Space Based Solar Power Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Dec 27, 2022

Space Based Solar Power Reading Answers contains a write up about space based solar power and its use. Space Based Solar Power Reading Answers comprising 13 different types of questions. Candidates in this IELTS Section will be shown various question types with clear instructions. Space Based Solar Power Reading Answers comprises three types of questions: Matching heading, sentence completion, and Choose the correct option. For Matching heading in IELTS Reading passage, candidates need to thoroughly go through each passage. For sentence completion, candidates need to skim the passage for keywords and understand the concept. To choose the correct option, candidates must read the IELTS Reading passage and understand the statement provided. To gain proficiency, candidates can practice from IELTS reading practice test.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Space Based Solar Power Reading Answers

In an energy-hungry world, new safe ways to generate electricity are constantly being sought.
Space-based solar power, or SBSP, is not yet up and running, but several space agencies and commercial companies are keenly pursuing it.
SBSP is a system that would harness sunlight in space, convert it into electrical energy, and beam this to receivers in the Earth's equatorial zone. SBSP satellites would be in low orbit 1100 kilometers (684 miles) above the Earth.


To date, solar energy has been collected on the ground, but it is estimated there is 144% more solar power available in space as the Earth's atmosphere absorbs light. Furthermore, since our planet rotates, energy can only be collected during daylight. It is possible at the poles to collect light almost continuously in summer, but in winter such plants cannot operate due to snow, ice, and darkness. In space, however, solar power collection could occur around the clock. A further benefit may be that the energy produced could be directed to multiple locations whereas terrestrial power plants are limited to sending power one way into a grid.


Most prototypes of SBSP structures look like a giant tent hanging in space. It's light, hollow equilateral triangular frame is 336 meters (1103 feet) long while its depth is 303 meters (994 feet).

Down two sides are solar collectors, called arrays; on the floor of the 'tent' sit a solar converter and a transmitting antenna. The antenna sends microwaves to Earth. These waves are at a frequency of 2.45-5.8 gigahertz, or somewhere between infrared and radio signals. They pass through Earth's atmosphere easily with only minor energy loss. On Earth, the invisible column of microwave energy - perhaps two to three kilometers (a mile or two) wide - is received by a large oval-shaped rectenna' - a new word combining 'rectifying' + 'antenna'. A pilot beam, also on Earth, ensures the satellite stays in position in space.

Two major technical obstacles remain before SBSP becomes a reality. The first is launching satellites into orbit. While most scientists favor low orbit, others believe a higher orbit like 36,050 kilometers (22,400 miles), about one-tenth of the distance between Earth and the Moon, would harness more sunlight. However, no agency or company has any experience of launching and controlling a satellite in high orbit, and the cost would be exorbitant. The second problem is the wireless power transmission. While this seemed like a physicist's fantasy a few years ago, in 2009, US and Japanese researchers successfully sent microwave energy between two islands in Hawaii which are 145 km (90 miles) apart equidistant to Earth's atmosphere - but it is unknown whether this can be reproduced in space.


SBSP is not a new idea. Dr Peter Glaser designed a system in the late 1960s and was granted a US patent in 1973. The US Department of Energy in conjunction with NASA (the American space agency) conducted feasibility studies in the 1970s, but a conservative administration in the 1980s discontinued investment. Only in 1997 did the US government reconsider the idea.

In 2009, an American commercial company Space Energy Incorporated announced it planned to provide SBSP 'within a decade'. Subsequently, a company called Solaren stated it was likely to provide 200 megawatts of solar power from an SBSP to Pacific Gas and Electric from 2016. PowerSat Corporation has begun the process of patenting a system of interconnected satellites that will project one extremely powerful microwave beam down to Earth. It has also developed a special thruster to lift a satellite from low orbit into a higher orbit.

Small-scale scientific projects connected to SBSP have long been in operation in Europe. In 2010, several private European firms joined the space power race, and scientific conferences were held on electromagnetic wireless transmission in Italy and Germany.

Japanese initiatives

It is the Japanese, however, who have come nearest to producing a reliable system. Both Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and IHI Corporation currently fund research. Since 1998, JAXA (the Japanese space agency) has been involved in all aspects of SBSP, and it predicts its first satellite will be in orbit by 2030.

There are six broad areas that JAXA is working on. These are (1) general configuration; (2) assembly work and operation; (3) solar array; (4) transmitting antenna; (5) power transmission and reception system; and, (6) testing methods. The first of these is the most developed. The solar array and transmitting antenna are second in terms of development. Testing methods are relatively unsolved. Assembly work and operation, and power transmission and reception system remain far from being solved.


SBSP has numerous detractors. There are those people who imagine the microwave beam to be something like a science-fiction death ray. Physicists reassure the public it is a non-ionising wave, like a radio wave or x-ray. It cannot displace electrons from atoms to charge particles, so it does not damage DNA. The waves may be slightly warm, but they present (o danger to wildlife or humans.

Other opponents of SBSP say that while there is neither corrosion nor damage from plants or animals in space, background radiation could harm the satellite. There is the very real danger of collision with space junk as recently happened at the International Space Station, or with small meteors' hitting it. The less likely event of an enemy nation firing rockets to destroy the equipment also causes concern. Repairing an unmanned structure so far from Earth would be extremely difficult.

Solar power via the Moon is an option which some scientists say can be in operation in ten years at a fraction of the cost.

But the majority of those against SBSP consider it expensive and unnecessary given that many other forms of renewable energy on Earth are operating successfully. Terrestrial solar power is relatively underdeveloped; the Arizona Desert in the US, and deserts across North Africa provide easily-accessible locations for new systems that would be five times more cost-effective than SBSP


Nevertheless, as energy requirements accelerate, as unrest in oil- producing regions and nuclear accidents make alternative energy more attractive, space-based solar power may have the future after all.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Question 28:
Which of the following maps A, B, or C best depicts the optimal zone for space-based solar power (SBSP) receivers?
Fill in box 28 on your response sheet with your solution.


Answer: B
Supporting Sentence
: SBSP is a system that would capture solar energy in space, convert it to electrical energy, and beam it to receivers in the Earth's equatorial zone. SBSP satellites would be placed in a low orbit 1100 kilometers (684 miles) above the Earth.
: SBSP satellites, receivers, solar energy, Earth’s equatorial zone
Keyword location
: 3rd paragraph, line 1
: The SBSP system would return energy to the equatorial region of Earth by using the sun's beams as a source of electricity. The SBSP satellites would be placed in a low geosynchronous orbit at a height of 1100 km (684 mi).

Questions 29 - 32:

What are the following statements according to the information in the passage?
In boxes 29-32 on your answer sheet, write:

True if the assertion corroborates the data.
False If The Statement Contradicts The Information, It Is False.
Not Given if no information is available on this

Q29. SBSP would beam solar energy down to Earth.

Answer: False
Supporting Sentence
: PowerSat Corporation has begun the patent process for a network of connected satellites capable of projecting a single extraordinarily powerful microwave beam down to Earth. Additionally, it has created a unique thruster capable of lifting a satellite from a low orbit to a higher orbit.
: beam down to earth, connected satellites, higher orbit
Keyword location
: Section History, Paragraph 3 line 5
: This section states that a PowerSat Corporation network of connected satellites will produce a single, extremely powerful microwave beam toward the planet's surface. Thanks to this cutting-edge propulsion, satellites can now be raised into a higher orbit.

Q30. SBSP satellites would orbit the Earth at a height of 100 kilometers.

Answer: False
Supporting Sentence
: SBSP satellites would be in low orbit 1100 kilometers (684 miles) above the Earth.
: above the earth, SBSP satellites
Keyword location
: Section Introduction, paragraph 3, line 3
: This section makes the case that SBSP might be used to gather solar energy in space, transform it into electricity, and then transfer it to receivers in the equatorial region of the planet. The SBSP satellites would be in low orbit at a height of 1100 kilometers (684 miles).

Q31. Unlike terrestrial solar energy harvesting, SBSP satellites could harvest sunlight 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence
: In space, however, solar power collection could occur around the clock. A further benefit may be that the energy produced could be directed to multiple locations whereas terrestrial power plants are limited to sending power one way into a grid.
: around the clock, terrestrial power plants, solar power collection
Keyword location
: Section Advantages, Line 7
:  This section claims that solar power generation is achievable in space every day of the week, all day long. For starters, unlike terrestrial energy plants that can only feed their outputs into the national grid, solar power plants can produce energy in a variety of ways.

Q32. SBSP may be sent to anyone who has a rectenna.

Answer: Not Given
:There has been no relevant information in the paragraphs related to the question.

Questions 33 - 36:|
Label the diagram.
Choose ONE WORD OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 33-36 in your answer sheet.

Diagram 1

Q33. ______ meters.

Answer: 336
Supporting Sentence
: It's light, the hollow equilateral triangular frame is 336 meters (1103 feet) long
: hollow equilateral triangular frame, light, meters
Keyword location
: Section Design, line 2
: This section states that in the early phases of growth, SBSP buildings can at times resemble a big tent suspended in space. With a length of 336 meters (1103 feet) and a depth of 303 meters, the hollow equilateral triangle frame is light and portable (994 feet).

Q34. solar _______

Answer: Converter
Supporting Sentence
: Down two sides are solar collectors, called arrays: on the floor of the 'tent' sit a solar converter and a transmitting antenna.
: solar collectors, arrays, transmitting antenna
Keyword location
:Section Design, Paragraph 2, line 1
: This part states that a solar converter and a transmitting antenna are on the floor, and arrays of solar collectors run along both sides of the "tent."


Answer: Microwaves
Supporting Sentence
: The antenna sends microwaves to Earth.
: antenna, earth, microwaves
Keyword location
: Section design, 2nd paragraph 2nd line
:This section claims that the antenna transmits microwaves to the earth. These waves have a frequency range between radio waves and infrared waves, between 2.45 and 5.8 gigahertz.

Q36. ________

Answer: Rectenna
Supporting Sentence
: On Earth, the invisible column of microwave energy — perhaps two to three kilometers (a mile or two) wide — is received by a large oval-shaped 'rectenna'
: Invisible column, oval-shaped, microwave energy
Keyword location
: Section design, 2nd paragraph line 6th
: This section describes a massive oval-shaped antenna called a rectenna, a new word formed by combining the words "rectifying" and "antenna," that receives the invisible column of microwave energy, which is around two to three kilometers long.

Questions 37 - 39:
Label the diagram.
Choose TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 37-39 in your answer sheet.

Diagram 2

Q37. _________

Supporting Sentence
: There are six broad areas that JAXA is working on. These are (1) general configuration.
: Six broad areas, JAXA
Keyword location
: Section Japanese initiatives, 2nd paragraph 1st line
:This section states that JAXA has six major functional domains, with general configuration being the first.

Q38. ________

Supporting Sentence
: There are six broad areas that JAXA is working on. These are (3) solar array
: Six broad areas, JAXA
Keyword location
: Section Japanese initiatives, 2nd paragraph line 2
: This section mentions JAXA's six major divisions; the third is a solar array.

Q39. ________

Supporting Sentence
: There are six broad areas that JAXA is working on. These are (6) testing methods.
: Six broad areas, JAXA
Keyword location
: Section Japanese initiatives, 2nd paragraph line 3
: This section refers to six major JAXA sections; the sixth is a testing procedure.

Question 40:
Choose the correct letter: A, B. C, or D.
Write the correct letter in box 40 on your answer sheet.

Q.Which represents the view of most critics of SBSP?

  1. It is a fantasy of physicists, and impossible to build.
  2. Dangers in space mean satellites could easily be destroyed.
  3. It is better to concentrate on clean energy production on Earth.
  4. Oil and nuclear energy are cheaper in the short term.

Answer: C, it is better to concentrate on clean energy production on Earth.
Supporting Sentence
: Other opponents of SBSP say that while there is neither corrosion nor damage from plants or animals in space, background radiation could harm the satellite.
: corrosion, plants or animals, SBSP
Keyword location
: Section Disadvantages, 2nd paragraph 1st line
:According to this section, SBSP detractors think that background radiation may harm the satellite but that corrosion and animal or plant damage are not a worry.

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