Synonyms & Antonyms for IELTS Writing

Collegedunia Team

Mar 29, 2022

Synonyms and Antonyms exercises will help candidates to prepare for IELTS reading and writing sections. Regular practice can enhance the IELTS vocabulary knowledge. For candidates practicing daily to fetch their total to 8.0 IELTS band score and ace in the inspection, this writing about synonyms and antonyms for IELTS sample vows to be the straight option. Students can opt for a high score by focusing on the synonyms and Antonyms of the difficult words so that they can illustrate the given IELTS writing topic in a better way.

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Synonyms for IELTS Writing

Synonyms are the words that refer to the meaning of any particular word. A better knowledge of synonyms helps in improving IELTS vocabulary which is required for better writing skills.

Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word provided?

  1. remote
  1. automatic
  2. distant
  3. savage
  4. mean

Answer: b. distant
Explanation: The word remote means faraway, or distant.

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  1. detest
  1. argue
  2. hate
  3. discover
  4. reveal

Answer: b. hate
Explanation: Here detest refers to hate or dislike. Hence hate is the correct answer.

  1. gracious
  1. pretty
  2. clever
  3. pleasant
  4. present

Answer: c. pleasant
Explanation: Here gracious means to be pleasant or courteous.

  1. predict
  1. foretell
  2. decide
  3. prevent
  4. discover

Answer: a. foretell
Explanation: The word predict means to tell in advance or to foretell.

  1. kin
  1. exult
  2. twist
  3. friend
  4. relative

Answer: d. relative
Explanation: The word kin means people with common ancestors or relatives.

  1. pensive
  1. oppressed
  2. caged
  3. thoughtful
  4. happy

Answer: c. thoughtful
Explanation: The word pensive means thoughtful.

  1. banish
  1. exile
  2. hate
  3. fade
  4. clean

Answer: a. exile
Explanation: The word banish means to drive out from home or country, or to exile.

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  1. Fraud
  1. malcontent
  2. argument
  3. imposter
  4. clown

Answer: c. imposter
Explanation: The word fraud is someone pretending to be someone else, or an imposter

  1. saccharine
  1. leave
  2. sweet
  3. arid
  4. quit

Answer: b. sweet
Explanation: The word saccharine means overly sweet.

  1. Drag
  1. sleepy
  2. crush
  3. proud
  4. pull

Answer: d. pull
Explanation: The word drag means to pull.

  1. Jovial
  1. incredulous
  2. merry
  3. revolting
  4. dizzy

Answer: b. merry
Explanation: The word jovial means good-humored or merry.

  1. indifferent
  1. neutral
  2. unkind
  3. precious
  4. mean

Answer: a. neutral
Explanation: Here the word indifferent refers to someone who likes to be neutral.

  1. Simulate
  1. excite
  2. imitate
  3. trick
  4. apelike

Answer: b. imitate
Explanation: Here simulate refers to imitate.

  1. Charisma
  1. ghost
  2. force
  3. charm
  4. courage

Answer: c. charm
Here the word charisma means magnetic charm or appeal.

  1. Apportion
  1. divide
  2. decide
  3. cut
  4. squabble

Answer: a. divide
Explanation: Here the word apportion is to divide and share out.

  1. Generic
  1. general
  2. cheap
  3. fresh
  4. elderly

Answer: a. general
Explanation: Here the word generic refers to in general or common things.

  1. Qualm
  1. distress
  2. impunity
  3. persevere
  4. scruple

Answer: d. scruple
Explanation: Here the word qualm refers to hesitation feeling. Hence scruple is the correct answer.

  1. Wary
  1. calm
  2. curved
  3. confused
  4. cautious

Answer: d. cautious
Explanation: The word wary means to be attentive especially to danger. Hence option d- cautious is the correct answer.

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  1. Distort
  1. wrong
  2. evil
  3. deform
  4. harm

Answer: c. deform
Explanation: The word distort means to deform.

  1. sumptuous
  1. delirious
  2. gorgeous
  3. perilous
  4. luxurious

Answer: d. luxurious
Explanation: The word sumptuous means costly, rich, or luxurious.

  1. Reel
  1. whirl
  2. fish
  3. hit
  4. mistake

Answer: a. whirl
Explanation: The meaning of reel is to move around and round or to whirl.

  1. inscrutable
  1. difficult
  2. mysterious
  3. inflexible
  4. wary

Answer: b. mysterious
Explanation: The word inscrutable means not easily understood, or mysterious.

  1. Appall
  1. delirious
  2. covered
  3. dismay
  4. confuse

Answer: c. dismay
Explanation: Dismay is the correct synonym of the word appall. Appall is usually referred to as a state of overcoming shock.

  1. Upright
  1. honorable
  2. horizontal
  3. humble
  4. supine

Answer: a. honorable
Explanation: Here the word upright refers to honorable or vertical. Also, the words horizontal and supine are both antonyms of upright.

  1. Reverie
  1. palimpsest
  2. phantom
  3. daydream
  4. curio

Answer: c. daydream
Explanation: Here the word reverie indicates the state of being lost in thought or a daydream.

  1. Loot
  1. destruction
  2. waste
  3. spoils
  4. cavort

Answer: c. spoils
Explanation: The synonym of the word loot means goods seized in war or spoils.

  1. Loquacious
  1. talkative
  2. thirsty
  3. beautiful
  4. complicated

Answer: a. talkative
Explanation: The word loquacious is used for a talkative person.

  1. Chimera
  1. chimney
  2. protest
  3. illusion
  4. panache

Answer: c. illusion
Here the word chimera refers to illusion or is a vision of the mind.

  1. Temerity
  1. audacity
  2. fearfulness
  3. shyness
  4. stupidity

Answer: a. audacity
Explanation: Here temerity refers to audacity. More synonyms of temerity would be unreasonable contempt for danger or recklessness.

  1. educe
  1. demand
  2. elicit
  3. ideal
  4. unlawful

Answer: b. elicit
Explanation: Here educe means to draw out something hidden or latent. Hence, elicit is the correct answer.

  1. Nabob
  1. bigwig
  2. doubter
  3. frolic
  4. converse

Answer: a. bigwig
Explanation: Here the word nabob, in general, refers to the huge wealth of any person. Hence bigwig is the correct answer.

  1. Pall
  1. light
  2. satiate
  3. carry
  4. horror

Answer: b. satiate
Explanation: Here the word pall means to satiate; which also means to deprive someone of pleasure in something.

  1. sacrosanct
  1. prayer
  2. sanctuary
  3. pious
  4. sacred

Answer: d. sacred
Explanation: The word sacrosanct here refers to being sacred, or holy.

  1. louche
  1. gauche
  2. fine
  3. brilliant
  4. indecent

Answer: d. indecent
Explanation: The word louche here means indecent or not reputable.

  1. stentorian
  1. violent
  2. misbegotten
  3. loud
  4. stealthy

Answer: c. loud
Explanation: The word stentorian here means loud. The general reference of this word is used to imply a voice of great power and range.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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