Teleworking Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Dec 1, 2022

Teleworking Reading Answers consists of an IELTS Reading Passage and 13 questions to be completed in 20 minutes. This  IELTS reading topic includes three types of questions including- complete the summary and choose the correct letter. For answering the questions of completing the summary, skim the passage and find the relevance of the statements to answer. To choose the correct answers or letters, candidates should read the IELTS passage properly. The candidates can get more IELTS Reading Tips online to excel in the examination. Reading the passage thoroughly would help candidates to understand the statement provided and answer it with the choice of options. Candidates can get more such topics from IELTS Reading practice papers

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Teleworking Reading Answers


Teleworking – working remotely from an office- is said to have many benefits for organizations, the environment and society. It provokes mixed reactions from its acolytes and those that experience it first-hand. Whether you like it or not, it is true to say that work is no longer dependent on geography and this opens up a range of opportunities for working in new ways and environments.


The surveys show “that the productivity increase is not primarily because of longer working hours (as is sometimes suggested). Although prevalent, working more is just one of a number of influencing factors, and not the most important.” An unusual comparison of the performance of teleworkers with a closely matched control group of non-teleworkers found that not only was productivity higher but also that absenteeism and error rates were lower.


Two other areas where SUSTEL has added to the economic impact knowledge base is its effect on absenteeism and space utilization. In the case of absenteeism, over 60 per cent of those surveyed stated that telework had enabled them to work when they were prevented from reaching a work location (usually through illness or transport problems). Around half the cases also identified substantial reductions in space requirements – to the point where one organization had completely done away with a central office. Changes in non-commuting travel on weekends: home-based workers, which includes a substantial population of people who are not telecommuters, spend more time shopping out of the home than traditional workers.


Half-time telecommuting could reduce carbon emissions by over 51 million metric tons a year—the equivalent of taking all of New York’s commuters off the road. Additional carbon footprint savings will come from reduced: office energy, roadway repairs, urban heating, office construction, business travel, paper usage (as electronic documents replace paper). Although energy utilization will continue to grow as we expand our industry and improve our standard of living, efficient use of energy will always be of prime importance. By telecommuting to work instead of using more conventional methods, there is a great potential to save energy. The three major areas where energy can be conserved are Vehicle-related materials and resources; Highway-related materials and resources; and work-related materials and resources.


A tremendous amount of energy is required to produce transportation equipment such as automobiles, buses, trains and jet aircraft. If telecommuting is promoted, there will be less use of this equipment and less energy will be required for production, maintenance and repair of this equipment. Fuel resources and gasses needed to operate this equipment will be reduced, as well the building and repair of highways and maintenance requires a large consumption of energy, not only in the operation of the highway construction and repair equipment but also in the manufacture and transportation of the required materials. An increase in the percentage of people telecommuting to work will decrease the need for expanded highways and associated road maintenance. The first two areas related to getting to work.


Socially, the SUSTEL research found that most survey respondents felt that teleworking gave them a better quality of life and work-life balance. Many also reported health benefits. A significant number also stated that they were using local services more and becoming more involved in their local communities. The loss of teamwork and team spirit within teleworking populations was tackled through ideas such as Oracle’s ‘FUNctional’ offices. Designed to increase communication and interaction when people are at the office, they are bright and focused around a central cafe to stimulate ideas and face-to-face contact.


The finding that many teleworkers report both longer working hours and a better quality of life is paradoxical. More time working is usually associated with increased stress, domestic tension and other factors that reduce the quality of life. One possible explanation is that, for many individuals, their increased working hours will be less than the time they have saved in commuting. Hence, they still have more time available for family and other activities. For some, the stress associated with commuting (especially for long distances) may be less than that arising from additional working time. Perhaps most significantly, teleworking can in effect create time through opportunities for multi-tasking or greater control of activities. As one survey respondent noted. “Although the amount of time has not changed it has made the weekends freer, as domestic activities can be fitted in during lunchtimes or early morning.”


When you work in an office or a cubicle and something goes wrong with any hardware or software you have the option of calling in the IT man. In fact, all of the equipment that you use at the office is supported by technical staff. That means regular updates and maintenance for various and sundry office tools like land-line phones, computers, internet connections, laptops, cell phones, printers, and other office equipment is all up to you when you work from home, you’ll surely encounter technical problems and when you do, where do you get the support and help you need? If your computer hard drive crashed today, would you have the funds to replace it?

Section 2

Questions 1-8:
Complete the summary using the list of words, A-N below.
Write the correct letter, A-N, in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet.

  1. pollution
  2. internet energy
  3. paper usage
  4. construction and maintenance
  5. materials
  6. shopping
  7. productivity
  8. fuels and gases
  9. electronically
  10. IT
  11. equipment
  12. company
  13. work-related
  14. geography 

Question 1- Teleworking has been said to have many benefits for both society and companies. Survey identified that telecommuters spend more time on

Answer: F. shopping
Sentence: home-based workers, which includes a substantial population of people who are not telecommuters, spend more time shopping out of the home than traditional workers.
shopping, traditional
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, last sentence
 The passage states that traditional workers spend more time shopping outside of the home than home-based workers. They spend more time shopping outside of the home than traditional workers. This includes a sizable group of non-telecommuters. Hence, shopping is the correct answer.

Question 2- than those traditional workers on changes in non-commuting travel on weekends. It also is beneficial to the environment as it reduces the

Answer: A. pollution
Sentence: Half-time telecommuting could reduce carbon emissions by over 51 million metric tons a year—the equivalent of taking all of New York’s commuters off the road.
office energy, roadway repairs
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, 1st statement
The author states that half-time telecommuting could save over 51 million metric tons of CO2 per year. This is equivalent to taking all of New York's commuters off the road. Additional carbon footprints which can be reduced include Office energy, road repairs, urban heating, office construction, business travel, and paper usage are all issues that need to be addressed. Hence, pollution is the correct answer.

Question 3- in the atmosphere from decreased street repairs, city heating, or even

Answer: C. paper usage
Sentence: Additional carbon footprint savings will come from reduced: office energy, roadway repairs, urban heating, office construction, business travel, paper usage (as electronic documents replace paper).
grow, expand
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, 2nd sentence
 The passage states that the usage of paper (as electronic documents replace paper).in the atmosphere can save additional carbon footprints. hence, C is the correct answer..

Question 4- as staff in office could send documents

Answer: I. electronically
Sentence: Additional carbon footprint savings will come from reduced: office energy, roadway repairs, urban heating, office construction, business travel, paper usage (as electronic documents replace paper).
extremely, electronic documents
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, 2nd sentence
Although energy consumption will continue to rise as our business expands and our level of living rises, energy efficiency will always be a priority. However, Additional carbon footprint savings will come from paper usage (as electronic documents replace paper). Hence, electronically is the correct answer.

Question 5- Apart from that, other materials such as Vehicle-related, Highway-related and

Answer: M. work-related
Sentence: The three major areas where energy can be conserved are Vehicle-related materials and resources; Highway-related materials and resources; and work-related materials and resources.
conserved are Vehicle
Keyword Location
Paragraph D, last sentence
The author mentioned Vehicle-related materials and resources, highway-related materials and resources, and work-related materials and resources. These are the three major areas where energy can be saved. Hence, as per the question, work-related should be the correct answer. 

Question 6- materials will also be saved. Traditionally, a large amount of energy is needed to make

Answer: K. equipment
Sentence: A tremendous amount of energy is required to produce transportation equipment such as automobiles, buses, trains and jet aircraft.
automobiles, buses
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, 1st sentence
The author mentioned Transportation equipment such as automobiles, buses, trains, and jet aircraft require a tremendous amount of energy to manufacture. Hence, the stoppage of these will save a lot of energy and equipment.

Question 7- : e.g. Public transportation and private cars. With the rise of telecommuting, resources and

Answer: H. fuels and gases
Sentence: Fuel resources and gasses needed to operate this equipment will be reduced, as well the building and repair of highways and maintenance requires a large consumption of energy.
Fuel resources and glasses
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, 3rd sentence
 The author states the amount of fuel and gasses required to operate this equipment will be reduced. The amount of energy required to construct, repair, and maintain highways will be reduced causing less pollution. Hence fuels and gasses is the correct answer.

Question 8- will be saved. And conservation goes to the energy and materials consumed in all

Answer: D. construction and maintenance
Sentence: An increase in the percentage of people telecommuting to work will decrease the need for expanded highways and associated road maintenance.
highways and road maintenance.
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, 2nd last sentence
The author mentioned that raw materials are required in the operation of highway construction and repair equipment, as well as production and transportation. Automatically, if less people come to work, the need for expanded highways and associated road maintenance will be reduced. Hence, construction and maintenance is the correct answer.

Questions 9-12:
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, below.
Write the correct letter, A-F, in box 9-12 on your answer sheet.

  1. stress and tension.
  2. consumption of goods.
  3. the problem of less communication with colleagues.
  4. many problems when equipment doesn’t work.
  5. transport equipment such as automobiles.
  6. technical supporters.

Question 9- More working time is often connected with:

Answer: A. stress and tension.
Sentence: More time working is usually associated with increased stress, domestic tension and other factors that reduce the quality of life.
stress, domestic
Keyword Location
Paragraph G, 2nd sentence
As per the passage, working longer hours is usually associated with increased stress, domestic tension, and other factors that lower life quality. Hence, stress and tension is the correct answer. 

Question 10- Oracle’s Functional idea aims to improve:

Answer: C. the problem of less communication with colleagues.
Sentence: The loss of teamwork and team spirit within teleworking populations was tackled through ideas such as Oracle’s ‘FUNctional’ offices.
teleworking and populations
Keyword Location
Paragraph F, 4th sentence
In paragraph F, the author mentioned Oracle's 'Functional' offices were created to address the loss of teamwork and team spirit among teleworking populations. This means Oracle's idea was to improve communication within the team. This is also called as teamwork. 

Question 11- When you work at office equipments such as computers and printers are maintained by:

Answer: F. technical supporters.
Sentence: all of the equipment that you use at the office is supported by technical staff. That means regular updates and maintenance for various and sundry office tools like land-line phones, computers, internet connections, laptops, cell phones, printers
updates and maintenance
Keyword Location
Paragraph H
 As per the author, technical support is provided for all of the equipment you use in the office. That means maintaining various office tools such as landlines, computers, internet connections, laptops, cell phones, and printers on a regular basis. Hence, technical supporters is the correct answer.

Question 12- When work from home using hardware and software:

Answer: D. many problems when equipment doesn’t work.
Sentence: When you work in an office or a cubicle and something goes wrong with any hardware or software you have the option of calling in the IT man.
office and cubicle, hardware
Keyword Location
Paragraph H
The author mentioned in the passage that when something goes wrong with the gear or software in the office or cubicle, there is an option to call IT. There are many problems when the equipment does not work. 

Questions 13:
Answer question 13 and choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

  1. surprised by its fast growth
  2. unconcerned about the future pattern
  3. believe it is generally positive and encouraging
  4. worried in the economical problems arise

Question 13- Implied in the passage, what is the author’s attitude toward Telework?

Answer: C. believe it is generally positive and encouraging
Sentence: The surveys show “that the productivity increase is not primarily because of longer working hours (as is sometimes suggested).
productivity, suggested
Keyword Location
 Paragraph B, 1st sentence
As per the survey productivity does not come from longer working hours. It comes from positive and encouraging environment in the office space. Hence, “believe it is generally positive and encouraging” is the correct answer. 

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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