Team Building Day Friday 17th June Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Sep 12, 2024

Team Building Day Friday 17th June Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. Team Building Day Friday 17th June Reading Answers has a total of 7 IELTS questions in total. In the questions set there are questions where you have to fill in the blanks with correct answers.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers feature topics such as Team Building Day Friday 17th June Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

Section 1


Next Friday, our whole office will take part in team building activities. These activities are aimed to develop our workplace morale and improve workplace projects that involve teamwork. After completing the team building activities together, we should be in a position to better understand each other's strengths, weaknesses, and interests. The whole staff will take part in fun activities that will help us see each other in a different light, allowing us to connect in a different setting.

On Friday, we will all meet at our offices at 8 a.m. Please wear outdoor clothes that you don't mind getting a bit dirty. We don't know what the weather will be like, so bring a rain coat, a hat or cap and maybe some boots that can be used if it rains. At 8.15 a.m., we will go by private bus to the team building location. The event will start with an introduction from the Event Manager. We will then split our group into teams; we've not specified who will be with who - it will all be up to the organisers. To maximise the experience and minimise the waiting around, teams will be of 4 people. We will take part in a variety of activities and we'll end the day with a barbecue. The week after the event we want you to provide some constructive criticism, so that we can assess the success of the day. We would like you to consider the following questions:

  1. What was the highlight of the team building day? When was it and what did you learn?
  2. What will you take back with you from this team building day?
  3. How would you like the next gathering to build on this one? What would be the focus?
  4. What are your three wishes for the workshop organisers that would have made the event even better?
  5. What feedback would you give to your team-mates on their contribution to the event?

Some people have asked about the benefits of this day. In order to be effective, teams must achieve their purpose and meet their responsibilities. We are all familiar with tools such as project planning, staff meetings, etc., that help us with task functions. Yet, human beings are more than just our work. We also need support to maintain positive relationships. Things we do on this side include socialising, celebrating holidays and sharing meals together. These two functions are interconnected and must work together in balance, like the wheels of a bicycle. If one tire or the other is flat, the entire bicycle is affected.

Therefore, we believe that team building is very important if we wish to extract the best out of our workforce. In events such as this team-building day, our employees are urged to work smarter and not just harder, in an effort to deliver the desired results. Though it definitely contributes in its own way, individual brilliance does not singlehandedly decide the fate of an entire team-building project. Almost always, it is the joint efforts (or the lack thereof) of the whole team that eventually decide the success (or failure) of a project. In such cases, team building in the workplace becomes absolutely essential for a number of reasons.

Furthermore, team building will help us to foster better and more open communication between our employees, as well as between the employees and the management. It goes a long way to improving professional relations, understanding and co-operation, and this is very much reflected in the quality of work being done. As well as communication skills, through the series of team bonding events, we'll build skills like planning, problem-solving and dealing with workplace clashes. This will help facilitate long- term team building Sorough fostering genuine connections, deeper discussions and processing. We are confident that this team-building day will significantly contribute towards motivation in our employees and building trust, thereby ensuring better productivity.

Questions 22-27

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

In boxes 22-27 on your answer sheet write:

TRUE - if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE - if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this

  1. Not every member of the company workforce will take part in the team building activities

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement: “.......Next Friday, our whole office will take part in team building activities........”

Keywords: office, team

Keyword Location: para 1, Line 1

Explanation: The passage clearly states that the entire office will participate in the team building activities, meaning that every member of the workforce will take part. Therefore, the statement is false.

  1. The company has been liaising with the team building facilitators to tailor the most effective activities.


Explanation: There is no information provided in the passage about the company liaising with external facilitators or tailoring the activities. Thus, the statement is not given.

  1. Staff will be asked to provide feedback during the barbecue.

Answer: FALSE

Supporting statement: “.......The week after the event we want you to provide some constructive criticism, so that we can assess the success of the day........”

Keywords: event, provide 

Keyword Location: para 2, Line 10

Explanation: The passage specifies that feedback will be collected the week after the event, not during the barbecue. Therefore, the statement is false.

  1. There will be regular breaks throughout the day for drinks and food.


Explanation: The passage does not provide any information regarding scheduled breaks for drinks or food. Therefore, the statement is not given.

  1. Individual flair isn't usually the key element in team-building activities.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: “.......Individual brilliance does not singlehandedly decide the fate of an entire team-building project........”

Keywords: brilliance, does

Keyword Location: para 4, Line 6

Explanation: The passage emphasizes that individual flair or brilliance is not the key factor in team-building activities, but rather it is the collective effort that determines success. Therefore, the statement is true.

  1. It is hoped that the team-building activities will help employees with their

conflict resolution skills.

Answer: TRUE

Supporting statement: “.......As well as communication skills, through the series of team bonding events, we'll build skills like planning, problem-solving and dealing with workplace clashes........”

Keywords: workplace, clashes

Keyword Location: para 6, Line 4

Explanation: The passage clearly states that one of the goals of the team-building events is to help employees improve their conflict resolution skills. Therefore, the statement is true.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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