Students Leave High School without Learning a Way How to Manage Their Money IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Jul 27, 2022

Students Leave High School without Learning a Way How to Manage Their Money IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer to the question. The sample answers comprise two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description of the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

Topic: Students leave high school without learning the way how to manage their money. What are the reasons and solutions of this issue?

Model Answer 1:

Money management is the most common issue among people, especially among high school students. Generally, high school students lack the knowledge of personal money management skills due to several reasons that favor such a lack. Some of these manifold reasons include lack of learning from educational institutions about money management, parents’ general notion that their children are immature, and the outcome of their attitude.

The wrong way of handling money comes from the fact that the students are not acknowledged with the right skill of handling money. The school authority engaged the high school curriculum with major subjects of mathematics, science, commerce, and accountancy but left out these basic rules of money handling. This ignorance is reflected in the fact that these students often spent money recklessly without thinking wisely. Money that can be spent in a more useful manner gets spent unproductively. Secondly, the majority of the parents have this misconception that their high school children are immature enough to handle the money at such a tender age. Even all the expenditures made by the children are made by the parents from their accounts. Such limitations make the students less knowledgeable about how they must handle their money with care and spend it wisely. Another reason that supports this claim is teenagers are at a very tender age. Students are more influenced by the materialistic way of living than the lessons taught in school. This made them spend money recklessly on more unproductive materialistic things than the productive area. These reasons bring us clearly to the fact that they cumulatively make the high school students weak enough in terms of money management.

Besides these reasons, a positive way forward can be taken in this direction by the high school authority to arrange lessons for the students where they can be practically taught to handle their money diligently. They must be taught about money management and how effective the process can be and also, the art of saving money. Students must learn how the money can be utilized in productive investment rather than an ineffective way of spending. This skill will help the students in their future endeavors and life.

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Model Answer 2: 

Money handling is a crucial issue and if not handled diligently, it can even lead to bankruptcy. The money management skill must be taught at the basic level, initially in high schools so that it becomes quite easier for them to handle money in the future. But it is found that the majority of the students lack the skills of money handling and their decisions regarding spending money are invalid. This brings us to some of the reasons that contribute to the mishandling of the money by the students. These reasons have been discussed in detail below.

One of the major reasons why high school students lack the skills of money management even after completing their high school is that the students are not taught the art of money handling in their high school. Usually, the school curriculum is so loaded with heavy learning that they are barely left with any free periods to conduct their lessons for money management. The second reason that leads to such failure is that their parents feel that the high school students are not mature enough to handle money. They most often receive the bare minimum amount of pocket money for their monthly expenses. Most of the major expenses of the children from fess to clothes are done by their parents paid through their payment mediums. High school students are hardly given money to pay their school or tuition fees or buy clothes for themselves or any other major expenses. Besides, at such a tender age, these students are more attracted towards the materialistic way of living and spend recklessly on such things which are of no future importance. And the major reason behind this is they are ignorant about the principles of money management.

However, this problem of poor money management can be solved if the required steps are taken at the initial levels, i.e., the high school level. If the students are taught the art of spending money diligently, the importance of the right investment, and how money spending can turn out to be productive, then these money handling skills will become a breakthrough for them in their future life because they are accustomed to the principles of money.

Model Answer 3:

Most often parents complain that their children spend money recklessly and don’t handle the money properly. These students mostly belong to the high school grade or above. But the major problem lies at the core. Such students lack money handling skills because they are not taught about how to manage money at the basic level and this ignorance is reflected in their poor handling of money. Now considering the reasons that favor such mishandling are discussed below.

Usually in school, students are taught about the core subjects of science, mathematics, and commerce. They are taught about how money revolves in the economy but are not taught how effectively money can be evolved. The students are not taught any lesson on money management and such students in the future cannot make more money in the future and get indulged in a vicious cycle of poor money handling. This is one of the reasons why only 1% of the world population are counted as billionaires. Apart from the school, a home is considered as students’ first school and most of the parents feel that their children are not mature enough to own money by themselves. This contributes to their money mismanagement actions where they spend money recklessly.

However, such actions can be stopped by taking correct measures at the initial stage rather. School curriculum must include money management as the mandatory subject apart from the core subjects of mathematics, science, English, etc. Secondly, students must be taught the art of saving money and the benefits of it in the future. Thirdly, parents must start giving their children money to handle, such starting should be made from a small amount of money and gradually the amount must be increased. Apart from this, students must learn the habit of keeping a track record of all the expenditures they are making, so at the end of the month, they are aware of the fact that how much money they have spent in a month and on what things. Students must learn the importance of productive investment and they must explore the ways of doing productive investment rather than reckless spending.

In conclusion, money handling is a crucial subject and students must be made aware of such subjects at the initial level itself.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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