Spice Plant Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Feb 4, 2023

Spice Plant Reading Answers is an academic reading topic. This topic discusses about the spices and how they are used to cook and preserve food. The given IELTS topic has originated from the book named “Cambridge IELTS 6”. The topic named Spice Plant Reading Answers has a total of 14 questions.

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Section 1

Read the passage to answer the following questions

Spice Plant Reading Answers

  1. Spice plants, such as coriander, cardamom or ginger, contain compounds which, when added to food, give it a distinctive flavour. Spices have been used for centuries in the preparation of both meat dishes for consumption and meat dishes for long-term storage. However, an initial analysis of traditional meat-based recipes indicated that spices are not used equally in different countries and regions, so we set about investigating global patterns of spice use.
  2. We hypothesized initially that the benefit of spices might lie in their anti-microbial properties. Those compounds in spice plants which give them their distinctive flavours probably first evolved to fight enemies such as plant-eating insects, fungi, and bacteria. Many of the organisms which afflict spice plants attack humans too, in particular, the bacteria and fungi that live on and in dead plant and animal matter. So if spices kill these organisms, or inhibit their production of toxins1, spice use in food might reduce our own chances of contracting food poisoning.
  3. The results of our investigation supported this hypothesis. In common with other researchers, we found that all spices for which we could locate appropriate information have some antibacterial effects- half inhibit more than 75% of bacteria, and four (garlic, onion, allspice and oregano) inhibit 100% of those bacteria tested. In addition, many spices are powerful fungicides.
  4. Studies also show that when combined, spices exhibit even greater anti-bacterial properties than when each is used alone. This is interesting because the food recipes we used in our sample specify an average of four different spices. Some spices are so frequently combined that the blends have acquired special names, such as ‘chili powder’ (typically a mixture of red pepper, onion, paprika, garlic, cumin and oregano) and ‘oriental five spice’ (pepper, cinnamon, anise, fennel and cloves). One intriguing example is the French ‘quatre epices’ (pepper, cloves, ginger and nutmeg) which is often used in making sausages. Sausages are a rich medium for bacterial growth, and have frequently been implicated as the source of death from the botulism toxin, so the value of the anti-bacterial compounds in spices used for sausage preparation is obvious.
  5. A second hypothesis we made was that spice use would be heaviest in areas where foods spoil most quickly. Studies indicate that rates of bacterial growth increase dramatically with air temperature. Meat dishes that are prepared in advance and stored at room temperatures for more than a few hours, especially in tropical climates, typically show massive increases in bacterial counts. Of course temperatures within houses, particularly in areas where food is prepared and stored, may differ from those of the outside air, but usually, it is even hotter in the kitchen.
  6. Our survey of recipes from around the world confirmed this hypothesis: we found that countries with higher than average temperatures used more spices. Indeed, in hot countries nearly every meat-based recipe calls for at least one spice, and most include many spices, whereas in cooler ones, substantial proportions of dishes are prepared without spices, or with just a few. In other words, there is a significant positive correlation between mean temperature and the average quantity of spices used in cooking.
  7. But if the main function of spices is to make food safer to eat, how did our ancestors know which ones to use in the first place? It seems likely that people who happened to add spice plants to meat during preparation, especially in hot climates, would have been less likely to suffer from food poisoning than those who did not. Spice users may also have been able to store foods for longer before they spoiled, enabling them to tolerate longer periods of scarcity. Observation and imitation of the eating habits of these healthier individuals by others could spread spice use rapidly through a society. Also, families that used appropriate spices would rear a greater number of more healthy offspring, to whom spice-use traditions had been demonstrated, and who possessed appropriate taste receptors.
  8. Another question which arises is why did people develop a taste for spicy foods? One possibility involves learned taste aversions. It is known that when people eat something that makes them ill, they tend to avoid that taste subsequently. The adaptive value of such learning is obvious. Adding a spice to a food that caused sickness might alter its taste enough to make it palatable again (i.e. it tastes like a different food), as well as kill the micro-organisms that caused the illness, thus rendering it safe for consumption. By this process, food aversions would more often be associated with unspiced (and therefore unsafe) foods, and food likings would be associated with spicy foods, especially in places where foods spoil rapidly. Over time people would have developed a natural preference for spicy food.
  9. course, spice use is not the only way to avoid food poisoning. Cooking, and completely consuming wild game immediately after slaughter reduces opportunities for the growth of micro-organisms. However, this is practical only where fresh meat is abundant year-round. In areas where fresh meat is not consistently available, preservation may be accomplished by thoroughly cooking, salting, smoking, drying, and spicing meats. Indeed, salt has been used worldwide for centuries to preserve food. We suggest that all these practices have been adopted for essentially the same reason- to minimize the effects of harmful, food-borne organisms.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Question 27-33:
Reading Passage has nine paragraphs, labelled A–I.
Which paragraphs contain the following information?

  1. an example of a food which particularly benefits from the addition of spices.

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: One intriguing example is the French ‘quatre epices’ (pepper, cloves, ginger and nutmeg) which is often used in making sausages
Keyword: intriguing, example, sausages
Keyword Location: Paragraph D, 4th sentence
Explanation: The author in paragraph D gives various examples of food when mixed with spices. The paragraph also states about benefits that are received. Hence, D is the correct answer.

  1. a range of methods for making food safer to eat.

Answer: I
Supporting Sentence: In areas where fresh meat is not consistently available, preservation may be accomplished by thoroughly cooking, salting, smoking, drying, and spicing meats.
Keyword: preservation, fresh
Keyword Location: Paragraph I, 4th sentence
Explanation: The author states that if fresh meat is not always available, there are ways to preserve it. Preserving food is making it safer to eat. The whole paragraph talks about preservation techniques. Hence, the correct answer is I.

  1. a comparison between countries with different climate types.

Answer: F
Supporting Sentence: Indeed, in hot countries nearly every meat-based recipe calls for at least one spice, and most include many spices, whereas in cooler ones, substantial proportions of dishes are prepared without spices, or with just a few.
Keyword: hot countries, cooler ones
Keyword Location: Paragraph F, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The author clearly mentions the difference of use of spices in hotter and colder countries. The supporting sentence clearly states that. Hence, F is the correct answer.

  1. an explanation of how people first learned to select appropriate spices.

Answer: G
Supporting Sentence: It seems likely that people who happened to add spice plants to meat during preparation, especially in hot climates, would have been less likely to suffer from food poisoning than those who did not.
Keyword: ancestors know
Keyword Location: Paragraph G, 2nd sentence
Explanation: In the first line of the paragraph, the author asks how did the ancestors know which spice to select. Then he answers the question in the whole paragraph. It was almost by trial and error method. This makes G the correct answer.

  1. a method of enhancing the effectiveness of individual spices.

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: Studies also show that when combined, spices exhibit even greater anti-bacterial properties than when each is used alone.
Keyword: when combined, spices, greater anti-bacterial
Keyword Location: Paragraph D, 1st sentence
Explanation: As per the author, it is clear that species exhibit greater antibacterial properties when combined. It is better when combined with other food than when used alone. This makes D the correct answer.

  1. the relative effectiveness of certain spices against harmful organisms.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence: In common with other researchers, we found that all spices for which we could locate appropriate information have some antibacterial effects- half inhibit more than 75% of bacteria, and four (garlic, onion, allspice and oregano) inhibit 100% of those bacteria tested.
Keyword: spices, antibacterial, effects
Keyword Location: Paragraph C, 2nd sentence
Explanation: As per the paragraph, the author states that all spices that were located have the antibacterial effect. The author also mentions the percentage of different spices. Hence, C is the correct answer.

  1. the possible origins of a dislike for unspiced foods.

Answer: H
Supporting Sentence: Over time people would have developed a natural preference for spicy food.
Keyword: natural, spicy food, preference
Keyword Location: Paragraph H, last sentence
Explanation: As per the paragraph H, the author explains that there are many reasons for preferring spiced food. Unspiced food causes health problems and hence, the dislike for unspiced food increases.

Question 34-39:
Answer the questions below with words taken from Reading Passage.
Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer

  1. According to the writers, what might the use of spices in cooking help people to avoid?

Answer: food poisoning
Supporting Sentence: So if spices kill these organisms, or inhibit their production of toxins1, spice use in food might reduce our own chances of contracting food poisoning.
Keyword: spices, kill, organisms
Keyword Location: paragraph B, last sentence
Explanation: The passage clearly shows that spices kill organisms and hence, increase of spice will decrease chances of food poisoning. Hence, food poisoning is the correct answer.

  1. What proportion of bacteria in food do four of the spices tested destroy?

Answer: 100 %
Supporting Sentence: In common with other researchers, we found that all spices for which we could locate appropriate information have some antibacterial effects- half inhibit more than 75% of bacteria, and four (garlic, onion, allspice and oregano) inhibit 100% of those bacteria tested.
Keyword: tested, bacteria
Keyword Location: Paragraph C, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The author directly states that there are spices with which 100 percent of the bacteria can be killed. Hence, hundred percent is the correct answer.

  1. Which food often contains a spice known as ‘quatre epices’?

Answer: sausage(s)
Supporting Sentence: One intriguing example is the French ‘quatre epices’ (pepper, cloves, ginger and nutmeg) which is often used in making sausages.
Keyword: quatre epices, sausages
Keyword Location: Paragraph D, 4th sentence
Explanation: The author states that one of the examples of spice which contains quatre epices is used in making sausages. This makes sausages the correct answer.

  1. Which type of country use the fewest number of spices in cooking?

Answer: cooler ones
Supporting Sentence: Indeed, in hot countries nearly every meat-based recipe calls for at least one spice, and most include many spices, whereas in cooler ones, substantial proportions of dishes are prepared without spices, or with just a few.
Keyword: without spices
Keyword Location: Paragraph F, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The author states the difference of spices used in hot and cooler countries. The passage states that hot countries use at least one spice while in cooler countries dishes are prepared without spices.

  1. What might food aversions often be associated with?

Answer: unspiced foods
Supporting Sentence: By this process, food aversions would more often be associated with unspiced (and therefore unsafe) foods, and food likings would be associated with spicy foods, especially in places where foods spoil rapidly.
Keyword: aversions, associated
Keyword Location: Paragraph H, 2nd last sentence
Explanation: As per the supporting sentence, food aversions would more often be associated with unspiced foods. Hence, unspiced foods is the correct answer.

  1. Apart from spices, which substance is used in all countries to preserve food?

Answer: Salt
Supporting Sentence: Indeed, salt has been used worldwide for centuries to preserve food.
Keyword: salt, preserve, worldwide
Keyword Location: Paragraph I, 2nd last sentence
Explanation: The author states that salt has been used worldwide for centuries to preserve food. This means that salt is used in all countries.

Question 40:
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.

  1. Which is the best title for Reading Passage?
  1. The function of spices in food preparation
  2. A history of food preservation techniques
  3. Traditional recipes from around the world
  4. An analysis of the chemical properties of spice plants

Answer: A
Supporting Sentence: Spices have been used for centuries in the preparation of both meat dishes for consumption and meat dishes for long-term storage.
Keyword: prepare, storage, food, spices
Keyword Location: Paragraph A, 2nd sentence
Explanation: The start of the paragraph says that spices have been used for centuries in preparation of food. It has also been used for storage. Hence, A is the correct answer.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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