The Average Weight of People is Increasing IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 28, 2022

The Average Weight of People is Increasing IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: In some countries, the average weight of people is increasing and their level of health and fitness is decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Model Answer 1:

In many countries, the number of overweight people has increased, and their health and fitness levels have deteriorated. This essay will go over some of the causes for the occurrence of these issues, as well as some of the steps that may be taken to resolve them.

The average body weight of people in numerous countries is rising these days for a variety of causes, and they are experiencing bodily problems as a result. To begin with, many individuals nowadays prefer to eat at fast food restaurants. It is indisputable that the majority of fast food restaurants sell items high in fat and sugar, and as a result, those who consume the food on a regular basis become overweight.

Secondly, it is a fact that, as a result of globalisation, corporate competition is becoming more fierce, and people are being forced to work longer hours. They have to get up very early in the morning to go to work and return home late at night; as a result, they do not have time to exercise. As a result, many of these individuals suffer from major health issues, such as obesity and diabetes.

People may do a number of things to help fix the issues. One of them is that people should be more picky about what they eat. Fast food should be avoided because it contains a lot of high cholesterol elements that are harmful to one's health. Instead of eating fried chicken or hamburgers, they should eat more healthy foods like wheat, oats, vegetables, and fruits. Another point to consider is that people should engage in greater physical activity and burn more calories in their daily lives. Changing their mode of transportation is one of the options. They could, for example, switch from driving a car to riding a bicycle to travel. Bicycling not only improves one's health, but it also helps to minimise pollution.

In conclusion, it is true that many people these days are concerned about their weight and health. The issues are primarily caused by unhealthy lifestyles, and there are a number of things that people may do to address the issues. They should be more choosy in their diets and engage in greater physical activity in their daily lives.

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Model Answer 2:

Obesity has become more prevalent in recent years among individuals. Overweight is causing a slew of health and fitness issues. The article will go over the various causes, the lack of activity, and the possible solutions for obesity.

Obesity is commonly attributed to a lack of physical activity. People now spend eight hours a day in front of a computer and travel in the comfort of their own automobile, thanks to the rise in desk jobs and personal comfort. They spend most of their time at home in front of the television. This way of living diminishes a person's physical activity and adds to their weight gain. As a result, a lack of activity has a detrimental impact on how much weight a person gains. Another major cause of obesity is the growing popularity of fast food. People acquire weight as a result of their delectable but harmful eating choices, and this food habit eventually leads to obesity.

Individual weights must be in the correct ratio according to the body mass index, which is an index used to calculate the optimal weight for height and weight. Participating in sports-related activities and exercising can have a lot of health benefits. Football and volleyball, for example, are two sports that can be played to stay in shape. Running can also improve a person's physical stamina. Body weight can be maintained at a healthy level by engaging in sports-related and cross-training activities. As a result, increasing the length of physical activity will help you lose weight.

To summarise, the bulk of an individual's weight and health concerns are caused by a decline in physical activity. The suggested remedy for overcoming the condition is to engage in sports activity or join a cross-training gym. The suggested remedy for overcoming the condition is to engage in sports activity or join a cross-training gym. In the coming years, I believe that everyone should set aside time to care for their health by participating in physical activities.

Model Answer 3:

Obesity is spreading over the world, and the number of people who are overweight is rising in many countries. In addition, physical fitness and health are diminishing. I used to assume that the environment, an inactive lifestyle, and the food business were just a few of the factors that contributed to individuals becoming overweight. These issues can be rectified, but a more conscious lifestyle and eating habit is required.

Fast food restaurants can be found almost anywhere. People frequently purchase dishes from fast food restaurants in order to save money and time. Fast foods, on the other hand, are devoid of nutrients and heavy in fats and carbohydrates, which might lead to health problems in future. Furthermore, obesity is exacerbated by physical inactivity and laziness linked to technological advancements. Most people, for example, would rather stay at home and work on their computers or play with their devices than go for a stroll or participate in outside activities. Another cause is the development of automobiles and motorcycles, which are convenient for travellers but provide a passive mode of transportation, leading to a loss of physical fitness. Furthermore, the food business has a significant social impact. For example, food marketing can deceive consumers by providing incorrect information and persuade them to purchase high-calorie items.

Individual efforts and government backing should be the starting point for a solution. Every single one of us is responsible for our own well-being. Physical activity, a balanced and nutritious diet, and the avoidance of vices can all contribute to a higher quality of life. Another option is for the government to provide assistance, such as through encouraging community-based physical activity initiatives. A free outdoor exercise or dancing in the park is an example of this. This can be an effective method of persuading people to engage in physical activity while also enjoying the company of others. Furthermore, providing good food education at school and providing a healthy selection of meals at the canteen assist pupils in receiving the nutrients they require.

To summarise, a lot of factors can influence the expanding obesity population as well as the reduction in physical fitness and health. These issues can be addressed by combining government programmes with citizens' efforts to create a healthier society.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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