The Animal Species are becoming Extinct due to Human Activities on Land and in Sea IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Jul 27, 2022

The Animal Species are becoming Extinct due to Human Activities on Land and in Sea IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

Topic: The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea. What are the reasons and solutions?

Model Answer 1:

Extinction of various land and sea organisms has been repeatedly claimed to be a growing worldwide problem as a result of excessive human behaviours. This is mostly due to the slaughter of animals for sport or profit, and animal protection legislation, as well as public awareness, are required to address this issue.

Because of human participation, animal life on land and in the sea is becoming increasingly threatened. To clarify, one of the most obvious reasons for these animals being endangered is the unlawful trafficking of their body parts for monetary benefit. The White Rhinoceros, for example, has been wiped out of existence owing to widespread and illegal poaching for its valuable horns. In addition, certain animals and birds are slaughtered for pleasure or amusement. As a result, the population of the hunted species is declining.

To solve this issue, the relevant authorities should, first and foremost, enact appropriate legislation prohibiting the killing of endangered animals. Such acts should be labelled as criminal, and individuals who engage in them should face harsh penalties and substantial fines. Furthermore, the general people should not only be made aware of the potential effects of extinction, but also educated on the different approaches that may be utilised to address the problem. Various animal rights organisations, for example, could hold speeches and seminars to educate people about the impact of extinction on human life and the environment. Finally, owing to unregulated sports activities and illicit hunting, extinction is becoming a significant danger to species. However, attempts to resolve this issue may be undertaken by educating the public about the importance of these creatures and enacting stronger legislation to protect endangered species.

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Model Answer 2:

The world is being confronted with a new problem: the loss of its natural nature, which is occurring at a quicker rate than anyone anticipated. The list of endangered species is growing by the day, according to the WWF (World Wild Federation). Humans, unfortunately, are the major perpetrators of this disaster.

Deforestation is one of the human activities that affects the wildlife population; as a result of rapid industrialization and population expansion, over two-thirds of the world's forest has gone from the face of the planet. Animals lose their native environment as a result, and they become more vulnerable to life-threatening circumstances.

Furthermore, poaching is another form of human-caused cruelty that has a negative impact on the populations of animals such as tigers and pandas. These animals are hunted for their skin and hair by humans. Pollution is the other main man-made activity that has a negative impact on the lives of animal species on both land and sea. Marine life is also being harmed by oil leaks from undersea oil wells and rubbish from ships and boats. Authorities, non-governmental organisations, and society should all work together to address this problem. Deforestation and wildlife hunting should be controlled by governments enacting strong laws and restrictions.

Non-Governmental Organizations should keep a watch on everything that happens in the wild, and the general public should understand the value of wildlife. People should be informed on the repercussions of rare animal extinction. Governments should also establish captive facilities and zoos to safeguard species on the edge of extinction in order to save them. To summarise, while humans are the primary suspects in this worrisome scenario, we cannot only blame ourselves. Natural catastrophes, illnesses, and climate change are among variables that have an impact on the wild and aquatic life populations.

Model Answer 3:

Many kinds of animals, not only on land but also in the water, are under risk of extinction as a result of human activity. The major causes of this problem are an increase in the number of illegal hunters and the accumulation of plastic garbage in the ocean. Implementing a hunting licence system and altering the plastic used in product packaging might be viable answers to the concerns.

Hunting is one of the human activities that threatens many endangered animals, and the number of individuals who are interested in it is growing. Hunting wild animals is considered a wealthy person's hobby since it is a pricey activity. In 1995, many affluent individuals became hunters in order to flaunt their affluence to the rest of society. Another important concern with comparable consequences is the widespread use of plastic in numerous items. As a result, difficult-to-recycle plastic is dumped into the ocean, destroying the habitats of millions of aquatic animals, including turtles, who are designated endangered species. Licensing for hunting animals should be created in order to keep track of all poachers. This rule has the potential to save endangered creatures from extinction.

People should, for example, acquire a hunting licence before venturing into the woods. In the Amazon forest, this method proved successful in reducing animal death rates by 20%. Furthermore, businesses that use plastic for product covers should convert to ecologically friendly materials, so the ocean is not burdened with waste. Finally, in order to limit the number of hunters, the government should establish a licencing system and replace plastic with ecologically friendly materials to prevent widespread harm to the sea.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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