Some People Think Young People Are Not Suitable For Important Positions In The Government IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Aug 12, 2022

Some People Think Young People Are Not Suitable For Important Positions In The Government IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people think young people aren’t suitable for important positions in the government while other people think it’s a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1

As it happens with every position of authority that is capable of making changes for good. It has always been debated whether young people should occupy those positions, or should they remain with old people. The root cause of this debate is probably the changing value system of the society which would not reflect in bodies that govern us. However, unless young people are given a chance and hence a crucial section of society will remain unrepresented. Old people on the other hand argue that these changing values of societies will blow over in no time. Moreover, governance should be based on experience rather than representation.

Some people think that young people aren’t suitable for important positions in the government because they lack the experience and knowledge. Experience and knowledge are required to hold such positions, they will be prone to mistakes and in government such mistakes can have serious consequences. Another argument that they forward is that government is a matter of practical expertise and work in government positions isn’t what they write in books. It differs on a case-to-case basis and requires the kind of intelligence that only comes from ages of experience in the field. Government, as a machinery, is too sensitive to be left for young people’s trials and errors.

Other people, those who think it’s a good idea for young people to take on these positions. These people argue that only the young population is aware of the challenges we face at present. Further, is keen to develop solutions to the problems because the old methods aren’t working. Young people can be the carrier of change in the government which it so desperately needs. Because if the old methods were working, the governance problems wouldn’t exist. They further argue that young people represent the innovation, curiosity, and intelligence relevant to the present. However, if not given a chance their potential will become a relic of the past in the coming future. In addition, their solutions won’t apply as the needs of society would be different.

In my opinion, the positions in the government should be a mix of young and old. The sectors that need modern intervention should let young people be in-charge. These can be like the environmental crisis has its solution in science that is being researched now by young people. Because it poses a threat to their future. People with experience should manage sectors that haven’t changed much. These are diplomacy which is a sector that requires friendships forged over time and quite a lot of practical knowledge.

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Model Answer 2

As far as positions in the government are concerned, some people believe that young people should be allowed to take the lead. This can be justified with the tree shedding its old leaves and making way for new ones. However, others believe that old people handling the government is better because they have been doing it for long enough to know how the system works. Further, the government has no place to conduct experiments due to the weight of consequences that every government action carries with it.

The group of people that believes that young people shouldn’t be allowed to hold important positions in the government present several arguments. This involves the innovativeness of a young mind that isn't needed to run a government because governance is done through experience. In this, one learns from the past actions and their impact on people. It's quite similar to war experience. An army that has experience of fighting an actual war is considered more skilled in comparison to an army with no war experience. This is even if the latter is slightly bigger in size. Old people or veterans possess a skill set that can't be inculcated in young people through simulation. Because government policies involve an infinite number of scenarios and not all of them have their answers in any book.

Those who believe that young people are suitable for important positions in the government argue that many problems with today’s governance exist. This is due to the fact that the government hasn’t changed itself with time and is being run by the same old people. These people weren’t able to solve the problem in their day. The aim of governance should be satisfaction of maximum wants with minimum friction. And to avoid this friction, the government should keep up with societal changes. These can be possible by inducting young people into important government positions as they represent these changes. For example, introduction of technology into government is a necessity in contemporary world order where Cyber wars have become a threat. Further, technology runs on technical know-how possessed by young people, not on the practical experience exclusive to veterans in the government.

In my opinion, young people are suitable for important positions in the government. Because governance needs to keep up with changes in the society in order to gain wider acceptance.

Model Answer 3

Society is a dynamic entity and with every profound change in the values or foundation. These impose questions such as; who is better equipped to solve the current problem – young people or those who have been running the show. Since the development of modern nation states governments have been tasked with solving societal problems and satisfying societal wants. In light of that some people want young people to take important government positions. Because their innovation is required to solve newly emerging problems while others believe that young people are volatile. Hence no match for the experienced people already holding important positions with the government.

A section of society deems young people as suitable for important positions in the government. Because for them governance needs innovation, induction of new technology and troubleshooting methods relevant to present day societies. They argue that if young people are given important positions within the government, they will be able to fasten the pace of development. Because they carry new ideas and unique solutions to issues that people face today and such issues that are likely to jeopardize the future.

Another section of society says that young people aren’t suitable for important positions in the government. Since young people represent the kind of inexperience and experimentality that can’t be risked in government actions due to its sensitive nature. For example, young people are known to have strong idealistic affiliations. Because they have been newly initiated into it and they tend to envision a utopia due to inexperience. This could make young people seem uncompromising while the government, especially diplomacy, seeks amicable solutions involving some degree of compromise. Inexperience could prove disastrous at important positions within the government. Because government policies influence millions of lives everyday and they need to be delicately handled.

In my opinion, young people aren’t suitable for important positions in the government. Rather they should start at grass root level positions and build their experience. So that when they finally become old enough to occupy important positions, their experience and knowledge would be able to serve the purpose.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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