IELTS Synonyms and Antonyms List - Sample 2

Collegedunia Team

Nov 20, 2020

Give a read of each query with the utmost care and choose the right phrase that seems as extensively identical in hinting to the words mentioned.

  1. Fervid
    1. Delightful
    2. Difficult
    3. Obstinate
    4. Ardent
  2. Exigent
    1. Urgent
    2. Treatise
    3. Miser
    4. Expedient
  3. Supervene
    1. Intervene
    2. Overreach
    3. Displace
    4. Follow
  4. Impugn
    1. Imply
    2. Fret
    3. Assail
    4. Recalcitrant
  5. Misprice
    1. Despise
    2. Devalue
    3. Erroneous
    4. Covet
  6. Lissome
    1. Slow
    2. Honest
    3. Supple
    4. Dull
  7. Hinder
    1. Lose
    2. Loose
    3. Despair
    4. Check
  8. Diffuse
    1. Difficult
    2. Scatter
    3. Incomprehensible
    4. Unplug
  9. Imperial
    1. Bratty
    2. Oppressive
    3. Regal
    4. Beauty
  10. Vintage
    1. Classic
    2. Alcoholic
    3. Disease
    4. Spoiled
  11. Miserable
    1. Cruel
    2. Wrong
    3. Unhappy
    4. Miss
  12. Cheat
    1. Stingy
    2. Argue
    3. Freckle
    4. Defraud
  13. Vociferous
    1. Numerous
    2. Bountiful
    3. Strident
    4. Garrulous
  14. Propinquity
    1. Habit
    2. Nearness
    3. Capacity
    4. Tendency
  15. Turpitude
    1. Lethargy
    2. Honour
    3. Belligerence
    4. Depravity
  16. Redolent
    1. Ubiquitous
    2. Odorous
    3. Shy
    4. Bellicose
  17. Ersatz
    1. Chaotic
    2. Artificial
    3. Impromptu
    4. Vague
  18. Irksome
    1. Outrageous
    2. Fearsome
    3. Impoverished
    4. Annoying
  19. Wretched
    1. Twisted
    2. Forced
    3. Miserable
    4. Increased
  20. Latent
    1. Dormant
    2. Recent
    3. Effeminate
    4. Desirable
  21. Zest
    1. Gusto
    2. Cram
    3. Worry
    4. Trial
  22. Corner
    1. Display
    2. Trap
    3. Paint
    4. Hurry
  23. Tart
    1. Law
    2. Acid
    3. Angry
    4. Desirable
  24. Deplete
    1. Decorate
    2. Beg
    3. Exhaust
    4. Hurry
  25. Discrete
    1. Leave
    2. Diminish
    3. Squander
    4. Distinct
  26. Rigour
    1. Austerity
    2. Rope
    3. Fix
    4. Excess
  27. Lax
    1. Ensure
    2. Slack
    3. Servent
    4. Strive
  28. Protract
    1. Hire
    2. Fold
    3. Delay
    4. Corner
  29. Warrant
    1. Justify
    2. Burrow
    3. Hide
    4. Integrity
  30. Regulate
    1. Even
    2. Police
    3. Flow
    4. Position
  31. Throng
    1. Carmen
    2. Bell
    3. Mass
    4. Weight
  32. Impel
    1. Force
    2. Block
    3. Hinder
    4. Discredit
  33. Haggle
    1. Tired
    2. Climb
    3. Decrease
    4. Bargain
  34. Refute
    1. Garbage
    2. Deny
    3. Offer
    4. Difficult
  35. Voluntary
    1. Willing
    2. Charity
    3. Prisoner
    4. Careless

Sample answers to the above-mentioned questions:

  1. b. The word fervid means intense interest or devotion, particularly to an undue extent.
  2. a. Exigent means that pressing or demanding for something right at the moment.
  3. d. The words supervene means to happen as one interval or modification during the current circumstance
  4. c. The word impugn means disputing the fact, truth, or integrity of something in particular (an affidavit or motive).
  5. a. The word mispronunciation means to recognize the significance of something or someone by undervaluing it.
  6. c. The word lissome implies being supple or adaptable
  7. d. By the word hinder, a person suggests to delay; one significance of to scan seems to postpone or bring to a stop
  8. b. The word diffuse implies that to disband or outstretched or extend and sometimes even to disperse
  9. c. The word imperial implies that befitting or proposing a commander while the name regal stands for benefitting or indicating a king to do something beneficial
  10. a. The word vintage stands for an ancient and reliable curiosity or masterpiece
  11. c. The word miserable stands for a position of discomfort or grief
  12. d. The word cheat means that to get impacted by norms of dishonesty or to deceive
  13. c. The word vociferous states that being noisy and insistent, frequently during a demonstration of needs or recommendations; strident similarly implies audible and loud.
  14. b. The word propinquity stands for proximity in a spot or period
  15. d. The word turpitude stands for a state of enormity, or corruption
  16. b. The word redolent stands for something perfumed or great of a particular odor, or scent
  17. b. The word ersatz stands for something regularly artificial or inadequate alternative of something
  18. d. The word irksome stands for monotonous or irritable
  19. c. The word wretched stands for someone in a state of extreme distress, or unhappy
  20. a. The word latent stands for eligible of evolving but not presently noticeable, or the state of dormant.
  21. a. The word zest stands for vivid gratification and devotion
  22. b. The word to corner implies that to steer into a nook or to get tangle
  23. b. The word tart indicates that something pleasantly substantial or acidic to the flavor
  24. c. The word deplete stands for reduction or coerce or anything crucial; exhaust implies to vacate entirely
  25. d. The word discrete stands for something separately unique
  26. a. The word rigor implies the stringency of existence or abstinence
  27. b. The word lax stands for a state of relaxation or freedom
  28. c. The word protract implies to lengthen in period or vacuum or to postpone something for the future
  29. a. The word warrant implies to fulfill as sufficient footing or justification, or to rationalize
  30. b. The word regulate stands for bringing something under the custody of the constitution; to police implies to control or maintain the ordinance
  31. c. The word throng means that massive amount of assembled population or a gathering
  32. a. The word impel stands for to move ahead utilizing powerful ethical strength or to compel
  33. d. The word haggle states that to bargain over tenures or rate or to reconcile
  34. b. The word refute implies that to verify untrue or to reject the fact of something
  35. a. The word voluntary stands for getting something accomplished by an individual's self will or choice.

Hoping that the sample questions and answers mentioned above shall help a candidate to crack the examination of IELTS by scoring above the CGPA of 8.0—All the very best in reaching greater heights.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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