The Arnolfini Portrait Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Jul 11, 2024

The Arnolfini Portrait Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. The Arnolfini Portrait Reading Answers have a total of 13 IELTS questions in total. In the questions, you have to choose the correct option from the given choices. In the next section, you have to choose the correct word or words for the given statement and fill in the blanks. 

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Section 1

Read the Text Below and Answer Questions

The Arnolfini Portrait

The Flemish city of Bruges was an epicentre of wealth and industry in the fourteenth century, as well as a haven of intellectual and religious freedom. It is no coincidence that William Caxton printed the first book in English in Bruges. The world's first stock exchange was set up there by local bankers in 1309 which drew traders from all over the known world who based themselves in this canaled city; spice and silk merchants from Portugal and Venice, grain and wine merchants from France, wool merchants from Scotland England and Castille, and iron merchants from Bilbao. These bankers and traders were in charge of supplying Europe with all their

required commodities (and would be in the billionaire class today). At the same time, Bruges was already the home of an unrivalled weaving, fabric and lace industry. By the time Jan van Eyke's Arnolfini Portrait was painted 1534, Philip the Good, the Duke of Burgundy and his wife Margaret of York, had set up court in Bruges, attracting musicians and artists, including Jan van Eyke for whom the Duke

was a great patron.

The portrait is of a Bruges resident called Giovanni Arnolfini and the woman beside him is his wife, though which wife is not completely clear. The Arnolfini Portrait is one of only about 20 surviving paintings attributed to van Eyke and is typical of his work, which is filled with a sense of realism and use of natural light. Van Eyke painted in multiple layers of oil paints, a completely new medium, which gave his paintings intense depth and a semi- transparent aspect. The details contained within the painting are part of its fascination. It contains objects and clothing which not only illustrate the immense wealth of the sitters, but symbolise other things. It is a rich

natural source to read and interpret. Many over the centuries have observed the various items and elements within the painting and questioned their significance. It is clear that nothing has been placed there by chance.

Giovanni Arnolfini was a prosperous Italian silk merchant from Lucca who had settled in Bruges, and his wife Costanza Trenta was also from Lucca. Costanza Trenta was dead at the time the painting was completed, and it is believed the painting may have been created as a type of memorial to her. There has been much debate over the identity of the woman in the painting, but it is generally believed she is Trenta. Arnolfini did marry again, but it was after the death of van Eyke. The image has always been thought to be of that of the woman with her hand placed on top facing upwards. Some have suggested that this is a symbol of an unequal union ane

perhaps of a morganatic marriage. A morganic union agrees that the woman and her children will have no claim on inheriting the wealth of the family she is joining. This was certainly not the case with Costanza Trenta, who came from an equally rich and powerful family and this has led to the hypothesis that it might be another woman who has not been recorded in history. In any case, whoever the female sitter might be, the painting still contains the symbolism of some type of marital union.

The sumptuous clothing depicts the couple's incredible wealth. The man's velvet and fur clothes to this depth of colour. The woman's fur lined dress is are black, which was very expensive to dye, especially in an intense green, a colour which required a many- Costanza is pregnant, but it is actually the luxurious staged dying process. Modern eyes would imagine amount of fabric in her dress that makes it look like this, as she gathers it up from the floor. The removed shoes are said to be a symbol of fertility, a bare foot was an indicator of this. The open window reveals a cherry tree which is a symbol of love, and oranges are scattered near the window. Oranges were a luxury commodity newly imported from the East and represent abundance. The brass chandelier is exquisitely made, a symbol of wealth, but only contains one candle, perhaps a symbol of the shortness of life, referring to Costanza's death, or it may be a symbol of unity or even mean the presence of God.

The artist's signature is prominent at the back, stating 'van Eyke was here', almost as if it is a signature on a legal document. Reflected in the mirror beyond the couple are two figures, one thought to be van Eyke, and another witness. Rosary beads on the wall indicate piety and the brush is a symbol of industry, together with a recipe for Christian married life focused on spirituality and earthly duty. Then here is the dog between the coupie, thought to be an embien of National Gallery in London since 1842 and has long been one of its most popular paintings. It is difficult to imagine the strength of 250 impact it would have had on viewers when it was first painted, it must have seemed close to miraculous in its realism, fine use of perspective and bursts of colour.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 28-31

Choose the correct letter.

  1. The opening of the stock exchange was important as it
  1. meant the first book in English was published.
  2. was behind a weaving, fabric and lace industry.
  3. attracted international traders.
  4. influenced the printing of bank notes.

Answer: C
Supporting statement:
“.......the world's first stock exchange was set up there by local bankers in 1309 which drew traders from all over the known world who based themselves in this canaled city.......”
exchange, traders
Keyword Location: para 1, lines 3-5
The establishment of the stock exchange in Bruges in 1309 attracted traders from various parts of the world, making it a significant hub for international commerce. Hence C is the correct choice. 

  1. Jan van Eyke went to Bruges because
  1. his patron was living there.
  2. his wife was Margaret of York
  3. he was a commodities trader.
  4. he wanted to paint Arnolfini.

Answer: A
Supporting statement:
“.....Philip the Good, the Duke of Burgundy and his wife Margaret of York, had set up court in Bruges, attracting musicians and artists, including Jan van Eyke.........”
Burgundy, Jan
Keyword Location: para 1, lines 7-8
Jan van Eyke was drawn to Bruges because the Duke of Burgundy, his patron, had established his court there, attracting various artists and musicians. Hence A is the correct choice. 

  1. Why is the Arnolfini Portrait a good example of van Eyke's work?
  1. It was painted quickly.
  2. It was realistically painted.
  3. It contained traditional painting techniques.
  4. It was of a man and a woman.

Answer: B
Supporting statement:
“ typical of his work, which is filled with a sense of realism and use of natural light........”
realism, natural
Keyword Location: para 2, lines 3-4
The Arnolfini Portrait exemplifies Jan van Eyke's work due to its realistic portrayal and effective use of natural light, hallmark features of his painting style. Hence B is the correct choice. 

  1. What is certain about the details of the painting?
  1. The objects are the artist's possessions.
  2. The objects are random.
  3. The objects are unidentifiable. MOGA
  4. The objects are significant.

Answer: D
Supporting statement:
“......It is clear that nothing has been placed there by chance........”
nothing, by chance 
Keyword Location: para 2, lines 8-9
The details within the Arnolfini Portrait are significant, and every element in the painting was intentionally placed, indicating that they hold specific meanings. Hence D is the correct choice. 

Questions 32-33

Choose ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Though Giovanni Arnolfini's wife Costanza had died before the painting was done, it is thought to be 32……... to tier. It is said to be a depiction of some type of wedding

Supporting statement:
“.......Costanza Trenta was dead at the time the painting was completed, and it is believed the painting may have been created as a type of memorial to her.......”
dead, memorial
Keyword Location: para 3, lines 3-4
The Arnolfini Portrait is thought to be a memorial to Giovanni Arnolfini's wife, Costanza Trenta, who had died before the painting was completed. Hence memorial is the correct choice. 

ceremony as Arnolfini's has his 33............. in the air, as if making a promise.

Answer: HAND
Supporting statement:
“.......image has always been thought to be of that of the woman with her hand placed on top facing upwards.......”
hand, promise
Keyword Location: para 3, line 6
The depiction of Arnolfini's hand in the air, facing upwards, suggests a gesture of making a promise, which supports the idea of a wedding ceremony. Hence hand is the correct choice. 

Questions 34-35

Choose ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Some believe it is a depiction of a morganic union, but that is unlikely as Costanza Trenta and Arnolfini came from 34….... wealthy and influential backgrounds.

Supporting statement:
“......This was certainly not the case with Costanza Trenta, who came from an equally rich and powerful family........”
equally, rich
Keyword Location: para 3, lines 8-9 
The idea of a morganatic union is unlikely because both Costanza Trenta and Arnolfini came from equally wealthy and influential families, making such a union unnecessary.

Costanza Trenta looks as if she is expecting a child, but it is the abundant 35..... in her dress that creates this illusion.

Answer: FABRIC
Supporting statement:
“........Modern eyes would imagine Costanza is pregnant, but it is actually the luxurious amount of fabric in her dress that makes it look like this......”
fabric, illusion
Keyword Location: para 4, lines 4-6
The appearance of pregnancy is created by the abundant fabric in Costanza Trenta's dress, which gathers up from the floor, creating the illusion.

Questions 36-40

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


removed shoes fertility
36………. love
oranges abundance
chandelier 37……….
38……….. brief life, unity or the presence

of God

rosary beads piety
brush 39……..
40……. Fidelity


Supporting statement:
“......The open window reveals a cherry tree which is a symbol of love, and oranges are scattered near the window. Oranges ........”
tree, love
Keyword Location: para 4, line 8
The cherry tree visible through the open window symbolises love, adding to the painting's rich symbolism. Hence cherry tree is the correct choice. 


Answer: WEALTH
Supporting statement:
“.....The brass chandelier is exquisitely made, a symbol of wealth.........”
chandelier, wealth 
Keyword Location: para 4, line 9
The brass chandelier in the painting is a symbol of wealth, highlighting the couple's financial status. Hence wealth is the correct choice. 


Answer: CANDLE
Supporting statement:
“......contains one candle, perhaps a symbol of the shortness of life, referring to Costanza's death, or it may be a symbol of unity or even mean the presence of God........”
candle, unity
Keyword Location: para 4, lines 10-11 
The single candle in the chandelier symbolizes the shortness of life, unity, or the presence of God, adding a layer of meaning to the painting. Hence candle is the correct choice. 


Supporting statement:
“......Rosary beads on the wall indicate piety and the brush is a symbol of industry........”
brush, industry
Keyword Location: para 5, lines 2-3
The brush depicted in the painting symbolizes industry, reflecting the values of hard work and diligence. Hence industry is the correct choice. 


Answer: DOG
Supporting statement:
“.......Then here is the dog between the couple, thought to be an emblem of fidelity.......”
dog, fidelity
Keyword Location: para 5, line 4 
The dog situated between the couple symbolizes fidelity, reinforcing the theme of loyalty and trust in the marital union. Hence dog is the correct choice. 

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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