Terminated Dinosaur Era Reading Answers 13 questions that have to be answered in 20 minutes. Terminated Dinosaur Era Reading Answers comprises two types of questions, namely- choosing the correct option, and true/false/not given. In choose the correct option, candidates are required to answer based on a given cue. They are required to choose from multiple options. For true/false/not given, candidates must IELTS read the passage and understand the statement provided.
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Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions
Dr James Hansen, in 19BH, was predicting that the likely effects of global warming would be a raising of the world temperature which would have disastrous consequences for mankind: “a strong cause arid effect relationship between the current climate and human alteration of the atmosphere”. He has now gone on record as stating that using artificial models of climate as a way of predicting change is all but impossible. In fact, he now believes that, rather than getting hotter, our planet is getting greener as a result of the carbon dioxide increase, with the prospect of increasing vegetation in areas which in recent history have been frozen wastelands.
Doubters point to scientific evidence, which can prove that, of all the greenhouse gases, only two per cent come from man-made sources, the rest resulting from natural emissions. Who, then, to believe: the environmentalist exhorting us to leave the car at home, to buy re-usable products packaged in recycled paper and to plant trees in our back yard? Or the sceptics, including, of course, a lot of big businesses who have most to lose, when they tell us that we are making a mountain out of a molehill? And my own opinion? The jury’s still out as for as I am concerned!
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Solution With Explanation
Using the information in the passage, candidates have to match list of people (below) with the list of opinions or deeds (questions 1-6). Write the appropriate answer (A-C) in boxes 1-6 on the answer sheet.
List of people
(Guide: Candidates need to match the questions 1 to 6 with the list of people from A to C)
QUESTION 1 : Large animals are in a disadvantageous position when disasters happen
Answer: A - Paul Olsen
Supporting sentence: “smaller animals always do better in catastrophic situations.because they can survive on smaller amounts of food”
Keyword: small animals, Dr.Olsen,
Keyword location: Paragraph I, lines 5-6
Explanation: Dr.Olsen, the scientist says that in the situations of catastrophic survival, the smaller animals are at a position of advantage, proving the statement that the larger animals find it hard to survive in situations of lack of food.
QUESTION 2 : Radical changes in Carbon type are related to massive extinction of vegetation
Answer: C - Peter Ward
Supporting sentence: “...last year researchers led by Dr.Ward reported that the types of carbon in rock changed abruptly at this time, indicating a sudden dying off of plants over less than 50,000 years…”
Keyword: carbon, plants, abrupt
Keyword location: Paragraph F, lines 5-8
Explanation: The changes in the carbon type was found to be the cause of the change in vegetation, massive dying of the plant species resulting in a massive extinction of dinosaurs as well. This can be proven by the lack of food source for the plant eating animals, or the abrupt change in the line of the food chain.
QUESTION 3 : The changes in earth’s animal species become easier to identify by adding footprint investigation
Answer: A - Paul Olsen
Supporting sentence: In paragraph E, “although individual species cannot usually be identified solely from their footprints...footprints are much more plentiful than fossil bones and can provide a more complete picture of the types of animals walking around”.
“It makes it very easy for us to tell the very obvious signals of massive fauna change”
Keyword: footprints, species, fossils
Keyword location: Paragraph E, lines 3-7
Explanation: Dr.Olsen clarifies that not fully depending on the footprint data to understand the species change over the years, but it is a very helpful analysis which makes it easier to understand the evolution of animals.
QUESTION 4 : Geochemical evidence suggests an asteroid impact before dinosaurs appeared.
Answer: A - Paul Olsen
Supporting sentence: In paragraph B, “ there is a Geochemical signature of something important happening, probably an asteroid impact, just before the time in which familiar dinosaur-dominated communities appeared”, supports the above statement.
Keyword: asteroid impact, dinosaur, geochemical
Keyword location: Paragraph B, lines 3-6
Explanation: according to Dr.Olsen, the theory of the asteroid impact has been proven to be true which was considered, apparently a highly probable reason for the dominance of the dinosaur community. He bases this theory on Geochemical analysis.
QUESTION 5 : Footprint study is a way of research
Answer: C - Peter Ward
Supporting sentence: In paragraph F, Ward says “I think the footprint methodology is very novel and very exciting”.
Keyword: footprint, research, geologic period
Keyword location: Paragraph F- line 3, line 4
Explanation: Ward calls the footprint data as very important though it required more research in this field. He also states at the end of the paragraph, that footprint research reinforces the hypothesis about the sudden extinction.
QUESTION 6 : Persuasive clues of an iridium spike were discovered for the first time
Answer: B - Michael Benton
Supporting sentence: In paragraph C, the theory about iridium is that the rare element is more abundant in meteors than in rocks. The later speculation and years of research was done (in paragraph D) to confirm whether the iridium found in the rock (after the extinction) was from a volcanic eruption or from a meteor impact.
Keyword: Meteor, iridium, rocks, research
Keyword location: Paragraph C - lines 4, 5, Paragraph D- lines 8, 9
Explanation: Dr. Benton, hence confirms about the clues of the presence of iridium and its probability of proving how the extinction took place so abruptly. But, as the statement suggests, it is considered as a “...convincing evidence of iridium spike”
For the following questions, candidates have to study the passage well and from the three option given below, mark an answer for the questions that follow
True : if the statement is true
False : if the statement is false
Not Given : if no information is given in the passage
(Guide: Mark the appropriate answers in boxes 7-13 on the answer sheet. Each statement only has one appropriate answer, True/false/not given.)
QUESTION 7 : The rare element iridium, was present both on earth and in meteorites
Answer: True
Supporting sentence: In paragraph C, “in the layer of rock corresponding to the extinction, the scientist found elevated amounts of the rare element iridium...iridium is more abundant in meteorites than in rocks”
Keyword: iridium, rocks, element, research
Keyword location: Paragraph C - lines 5, 6
Explanation: The iridium found in the rock, and the established fact that iridium is present in the earth’s surface as well, verifies that iridium is present both on earth and in meteors.
QUESTION 8 : The meteor impact theory has been suspected before the discovery of the impact site and other supporting evidence.
Answer: True
Supporting sentence: Researchers recently found the first direct, though tentative, geological evidence of a meteor impact 200 million years ago, coinciding with a mass extinction that eliminated half of the major groups of life and opened the evolutionary door for what was then a relatively small group of animals: dinosaurs.
Keyword: geological evidence, meteor impact
Keyword location: Paragraph A
Explanation: The supporting sentence states that researchers found out that 200 million years ago there was an even greater explosion that shook the Earth. This explosion eliminated most of the living groups, and resulted in the ‘relatively small group’ of animals which we know as dinosaurs. Therefore, the answer selection is correct.
QUESTION 9 : Footprints are of little value in providing information, in comparison to fossil bones, because individual species cannot be identified with footprints
Answer: False
Supporting sentence: In paragraph E, Dr.Olsen said,”it (footprint data) makes it very easy for us to tell the obvious signals of massive fauna change” In paragraph F, Dr.Peter Ward says, “I think the footprint methodology is very novel and very exciting”.
Keyword: footprint data, footprint, fossil
Keyword location: Paragraph E, paragraph F
Explanation: The footprint data has helped largely with species identification and also to understand the evolution of species. It is a helpful method proven and approved by established scientists in the field of paleontology and geological fields. Hence, proving the statement false.
QUESTION 10 : According to the scientists, the transition to a dinosaur-dominated era took place very quickly by geological time scales
Answer: True
Supporting sentence: In paragraph G, “the changes, the researchers said, occurred within 30,000 years - a geological blink of an eye”
Keyword: researchers, geological, extinction
Keyword location: Paragraph G- line 3
Explanation: According to the theories settled upon regarding the changes that occurred suddenly causing the extinction of a large number of species of dinosaurs, it all happened in a very small period of time if seen from a geological standards of changes.
QUESTION 11 : The creatures that disappeared in the extinction were dominantly the 15-foot long rauisuchians and large crocodiles
Answer: False
Supporting sentence: “ … creatures that disappeared in the extinction … 15-foot long rauisuchians … phytosaurs that resemble large crocodiles”
Keyword: extinction, rauisuchians, crocodiles
Keyword location: Paragraph H - Lines
Explanation: The supporting statement proves the question as False, because apart from the rauisuchians, other extinct animals resemble large crocodiles, and were not crocodiles itself. They were called phytosaurs. Hence, proving the question False.
QUESTIONS 12 : Tyrannosaurus rex was larger in body size than other carnivorous dinosaurs
Answer: Not Given
Explanation: There is no mention of whether tyrannosaurus rex had a larger body size than carnivorous dinosaurs in the passage. Therefore, the selected answer is Not Given.
QUESTION 13 : Large dinosaurs died out but the small ones evolved and competed with birds and mammals
Answer: Not Given
Explanation: There is no mention of large dinosaurs dying but the ‘small ones evolving and also competing with ‘birds and mammals’. Therefore, the selected is Not Given.