keyword Location: Paragraph 5
Explanation: As per paragraph 5, The industrial revolution of Europe played a very important role. As printing methods, papers, and color printing techniques improved, local businesses started to pay magazines previously unheard-of rates for advertising space, making magazines profitable. So, the correct answer is C.

  1. How have magazines retained their popularity despite increased competition?

A By influencing popular opinion.
B By specializing.
C Because of the war.
D Through cooperation with television.

Answer: B
Supporting Statement: In the following years, magazines became more specialized, significantly rivaling newspapers as the dominant form of media and paving the way for the wealth of choices available today.
Keyword : following years, specialized
Keyword Location: Paragraph 8
Explanation: As clearly mentioned in paragraph 8, in the years that followed, magazines grew more specialized, strongly challenging newspapers to become the main form of media and creating the foundation for the abundance of options we have today. So, the correct answer is C.

  1. McClure's magazine

A was a respected political and social publication
B was the first publication to specialize in invasive journalism
C was the most popular American publication of 1900
D had the highest circulation of any magazine.

Answer: B
Supporting Statement: Attributed to Samuel S. McClure, editor of the American magazine McClure’s, the early 1900s saw the advent of the gossip column, in which the private lives of prominent political or social figures were investigated by those who became known as ‘muckraking journalists’.
Keyword : Samuel S. McClure, American magazine
Keyword Location: Paragraph 9
Explanation: As per paragraph 9, according to Samuel S. McClure, editor of the American magazine McClure's, the early 1900s witnessed the emergence of the gossip column, in which individuals who later came to be known as "muckraking journalists" looked into the private lives of notable political or social personalities. So, the correct answer is B.

15-18 Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

In boxes 15-18, write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the text

  1. Lady's Book was written by women.

Answer: Not Given
Explanation: There has been no relevant information provided related to the question statement. Thus, the answer is Not Given.

  1. After the Industrial Revolution, magazines sold more copies than newspapers.

Answer: Not Given
Explanation: There has been no relevant information provided related to the question statement. Thus, the answer is Not Given.

  1. Better education supported the rise of magazines.

Answer: True
Supporting Statement: Towards the end of the nineteenth century, better standards of education were resulting in a higher degree of literacy, and this of course meant that there was an increasing number of markets to be
exploited, and with better transportation, the means developed with which to reach these markets.
Keyword : Nineteenth century, education
Keyword Location: Paragraph 6
Explanation: As per paragraph 6, Education played a key role in popularization of magazines. Better educational practices at the end of the nineteenth century led to an increase in literacy, which of course meant that there were more markets to be exploited. So, the statement is True.

  1. Magazines began to influence popular opinion.

Answer: True
Supporting Statement As the circulation of magazines increased, they began at first to reflect, then to influence, popular opinion.
Keyword : circulation of magazines, popular opinion
Keyword Location: Paragraph 10
Explanation: As per paragraph 10, the new advancement in magazines influenced people’s lives and opinions. Magazines started to reflect public opinion as their readership grew, and then they started to shape it. So, the statement is True.

Questions 19-22

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text.

  1. With what form of journalism did Samuel McClure guarantee more sales of his magazine?

Answer: Muckraking Journalism
Supporting Statement: Attributed to Samuel S. McClure, editor of the American magazine McClure’s, the early 1900s saw the advent of the gossip column, in which the private lives of prominent political or social figures were
investigated by those who became known as ‘muckraking journalists’.
Keyword : Samuel S. McClure, muckraking journalists
Keyword Location: Paragraph 9
Explanation: As per paragraph 9, according to Samuel S. McClure, editor of the American magazine McClure's, the early 1900s witnessed the emergence of the gossip column, in which individuals who later came to be known as "muckraking journalists" looked into the private lives of notable political or social personalities. So, the correct answer is muckraking journalism .

  1. What allowed the exploitation of new markets in the late 1800s? Better transportation (better education created new markets but it was better transportation that allowed for their exploitation)

Answer: Better transportation
Supporting Statement: Towards the end of the nineteenth century, better standards of education were resulting in a higher degree of literacy, and this of course meant that there was an increasing number of markets to be
exploited, and with better transportation, the means developed with which to reach these markets.
Keyword : Nineteenth century, exploited, better transportation
Keyword Location: Paragraph 6
Explanation: As per paragraph 6, Better educational practices at the end of the nineteenth century led to an increase in literacy, which of course meant that there were more markets to be exploited. With improved
transportation, methods for reaching these markets also developed. So, the correct answer is better transportation.

  1. Whose picture was in many magazines during World War 1?

Answer: General Kitchener
Supporting Statement: Most people have, at some time in their life, seen the ubiquitous picture of the British General Kitchener pointing out of the poster with the slogan ‘Your Country Needs You!’ printed below, exhorting people to join the army during World War I. It was in magazines that this picture had such wide coverage.
Keyword : General kitchener, world war 1
Keyword Location: Paragraph 10
Explanation: As per paragraph 10, it has been clearly mentioned about the coverage of British general Kitchener in the magazine. The omnipresent image of the British General Kitchener gesturing out of the poster with the message "Your Country Needs You!" printed below, urging people to enlist in the military during World War I, has been seen by most people at some point in their lives. This image received a lot of press in periodicals. So, the correct answer is General Kitchener.

  1. What stopped the increasing rise of magazines?

Answer: Television
Supporting Statement: In the 1950s, magazines took a heavy blow at the hands of the new medium of advertising – television. With sound and pictures now on offer, many magazines lost business and faced collapse as advertisers took their business to television studios.
Keyword : magazines,television
Keyword Location: Paragraph 11
Explanation: As per paragraph 11,the year of 1950s, magazines suffered greatly at the hands of the advent of television as an advertising tool. With sound and images now available, many publications experienced a decline in readership and even closure as advertisers shifted their spending to television studios. So, the correct answer is television.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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