Technology - IELTS Speaking Answer

Bhaskar Das

Jan 24, 2022

IELTS Speaking expects candidates to speak eloquently and cover the topic from various angles. This IELTS speaking part 3- Technology talks how modern technology has in many ways made our lives easy. The target of this task is engaging in general conversation with the test-taker that includes IELTS speaking topics like home, education, work, family, academics, and more. If your answer is too short, your interviewer will provoke you to speak further by asking you questions like “why” or “why not” if you like something.

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Topic: Technology

Question 1. Do You Think Modern Technology is Useful?

Answer: Yes, I do for sure. We are evident of the fact that modern technology has in many ways made our lives easy. From health to education, travelling to shopping, there isn't even a single sector where modern technology hasn't made a huge impact. With all these new technologies we have seen a big surge in productivity in almost every industry. Handmade things are almost fancy and more costly nowadays. With the help of technology, products are being made in large quantities in minimum time with minimum man power.

Travelling sector has been revolutionized with modern technologies. The earth has in literal sense turned into a global village. There were times when you would have to travel for months to reach one continent from another. Now, it's a matter of hours. People once had to stand in lines for sometimes hours to book a train ticket. Now, with the introduction of e-tickets and online payment, passengers can book a ticket in their preferred seat at their preferred time from the comfort of their house with the help of just a smartphone. Health sector is another sector where modern technologies have made an enormous impact. From times when people used to die of fever to the time when there is a treatment for almost every disease and illness, the health sector has developed a lot and a large share of credit for this development will undoubtedly go to the modern technologies that are being used in the health sector these days.

Computers, smartphones and the internet have changed our lives. Now, these are like a part and parcel of our day to day life. We can't even think of going one day without using these. Addiction to smartphones, computers or any other gadgets is obviously a mental illness that we should be aware of. But these days, especially in these covid or post-covid days, the internet and smartphones have become almost like one of the prime necessities for us. From buying groceries and medicines, to attending online classes, we need smartphones and the internet for almost everything. Modern technology has obviously made our lives better but at the same time too much dependency on it is not good either. We should be using modern technology and not the other way around. Finally, I will conclude by saying that sensible use of modern technology is obviously useful for us.


  • Decorated: to make a place look good; ornamentation
  • Chique: something which is in fashion and very elegant
  • Spacious: to have a lot of space (in a room)

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Question 2. Do You Think People Rely Too Much on Technology?

Answer: These days people have to rely too much on technology even if they don't want to. Now there are not one but several reasons behind it. But by simplifying, we can say that people rely too much on technology because technology makes their lives easy. It's human behavior to look for easy ways to do a job, perform a task. Technology has evolved throughout the years to reach its present form because of us people's sole purpose to make everything easier. We are sure to witness many more reforms, modifications and evolution of the present day technology in the near future too.

Air coolers, ceiling fans, lights, electricity, smartphones, computers, internet etc. are like part and parcel of our daily life. We can't even think of our life without these now. And these things are obviously the outcome of technology. So we can say that the dependence of people upon technology is way too much. Now the prime question is whether this dependence is reasonable or not. Electricity, light, ceiling fans are these days not privilege. These are now basic needs. So, dependence upon these is quite reasonable. Smartphones, computers and the internet have also become one of the basic needs now. After the corona pandemic, the need for these has even increased by a big margin. People now to avoid physical interaction are showing interest in digital means. Grocery, medicine, electronics and many other services are being sold and bought online nowadays. The rise in popularity of digital currency like bitcoin is indicating that people are losing interest in paper currency. Technology has changed the way people used to look at the world. It has of course exposed us to new possibilities.

I would say that relying upon technology is not bad as long as it hasn't become an addiction. We see people obsessed with modern gadgets. We hear incidents where people even sold off their body parts just to have possession over some new gadget. This is obviously bizarre. We should always remember that technology is to make our lives better and not to make it worse.

Question 3. Why Do You Think People Spend So Much Money Buying the Latest Devices?

Answer: The urge to stay or look updated with the latest trends is surely a reason why people spend so much money buying the latest devices. There are many devices which have become a mark of high stature now. Even there exists people who to show off their wealth would spend lots of money buying the latest devices and gadgets. Those who are obsessed with the latest devices or like to collect these devices spend a huge amount of money buying the latest gadgets. These kinds of people do this for personal satisfaction.

Now, it's not that people buy the latest devices spending lots of money only to show off. These days manufacturers tend to update, i.e add new features to the devices each time they release something new. Let's take smartphones for example. Now, if I have each and every feature on my smartphone that a newly released smartphone has then I would obviously not buy the new one. But, if the smartphone has better processor, camera quality, storage capacity then I would surely buy that one, as I would feel the need of all the new features. The same thing goes with any other latest device. The manufacturing companies are always looking to add new features to their products so that people are attracted to them. If the products are worth your money and you really need them, then it is completely okay to spend the sum. But, there are some overhyped and overpriced products available in the market too and it doesn't make any sense to spend money buying those.

Professionals these days spend a lot of money buying the latest devices. Now Spending money to excel in a profession and to raise the bar of their work is completely understandable and reasonable. So, there are of course valid reasons as to why people spend so much money buying the latest devices and gadgets.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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