Sunshine - IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

IELTS Speaking Part 1 gives a general topic on which you are expected to speak eloquently and cover the topic from various angles. This sample article contains relationship questions from Part 1 of the IELTS speaking exam. The target of this task is engaging in general conversation with the test-taker that includes IELTS speaking topics like home, education, work, family, academics, and more. If your answer is too short your interviewer will provoke you to speak further by asking you questions like “why” or “why not” you like something.

More such topics are available for candidates in the IELTS speaking practice paper.

Topic: Sunshine

Question: Do you like sunshine?

Answer: Yes, I like the sunshine on sunny days. The pleasant and cold weather sunshine, I like the most. But I don’t like sunny days in summers and hot weather. The autumn sunshine is my favorite. The chirping of birds and the sunshine makes my day.

Also, sunshine is very important. There are a lot of benefits of getting sunshine. We get the essential Vitamin D from sunshine. Vitamin D is essential for Calcium absorption and can help us from several medical problems. Too much exposure to the sun can again cause sunburn. So limited-time sunshine is beneficial.

There are just so many things that we can do when on a sunny day. I do think that there’s a connection between the weather and how I feel. On sunny days I gravitate to feel energetic and active while on a cloudy or rainy day I usually feel rather upset and frustrated. So in general, I feel better and get more things done on the days when there’s lots of sunshine.

I like a place with a lot of sunshine more than a place where it’s dark or gloomy most of the time.


  • pleasant-giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment
  • chirping-(of a small bird or an insect) make a short, sharp, high-pitched sound
  • benefits-an advantage or profit gained from something
  • exposure-the state of having no protection from something harmful
  • energetic-showing or involving great activity or vitality
  • frustrated-feeling or expressing distress and annoyance resulting from an inability to change or achieve something
  • gloomy-dark or poorly lit

Also, Check:

Question: What do you usually do on sunny days?

Answer: Usually on a sunny day, I like to sit out in the sun on my balcony and read something. Sometimes I go out to meet my friends for lunch. On autumn sunny days, my parents usually plan a picnic wherein we play badminton, sing, dance, and eat. I love hanging out on my terrace or in the park when it’s sunny. This type of weather is ideal for outdoor activities so I rarely stay inside on sunny days.

Like on last summer vacation, we went to a hill station to enjoy the pleasant weather and a lot of sunshine. I like traveling and visiting new places.

Also, I usually stay indoors in case it is very sunny is very hot outside. I tend not to go out on such days if it isn’t that important.


  • terrace-a level paved area next to a building
  • tend-regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic

Question: Do you often use sunscreen?

Answer: I certainly use a sunscreen on a regular basis. Scientifically speaking, ultraviolet rays from the sun can speed up skin aging, which makes us look less attractive or even makes us more prone to skin cancer.

The sun is the foremost cause of wrinkles, with a lot of studies documenting the impact according to dermatologists. It doesn’t depend on our skin tone or color, wearing sunscreen year-round can prevent skin damage from UV rays, thus minimizing our risk of skin cancers and premature aging.

Unless we are working from home in a windowless room, then most medical experts will advise that to use sunscreen indoors to protect ourselves from the sun's harsh rays. That’s why I have never left the house without putting on sunscreen. And also, even though I love sunshine, I try to avoid being in direct sunlight for too long, otherwise I’ll feel dizzy or dehydrated.


  • Scientifically-by means of scientific methods and principles
  • ultraviolet rays-Short-wave ultraviolet light coming from the sun
  • prone-likely or liable to suffer from
  • dermatologists-a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders
  • Dizzy-faint
  • Dehydrated- having lost a large amount of water from the body
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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